What are some games that you don't want other people to know you play?

What are some games that you don't want other people to know you play?

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>He doesnt own a computer

Any games at all.

All my colleagues think I just read and watch history channel. I like that.

Every japanese game till I move out of my parents house.

has anyone actually played those games advertised on porn sites?
are they any good?

Your colleagues think you're an idiot?

I was thinking of playing Kamihime Project or whatever it's called that gets those short video ads on hentai haven.

I'd rather not people know I play weebshit like Senran Kagura or Nights of Azure but I don't particularly care much either.

Sogna - Viper RSR
Empress - Starless Nymphomaniac
Seismic - Liru

If you don't have these games you are a fagget.

I'd rather have people know I play video games than them think I take History Channel seriously.

All my porn games of course.

Just so you know, your "colleagues" think you're an idiot.

>Tell me fiancee about AA2.
>She wants to play, so I set it up for her.
>She spends a lot of time making females and giving me their cards to use
>Sucks me off under the desk while my character fucks her character
There was awhile there where she was on the game more than I was


Free Cities

>Told my wife about this game even though I haven't even played it

Any weeb games


I've had this same dream too user

Only good show History ever had was Modern Marvels

what are some games where you don't have adblock because you're dumb?

Okay, she never actually sucked me off under the desk while I played. But the game was great foreplay

>tell wife about porn game
>"uh okay"
>get really upset, don't think she believes me
>open it up in a tab to prove to her and the kids that it exists
>they realize I'm a lot more knowledgeable than they expected
>feel satisfied that my family is aware of tentacle porn now

Okay I don't actually have a girlfriend, but I designed my girls imagining someone else made them for me.

Can I tell my wife if I'm over 25 and have a computer?

That's nice.
No, don't be silly

Custom maid 3d 2
It's a dress up/poser game, but more importantly it's a concentration of all sorts of my fetishes :loli, trap, amputee, monster girls, etc...
If a (normal) person see my Cm3d2 screenshot folder, they will never see me the same way again.

t. Kurt

don't give up user, maybe it'll come true one of these days

Too bad asshole. I just told my wife about this game. It's all over for you.

Ok telling people about games. The amount of time spent on said games NNNNNUUUUUUUUU way.

>Firefox doesn't even show AdBlock in recommendations anymore
It sucks that corporate America reverse engineered the program and use everything they can against it. Ublock Origin is now recommended.

There's a gaming news website called lewdgamer. They do reviews and shit for porn games.

So, which part is hard to believe. The girlfriend? The girlfriend that doesn't care if her boyfriend plays porn games? The girlfriend that enjoys porn games? Because, statistically, all of those are very likely. If you want proof I can take a picture of her period pads for you.

network wide DNS adblocking is the current trend, anti-adblock sites can't do shit about it.

Just post her tits or gtfo. Those are the rules.

What are some games where sometimes websites manage to circumvent adblock and it's not entirely uncommon to see a few ads, also get ublock you fucking plebeian?

This. I support a couple of porn games on patreon and I have to be careful or it'll announce to the world that I support porn games on my facebook or on discord.

t. buttblasted neo nazi

This. My hosts file list is like 56k lines long, and likely out of date, full of ad services and other malware services.
For anyone interested search "someone who cares hosts file"


Doesn't the history channel do nothing but pump out videos about how aliens built the pyramids?

Fairly certain there is no actual game.
I've never actually clicked one though.

If its anything like most clickbait ads it will just open 20 more ads when you click it.


>triangular shapes pointing to the sky

Yeah, I know,
But at least they don't think I'm a child


now i'm just curious to click and see what happens

Most of those ads use pictures from some other shit anyway.

Any porn game like Princess Trainer really


Do you think yourself childish, user? I'm also curious where you work that your colleagues' opinions of your hobbies would be so valuable to you.

Video games are disgustingly mainstream to the point where I don't know why you'd be worried that they'd see you that way, unless they're as pretentious as you seem to come off.

Yeah, I play Undertale.
Don't tell Sup Forums though they'll get autistically mad

Neptunia rebirth 1, I'm lvl 999, the thing is hidden under 5 or so carpets with names like winsys32 I'd be more worried if someone founds my waifu folder though

When the wife is away I Play a bunch of porn games where you fuck a loli.

She thinks I don't watch porn at all.

there is actually software that does basically the same thing, acting like a personal DNS but using subscribed lists like adblock/ublock.

I'm using a $10 rasberry pi but I'm sure you could use your main PC or whatever.

>RPi for ad blocking purposes
Looks like I'll be adding that to my list of projects for the thing.
Is that all you use it for?

Violated Heroine is my favorite H game
also porn is the only reason I even bought skyrim

I have two pis, a rpi3 which I use as a secondary media box (I have a bunch of boxes all connected to my Plex on the NAS) and one which is a zero w which I'm using soley for pi hole currently.
I was thinking about also setting up a VPN on the zero w so I can manage my network from overseas but I don't know if it will handle it, I should probably research it some more.

>modded skyrim to hell and back
>have the sexlab framework
>haven't added actual sex mods and am just playing the game

this isn't how I expected this to turn out


I like having the porn mods as a sort of new story to go through. I have literally never even started the main quest line.

As much as I hate ads (and use blockers as well) you can't really rant about companies trying to fight ad blocks...

Unless you want to pay subscription for all those totally free sites you've been visiting.

They definitely do. You think Vidya or similar = child. You might be stuck in a teenage mindset and they all see it.


I've heard Pi's can manage VPN just fine, I can't really see pi hole or a vpn sever being terribly demanding. I'm not an expert on that though
Then I'll go elsewhere. Seriously, it doesn't bother me. If enough companies do it, maybe things will go back to the way they were when the internet wasn't consolidated into 15-20 major sites

I just looked it up, the zero w should do it easily which is great.

It's not going to be anything demanding, I just want to know I can completely handle my router and NAS while out of the country because it will probably be about a year before I can touch either of them with my own hands.


That's good. Nothing worse than not being able to update your home network, and not having anyone back home that you can trust, or who is knowledgeable, to make the changes for you. And with the other Pi, you'll have all of your media with you as well which is nice.

Dead or Alive Xtreme, Gal Gun, Senram Katsura, etc
Ironically I bought them as a sort of beard. I don't enjoy them but my family doesn't suspect that I'm gay if I've got pretty pervy games like that

Monster girl quest & and currently mgq paradox

obvious one

maybe if the ads weren't intrusive unintelligible pop-up garbage that becomes more tryhard and forcefull everyday and ruin the lay-out of the site and sometimes use distracting animations

there's just no quality control on this shit. the only difference between ads on a respectable site from a big company vs a porn site is no porn in the thumbnail. never mind that the link can still lead to porn though

Reminder that Kurt Eichenwald has paid thousands of dollars for CP

lol they can get fucked. I will never stop using adblockers.

Princess Maker 2 is one of my favourite games, for entirely NON SEXUAL purposes. I just say I don't like video games if anyone asks

Unironically neopets

Neither would I. This still doesn't revoke their right to fight ad blocks.

I agree that shit, see solution. I truly think it's a good idea to boycott sites with intrusive ads, but it's also impractical. Not enough people would do it.

It isn't that unlikely. Looking at research on the subject, girls on average are into filthier porn than men. Men don't tend to stray from their preferences while women get aroused by anything sex-related even if it's just cartoons (!) or hyenas courting.

Having sex in an unusual location or situation (such as oral under the table while gaming) is also a very common fetish for both men and women.

I personally don't get the appeal, it's just distracting. I don't want to ruin a blowjob by playing video games and I don't want to ruin video games by making it into foreplay.

getting a blowjob while doing something is one thing, "my fiance personally designed me some anime girls in a porn game to enjoy while she sucks me off" is another.
It's plausible but is still fucking retarded and likely just some virgin day dreaming with his keyboard.

>carrying about "EXPRESSING YOURSELF"
>carrying about telling a bunch of old retarded people who can barely do the job they are doing that YOU LUV VIDYA GAAAAAMES
>carrying about telling anything to anyone who has sway over whether you are fired/let go/promoted
You neofaggot types are garbage
If you work in an industry that expects you to be a soulless machine, don't mention that you have a soul


sims 4
other porn games

>adblock pus doesn't block porn site ads
>ublock origin doesn't block pornsite ads either

She didn't personally design them for me, she designed them for her and I and I liked them so she gave me the cards. She's pretty submissive, as it is, and the idea that I'm using her as nothing more than something to use so I don't need to clean up after climaxing is hot to her.

Anything not FPS or sports game.

i've fucking had it with that god damned tree, it dies now

>your co-workers probably make fun of you behind your back over being a retard

you're marrying a cuck, bail while you can

My giant collection of porn mods for sims 3 and 4

I fail to see how her being submissive makes her a cuck, please enlighten me. Besides, cuckqueaning is an amazing fetish and if that's her then why would I get rid of that?

Fallout Shelter

Doesn't sound like a good dream, it's too detailed and the details are in all the wrong places. Not saying it's real, just that it's a lame fantasy since it's a bland version of reality.

Girls like dress-up and character customization. Simulation-type games are also very popular among girls, and isn't that what AA is?

In case I wanted that in real life I definitely wouldn't consider her characters the arousing part. Sure, she could non-sexually design me a few girls or make them together for fun but that wouldn't be the arousing part in getting a blowjob during a porn game.

Played Crush Crush on Steam. Turns our you can do a timeskip glitch and beat the game in like 2 hours.

Unfortunately the NSFW version is on nutaku so I missed out. According to the annoucements there's gonna be be voice actors soon.

3/10 not worth it

Call of Duty.


>mfw I accidentally told my wife about this game

>it's inconceivable to me that this event would happen
>i know personally every woman and how they are in relationships
those are what you're saying. Even though I said the BJ was a bit of fluff, but the rest of what i said was true.