
How do I git gud at this game?

Playing on PC. I have a steel series sense I or a g203 which should I be using?


reminder that this bait thread would not exist if phoneposters couldnt make threads.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

you dont, the game is trash and has low skill ceiling because loool ultimates

It's been 7 years I think since the show came out, aren't you guys bored of it

I really hate these fucking freaks

I'm tired of it and I've never even watched more than 5 episodes but I went on the board and now I cannot permanently leave.

Autists thrive on repetition. It's what keeps them going throughout life. Not to mention the obvious fact that autists have a death-grip on things they like.

holy shit you are autistic



Not really, I just hate these fucking faggots

Its been 7 years and people are still triggered by it existing. I think that justifies its existence.

>Autists thrive on repetition.
The fact it was you that typed this just killed me.

>Autists thrive on repetition
I guess that's why you've been BarneyFagging for years

This is rich, coming from the king of reposted images.

That doesn't mean you aren't autistic

Well to be fair, Rule 15 pretty much means I can shit on these fags all I want since the mods apparently hate these faggots as much as I do right now.

>Autists thrive on repetition.

>stay politically correct here
Wow what a fucking loser. I'd side with ponies any day of the week if it makes fags like this mad.

Thank you for at least admitting you're autistic
And don't play dumb, we all know you're the one who makes these threads.

ded gaem

>implying I won't bump this thread

Yeah, that's why you shit on them in Sup Forums rather than attacking them on their turf. What's wrong? Afraid to get blown the fuck out, like you usually do when you put palm to keyboard?

If you aren't attracted to Glim, you are literally, actually gay.

>Autists thrive on repetition.


>Autists thrive on repetition

I prefer her girlfriend

Hang yourself you fucking degenerate

(((Goldson))) LARPing as an e-vigilante as usual


If /mlpol/ still existed this would not be a problem

Coulda sworn I replied to the other post but ok.
Glimmer a shit

Why did Lee Goldson willingly take a photo with a cartoon horse in the frame? It seems almost intentional. Is this a secret admission? Like when hostage victims blink 'help me' in morse code.

>What's wrong?
I feel that if I'll give them the safe haven that they were given. I don't attack them on their turf so that they'll have less of a reason to attack other boards in retaliation. Not to mention the collateral damage, possibly spamming a whole board simply because of a few stragglers.

Die kike. MLP is redpilled, you are trying to stop it so shitty oriental cartoons can reign supreme.

Glim is literal fucking shit and doesn't hold a candle to the true best horse, Shimbles

lower your sensitivity and get a bigger mouse pad
Barneyfag looks almost exactly like me. It's upsetting.

>seven years later
>anti-brownies are STILL triggered by a fucking cartoon
Friendly reminder that the only reason horsefuckers exist is because autists on Sup Forums were relentlessly triggered by pictures of ponies, causing trolls to propagate ponies even more intensely, leading to exponentially greater exposure


Kill yourself degenerate, I'm not even trying to defend or support weeb cartoons, I just think your shit should just fucking die

You have a 70s porn director mustache and a penishead haircut?

>I don't attack them on their turf so that they'll have less of a reason to attack other boards in retaliation.
You're beyond delusional.

>thread still up

Back to /mlp/ and uninstall your life via rope