Final chapter: game title

>final chapter: game title

>Final Chapter: end of line

Objective : Make this count

>final boss: game title

>Objective: Run.

>prepare to die

>we have to stop him, or [game title] will happen

>Game Chapter: "Game Chapter"
>soundtrack: "Game Chapter"
>Achievement: "Game Chapter"
>Ally companion: "Well, this is "Game Chapter""
>Bad guy: "And this is "Game Chapter""

Chapter: Endgame

Thanks Steven Merchant

>final mission description: "..."

what part of portal 2 was this again

>Final Boss:[Game Title]

tales of graces

>Final Objective: Live in peace

>Treasure Hunt: Locate and find your purpose

>We have to stop Sin or else this will be our Final Fantasy

What did Yuna mean by this?

>first letter of each chapter spoil the game

>we have to stop him, or The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition will happen
dumb polacks

Ringo is Tadakuni's dream self.

the part where he kills you

Dead space 1 was so good