The Nintendo Switch will sell 20 million or more in its first year

The Nintendo Switch will sell 20 million or more in its first year.

True or false



Atleast 15 million but who knows, a lot of kids will want mario and a switch for christmas

>The Switch has already sold 5 million copies
>Splatoon 2 just launched
>Mario isn't out yet

20 million easily

who cares

>20 million
>The hype is already dying down and it's only 4 million units deep

This shits starting to be in stock everywhere and people don't care anymore.

It could, but the supply issues they're having are pretty rough, so they won't.

>The hype is already dying down
Except Splatoon 2 just sold 650k units and 100k systems in Japan alone in 2 days, you absolute retard.

False, but it could in its second year.

As a Wii U owner, I'll wait for it to sell more than 12 millions units before judging it. The first 5 million sales are easy.

False to actually selling, but true that there are 20M who want to or already own it. The supply issues are going to cap sales at 10M.

Switch has been out for 4 months and has nearly 5 million units sold (4.7m I think)

Factor in there are a little over 4 more months in this year, it's doubtful. 10m maybe?

>650k units
This is your idea of a killer app?

>implying they will make 20 million to sell.

this is nintendo..

650k is 50% of the japenese popularion

how much is Switch exactly?
it say 299 burgers on the wiki but listed 380+ burgers on most online retailers
is this nintendo marketing tactic of just supplying shit little below the demand again?

This is why scapers are making money everytime Nintendo shit out something

>The first 5 million sales are easy.
Took the Wii U over a year to get five million

they won't even produce nearly that many

False, Nintendo is projecting half of that for its first year, and we have to keep the NAND shortages into account. Nintendo will be hindered by that for a solid two years.

Also, bear in mind that in a 3 month period, it sold under 2 million. Extrapolate that number outwards, thrice over, and you get roughly 10 mill.

Im guessing high 16s low 17s
If it hits 20m I will be surprised, but not shocked.

>Even the Wii U sold 5 millions in it's first year.

In Japan? In the middle of summer? And with only 1.2 million install base cause they can't make units fast enough? Yes, it certainly is. Nintendo games don't stop selling after the first week like most western games do.

Why blue and red?

Well, the number shipped right now is hindered by manufacturing shortages. Nintendo plans to shift into a higher gear in November or so, so plan on those numbers going a bit higher.

So how badly is it doing everywhere else that you need to cherry pick japan numbers? I already know it flopped in UK being unable to beat a several week old game on it's launch week.

But it didn't

Why are Nintendildos so bad at math?

650k isn't even close to 1/10th the population of Tokyo, let alone Japan.

How many people do you think live on this planet? It isn't medieval times anymore.

Those are the first numbers you got, you imbecile.
It's actually pretty impressive they got to number 2 at Sonnygger central.

Its the multiplayer set.
Red and Blue player 1 and 2.

If you knew anything about the phone industry, you'd know that the shortages aren't gonna end anytime soon. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, and guess what launches later this year...

>Calling a whole country biased
You fuckers are so desperate. Like I'll give you this, you're using real numbers generally, but you're using them because you think they're impressive when the average big release makes this look like indy game sales.

Salty fucking sonyger bitchtears lmao

False, we're more than halfway through the year and it's barely breaching 5 millions. Even with a huge Holiday boost I can't see it going much farther than 15 millions at most, especially considering the constant shortages.

We're talking about Japan numbers at the end of July, so they are, as a matter of fact, really impressive.

False, but it'll still 20 million for 2018.

False, if only because they cannot produce 20 million within that time frame.

>mfw he takes the b8 this hard

>I was just pretending
I was just arguing with a moron a few minutes ago who kept insisting the Switch had sold 7 million units cause he was too stupid to know how to read a chart. I wouldn't put anything past you retards anymore.

5 million was produced in 4 months but 15 million can't be produced in 8?

It'll most likely break 10 million, especially with the Holiday + BING BING WAHOO boost that'll happen for sure, but I doubt they'll hit 20 million so soon, especially considering how bad shortages seem to be.

Yes, millions of kids just want to play the latest marios

Have you considered he was trolling too?

>Using japa numbers
>Less than 1M units

Kill yourself , faget

They had some of those 5 million produced well before the launch.

They are going to make money. So is Apple and so are the people that make the parts. Those greedy fucks will make sure of that.

Be assured they will have their slant eyed wage slaves working 70 hour work weeks to get everything done.


False, it's sold 5 mil so far and I can't see it rising to more than 12-15 over it's first 12 to 18 months.

The truth is, most people who want one have bought one. These people are the '90s kids/normies' for the Zelda and Mario plus people in their 30s and 40s with kids who want to play the new Zelda and show their kids.

Kids don't want a switch so I don't think you'll see a huge surge at christmas.

Plus after Mario, then what are people going to buy?

Wew, what happened to "MUH 900k JAP PREORDERS" user?

Not that guy, but I always enjoy falseflagging an argument I was never in to make some dickhead look like an even bigger dumbass.
>user A: If you guys didn't like Other M, you're such and such
>user B, C, and D disagree
>you primefags are so easy to troll
I don't even care about metroid I just like seeing fanboys get their titties in a tussle

>Plus after Mario, then what are people going to buy?

Pokemon, metroid. The inevitable smash brothers and animal crossing games

You enjoy making a bad discussion worse. So you also enjoy throwing garbage into land fills ?

Parts shortage has jack shit to go with assembling.

Animal crossing and Pokemon (Pokemon to a larger extent) is the only two that appeal to the larger audience though.

>a lot of kids will want mario and a switch for christmas
user, are you serious?

People make the parts they don't grow on trees idiot

That was an estimate from a third party. In any case, those 650k units sold are only physical games, so it most likely sold over a million in Japan alone.


I doubt they will sell 20 million
The switch will sell 16 or 18 million

What's MK9 going to be like anyways?
Where do you take the innovation a step further?

Nooo..... Kids will want the new iPhone 10 this Christmas. Gen Z kids give zero fucks about Nintendo and gaming. They get a lot more out of their Smartphones and tablets. Only hipster Manchildren still pretend Mario and Nintendo are relevant in modern times.

I just want a normal good Mario Kart game without all the bullshit gameplay innovations and technical difficulties.

False, they're only going to manufacture 10 million of them in the first year.

they can only produce 10 mil and they wont even reach it thanks to Apple

I'd also like an online Mario Kart SNES

Why does Apple have to ruin everything?

you know sony made $20 of every iphone 6 sold and similar amount in ip7 ?

and Apple is hoarding all the component to manufacture the ip8

>kids dont like games anymore
Whatever you say user. Also not everyone is a shit parent and buys their 11 year old a smartphone

True, it will sell 10+ million with Mario Oddysey in the holydays

correct, but by that age they want shooty bang bang cawwadooty.

The reality today is tablet/smartphone games -> mature games for mature gamers like myself -> discovering their niche

I'd argue the vast majority of Sup Forums is 17-30 and we've all found that 'niche' you like and stick to. Unfortunatly in 15-20 years time people will pine for simpsons tapped out and game of war timers

Fucking lel, I bet it barely sells that much in its lifetime. The Shitch is a fucking blunder just like the PeeYuu.

I would estimate closer to 10 mil due to NAND shortages.

I don't understand that shit. Is there only one fucking provider of those in the entire world or what?


11 mil after a strong Xmas

That's currently the 4th largest console game launch in 7 years

Says you. Based Apple is doing God's Work.

I tried to get one and couldn't buy one, didn't want a wiiu. Oh well BOTW works on emulator if you have a decent gaming rig. Guess I'll just update my computer instead.

false. a little over 10 mil. max

It will outsell the best selling ps4 game of all time on Japan by the weekend

>in japan

Nintendo's policy of artificial shortages will make it so that it sells five (5) units.

This is still a thing. Just stop