This kills the xbox emulation scene

this kills the xbox emulation scene

Other urls found in this thread:


>dont know what this is
>research it
>now want to kms
user fuck you


>tfw I have the 360 dev kit that works with all regions games

Would've been better on Sup Forums

whyd you have to remind me

But an alpha kit has nothing to do with emulation lol

We can't know for sure, he deleted the HDD contents. Even a beta/alpha version of a game would contribute something but no, PC CASE AMIRITE XDXD

One of reddit's greater offenses

And nothing of value was lost!

Even with a HDD it wouldn't be that useful for emu stuff, maybe it could have had a prototype OS or something but even then we already have the entire Xbox OS source code, so the most that'd be useful for is curiosity.

You're right about the game protos though, IIRC alpha kits were only really given to actual good devs so there was probably some neat stuff on there.

I heard it was already bricked when he got it though, still that idiot should have made an image of it instead of reformatting it though (like why would you even reformat a 20gb drive? did he really need that extra 20gb?)

Sucks that good shit like this always ends up in the hands of idiots with no clue how to make use of it properly.

The wounds are healing slowly

he needs to be burnt at the stake for this

Atleast reddit lost their shit aswell

Why did you have to remind me of this shitstain.

Look up xqemu too, IIRC it's got much better compatibility than cxbx, but since it's a modification of qemu it's actually emulating the entire box, down to needing the Xbox boot rom and even using it's own x86 interpreter, making it slow as shit.

Glad they're both being worked on though, maybe we'll actually have good Xbox emulation sometime this decade

What is it about people on Reddit that means that they come across great things and then do the worst possible thing they could with them.

They are decent persons and do the right thing.
The fact that if you found a lone little girl you would try to rape her on the spot rather than alerting the police doesn't make them "wrong" and you "right"

There have been some times where reddit delivered, the majority of their site is made up of complete idiots though

Seriously speaking, will we ever get Xbox emulation?

post pic with timestamp
also you have no face.

It is already existed on 360, and will be on XBO.

it will be a while since people rather just mod an xbox or play the pc version of the games

Microsoft could end up offering their backwards compatability system that they use on 360 and xbone on PC eventually and that might kill demand for an xbox emulator although they're not strictly the same

>mfw I have one that works
>tfw I will never use it and just keep it

Remember the bullshit talk from the time XBox got released?
>it's just a PC in different box
>we'll natively run xbox shit in 2 weeks max
Now years past and all you hear now is crickets or the retarded excuse that it's not worth it.

Someone give me the rundown


Some reditor got hands on one of the rare XBOX dev kits
Purged the machine and made a case for his PC from the carcass.

You can count on your hands the number of exclusives worth making an emu for, that's probably the #1 reason barely anyone has tried working on it.

Surprising though since the Xbox OS source code + HW docs leaked in like 2002 (which is where all those modded BIOS's came from), you'd think with that emu devs would have their work cut out for them.

Redditor destroyed one of only 50 original xbox dev kits to use the case for his shitty custom pc build.

That wasn't emulation, they recompiled the games.
Also a valid way to go, I know of at least a few people who have tried making transpilers for older systems using LLVM (console binary in one end -> native executable on the other end)

The catch is that its a lot more difficult without good documentation.

The emu on the 360 was actual emulation, the emulator executable even has some refs to an older MS VirtualPC app they used to make for mac IIRC.

Not sure about the XBO emu though, I know they did recompile 360 games for XBO, but I doubt they'd recompile Xbox orig games, most of them probably don't even have source code which will build properly, most likely will just be a port of their 360 emu

Oh and IIRC there was some modded emulator files for the 360 emu which let you boot up any Xbox XBE, not just the small list of games they deemed compatible, even some homebrews worked with it.

Not sure if it's that easy to find now though, I remember it was only shared privately back when I first heard of it (sadly like most fun 360 things)

>it was only shared privately back when I first heard of it (sadly like most fun 360 things)

Isn't most of this because people were profiting off of stuff like modded lobbies and so on?

I had no idea.
That actually has pissed me off damn.
How retarded do you need to be?

>xbox emulation
you know i think 99% of original xbox games are probably on steam/GoG for like no more the 4.99.

I want Quantum Redshift goddammit.


You could just recompile the XB>360 emulator and add it to the games.

Is there any difference in the 360 emulation between XB1 and the XB1S with the slight clock speed increase bump? Or is the OG XB1 "sufficient"?

Probably, there was loads of money to be made in the 360 hacking scene, hell I remember back before RGLoader came about people were even selling modded devkit kernels, if there was a way to make money from it someone was selling it.

Some things that were sold off the top of my head:
>resigners/rehashers for modding game saves
>profile editors for modding achievements
>modded game data (eg. modmenus for CoD4)
>XBL auth bypass to use JTAG/devkits on XBL
>FIFA point hacking (there was a group that sold hacked points, they're in prison now but I heard they made thousands from it, like six figures range+)
>hacked kernels like mentioned above (to run devkit on a normal JTAG, or to let a devkit play retail games)

Most of them eventually had free tools released instead, but yeah money was a major motivator for 360 hackers, nothing like how things were with the original Xbox.

That's useless for actual emulation.

Haven't heard of any differences, but it should be possible for them to make some games run at a better resolution/framerate etc on the better hardware.

Not sure if they actually would though since AFAIK they want emulated games to run exactly as they did on 360, eg Halo 3 will probably always stay at 640p or whatever silly resolution it used on 360

Jesus, I didn't know it got that bad, although who knows, maybe the money helped motivate the scene in the long run.

Seriously, someone explain this to me: HOW is reddit responsible for so much shit like this? Say what you want about Sup Forums but it has been behind a ton of shit and leakers and stuff usually manage to deliver. So why does reddit consistantly fuck shit up? Is it for the internet good boy points? I know the guy who gave the starcraft sourcecode back to blizzard did it for that

Literally all that is necessary to justify purging every l.eddit user off the face of the earth. Fuck you just made me enraged again.

Upboats and leddit gold, so yes, literally internet good boy points.

Further proof that Reddit is the worst thing to ever happen to western society.

Remember when reddit got that one linux guy who was having a mental breakdown killed?

>comparing exploding the modding scene of a stupid computer game to literal child rape

woah bud

Upvotes were a mistake

please elaborate

This was honestly worse

Holy shit, why???

>tfw you just paid £16.50 for a Logic 3, Crystal Controller S, and an old Duke Xbox controllers for your soft-modded xbox you just dug out and FTP'd games over to.

Worth it. The markets currently worrying about retro carts.

What they SHOULD worry about in the future is controllers and other accessories.

Finding a good quality PS2 controller these days is getting harder and harder. Same with SNES and Megadrive controllers.

Half tempted to scoop up a 3D saturn controller I saw at my local too.

thankfully not even reddit was dumb enough to get him upboats

nigga you cant preserve controllers
not if you wanna play them
literally against the rules of universe #1:
people are dumb

Wasn't this one because Blizzard was literally on his ass the moment he posted it on reddit? He had to turn that in, they could've sued the shit out of him otherwise.


>what is planned obsolescence: the post

Thats the point of my post though.
All these people gold rushing over retro carts, but whats the good of having carts if you have no controllers to play them with?

Only so many controllers out there. They get roached every year.
And the chink replicas are ususally pretty awful and cheap.
You can only repair so much of them too. Those board will eventually die, cables perish, springs fail, only so much you can solder.

>tfw bought best PS2 controller money can buy
>it's kinda grimy
>open it up to clean it out
>buttons die

Why didn't we dox this fuck so that we could get him to an hero?

it's never too late.

>The fact that if you found a lone little girl you would try to rape her on the spot
That's a rather strange analogy to make, something you'd like to tell us user?

reddit mentality

I don't get the hate for this one
What could he have done with this?

>being a new user during summer

If true, that site really is worse than anything here.

Everyone getting pissy is retarded as fuck. The dude owned the alpha kit. He can do what he fucking wants with it. Buy an Xbox for $20 if you really want to play the games that bad.

Uploaded the source code to the internet.


Kill yourself you summerfag.

for what purpose?

fuck man now i cant play all the good xbox games like halo and uhhh....

nearly every definitive multiplat game

>triggered by pronouns
>triggered by the idea of harming a memester dipshit that deserves it

Fuck off back to l.eddit.

but won't those be the Xbox One BC versions

Devkit wouldn't help with emulation.
The only thing that it could help with is with finding some beta builds of some games.
And even if Devkit would somehow help with making an emulator it would be illegal and people don't like getting sued by Microsoft.

they'd be even better on PC

So why is Xbox so hard to emulate? Redpill me Sup Forums

Having the source code for a game makes it incredibly easy to modify.

id released the source code to all their old games and it led to a whole load of mods for those games and interesting projects like doom being ported onto a calculator.

it's called google, asswipe

it isnt. the thing is that no one really cares about the system

Google told me there was a lack on interest and no exclusives, which I don't see why OPs image really makes much of a difference then

I honestly don't think things would have been any different. We still can't play PS2 games worth a shit. Ridge Racer V, a launch title, still has copious sound, shadow, and texture problems. Gamecube fares alot better but still some heavy hitters like F-Zero GX have a lot of problems, and I haven't even investigated most of the shovelware. 6th generation emulation is decades away if its ever accomplished at all.

Panzer Dragoon Orta, Gunvalkyrie, Brute Force, Crimson Skies, Breakdown

good thing ridge racer 5 is a terrible game anyways

Metal Wolf Chaos too.

How would you leak this without getting raped by blizzard's lawyers?

that makes sense
thanks mate

Jet Set Radio future.
Phantom Dust
Crimson Skies High Road to Revenge

>Brute force
Liked the game as a kid but it's actually garbage.

Jet Set Radio Future alone is worth it


jsrf kind of sucks imo. crimson skies is great though

Nah, there's been a good bit of work done reverse engineering it, we have XBMC for example. The problem is M$ made a bunch of customizations on the graphixxx side and didnt document any of it.

Voodoo Vince and Blinx too, but someone brilliant decided to port Vince to PC for no apparent reason.

Same shit was said when XB1 and PS4 were released.

I sincerely hope that you are ironically shitposting.

I just looked into this and HOLY FUCK HOW CAN SOMEONE DO THIS