Why is League of Legends never talked about on Sup Forums...

Why is League of Legends never talked about on Sup Forums? It is one of the most popular games and is constantly changing. Is there a board just for it that I have not seen?

because it's shit


Because it's overstayed it's welcome by about 4 years

Community is a shell of its former self, being mostly young kids and jajaja Brazilians playing

Pretty cancerous


Because it is p2w garbage.

> It is one of the most popular games
Among children.

>But you talk about minecraft!
Yeah, but they know they're for children.

>is there a board for it I haven't seen?
Along with StarCraft II and CrippleFuckers, /vg/ was CREATED to cordon off the League of Lepers

People are mad they can't carry

It's because Sup Forums hates anything popular. There are many problems with it but most people on here say "AUTISM MOBA FARM XDDDD" Or "Pay to win shit go plat Hots or DotA you fags /thread."

nobody plays it anymore, pubg is shitting on it.

Dota > Smite > LoL

You seem to be new here. It's accepted as common courtesy here to spend a few months lurking a new board before posting, so you can absorb the board culture and not look like a fucking idiot.

Its one of the games that contributed to the creation of /vg/

Sup Forums is only good enough to play shitty children's games. Why do you think there's so many shitoon and zelda threads?

>constantly changing
>uses the same fucking map for ten years
>removes the only new map it has added since launch
I don't think so.

second post, best post
you don't make it to ten million new threads without making a few enemies


Sure glad they nerfed my wife Leblanc so that AD carriers can run rampant doing whatever the fuck they want after 2 items

This game is such a joke they shit on assassins because they want them to have "counterplay" but where in the fuck is the counterplay to Caitlyn or Lucian right clicking me after 2 items?

somethings wrong with lol threads, there is no fanart

Git Gud

Stop being a mid lane cuck then?


>blitz missed the easiest hook of his life
>xayah flashed for some reason
>ori ulted and lucian cleaned up

why are you retards shilling your game here?

its dead on twitch so go back there and watch dyrus feed for the 20th time.

They don't nerf faggot. they add a new, even more broken character to counter the first broken character.

how is LoL fucking dead if it has like 1m concurrent players and how the fuck is it dead on twitch if it has been on the top 3 for like 5 years straight?

The League of Legends went to shit when they started letting niggers in.

If nothing else, this post confirms that Sup Forums is full of newfags.

No thanks. I've gotten 2 accounts to diamond, 1 to plat and a couple of gold smurfs playing exclusively mid lane and the lane along with the entire game is boring as fuck now unless you're playing the best ad carry of the patch since they're basically what assassins use to be.

>Never talked about on Sup Forums
>There is at least one thread every day or two days and even then LoLfags continue to shit up Dota/HoTS/Assfaggots threads anyway.
But please, continue talking about your game designed for mentally challenged children, its honestly hilarious to see how you guys justify playing this garbage when so many better options exist.

I love League of Legends

You shouldn't say that when you're posting plays clearly made in low gold elo.

Because Sup Forums hates games that take skill where their underachieving selfs will be open to criticism, so they avoid it entirely and call it shit

Also we have the /vg/ which is a valid reason, but I see hots, gigantic and other shit like that getting shilled on Sup Forums all the time without much complaint.

I think it's really just a vocal minority that hate it.

the sjw kikes perm ban you for everything

because those numbers are dropping FAST and your nigger shill attempts make it worse.



>vocal minority

It's majority. Nobody liked this shit game in its prime. Let alone now where it's popularity is dwindling and it's quickly becoming yesterday's news. You only still play because you've invested too much time and money into this steaming pile of shit, and like a battered wife keep coming back to it.

MOBAs do indeed take skill but that doesn't mean the game isn't shit.

The same can be said two-fold about Minecraft, but that still holds a presence on Sup Forums.

Probably because it's the reason /vg/ exists

nice ar pee

I love masturbating to League of Legends' fanart.

I was perma banned at the end of season 5 for saying Nasus is a faggot. When I explained to Riot that I was talking about a fictional character they emailed me saying they won't tolerate racial or gay slurs regardless.

This game is such a fucking joke. You literally can't trash talk anymore without permanently losing your account.

It's not Dota so it's shit.

They will stop that when they permaban half their user base when they add in vice chat at the end of the year.

I hate it too, you either stack cc or lose. Season 2 was prime league.

I still get the urge to play sometimes even though they ruined every champ I liked.

they already permabanned most of their user base, they arent stopping until everyone is banned.