What are some games where I can play as a different species? Bonus points if the species has not a single redeeming quality.
What are some games where I can play as a different species...
>you'll never bang a strong Cromagnon female with her thicc muscular thighs wrapped around you
You can be a Ferengi in Star Trek Online, if you want to talk about worthless species there ya go.
So humans are half ghost?
Actually made me laugh, awful joke though.
Humans are dorks!
Well, in Mafia 3 you can play a nigger.
that article gave a headache. Journalists without technical knowledge of what they want to write about shouldn't exist.
gta sa
niggerfield 1
mafia 3
Wolfenstein ET lets you play as Nazis
i kept thinking these dumbasses got high as fuck on salvia and where like "duuuuuude ghoooosts"
Hello, nigger!
Which game allows me to play as big sweaty lizard man?
humans are just baby ghosts
hello brainlet.
Divinity Original Sin 2
Elder Scrolls
Soul Calibur
Surely you'd want to play as a cute lizard girl instead though.
No need to chimp out because you can't refute the study. Reality hurts sometimes!
almost every game, but then you don't want to discuss videogames
and your best way to begin a discussion is to say "hello nigger". Nice communication skills brainlet, keep playing games, that's the only thing you could do with your defective brain and lack of comprehension. Woman Studies or Philosophy major?
Where do you see an attempt at a discussion in this thread? You think a Sup Forums "discussion" would change anything about the factual reality presented in the article? I'm sorry, reality doesn't work like that.
This is old news, there has been evidence that homo sapiens who stayed behind in africa interbred with more primitive populations of homo sapiens for years.
>muh Sup Forums is for trolling and time wasting
yep, a confirmed brainlet. Please, go back to e-celeb threads, you will be with friends there.
Not even him, but how is one a nigger just by calling for actual expertise of the one writing an article? I also wouldn't write an article on the financial crisis because I know zip about banking and markets and all that bullshit, so why should anyone who hasn't at least a master's in some genetics-related field tell me about "ghost" genes. That term alone makes me angry.
Reminds me of that SMBC cartoon that ends with "scientist rapes reporter".
That's not what I said nigger! xD
woah, keep saying "nigger" like it makes you look smarter. It's ok, being a brainlet makes you feel mad about the world.
"Factual reality"? The only thing they ever say is, "here's a thing, we don't know where it came from, but it's a thing and it's there."
and like said this isn't breaking, its just reaching the public eye in the form of "science" articles which are watered down to keep palatable to common readers.
Don't go around on a high horse stating "factual reality" when you yourself have very little bearing or knowledge of the subject you useless cocksplat.
does this mean that us blacks are a different species?
>Sup Forums is for trolling and time wasting
For better or for worse, that is all that happens here.
>What are some games where I can play as
We need to ban all threads that start like this
GTA: San Andreas
Clearly, this means you lack any understanding of what I said you mince headed numpty.
>I'm a dumb retard and I can't refute anything
really gets me brain matter working, mate
If the world had gone differently, I could have 2+ more humanoid species to put my dick in right now. Bums me out.
because of the way our brain works, you probably wouldn't find them very attractive
who am I kidding, this is Sup Forums after all
Good thing you added that spoiler. You can't even fathom the horrible shit I've jacked it to.