>Only 4 pics of Lavenza on Rule 34
>Only 4 pics of Lavenza on Rule 34
>still no 34 of Sadayo Kawakami large insertion/gape play
Why is this allowed?
Double the loli, double the fun.
have you checked pixiv
Do you honestly find children sexually attractive?
How disgusting can one get.
my wife isnt for lewd
I'm serious dude. Its disgusting, but keep jerking off to it if you can't find better things to do with your life :^)
I'll have you know that Lavenza is actually an ageless divine being
She is only for lewd.
I'm so fucked up
>wanting to sexualize the Lavenza
That's what Caroline is for, you sick fuck.
>but keep jerking off to it if you can't find better things to do with your life
Masturbating is pretty nice user, you should try some times, it's actually a healthy thing to do. Now, losing precious time that will never come back shitposting on an anonimous board on the internet, that's some pathethic shit.
She's actually an elderitch abomination
Best doujin I've seen in a long time
If it's cute, fuck it.
He still calls porn rule 34. probably doesn't know what pixiv is.
nobody actually plays videogames
Its the name of a website you colossal retard.
I'm gonna need a source
>only 4 pics of Lavenza on porn
I'm sure OP meant the website
I played this game for 120 hours and I've never seen her in P5.
What the fuck?
Finish the game.
gotta finish the game nerd
Fuck off back to Sup Forums
If he's searching for loli on rule34 he's still retarded
>he doesn't know about the website or the actual rule
I think Sup Forums's a bit too mature for you, champ.
3DPD=/=2D loli you fucking newfag
Every time.
Because Caroline is better. The fusion was a mistake.
>Having taste this shit
She's not even the best of the two twins, Justine is better and Lavenza beats both.
>genuine and puffy loli pussy
>you will be the envy of all you!r friends!
Damn, those little jews are good at marketing.
>Swimsuit cakes and lolis
>None in game
Fuck me.
Do you think Igor would get angry if I unzipped my pants and pissed all over her face?
Sensei will wear a swimsuit for you in hawaii
>None in game
Kawakami and Hifumi got Hawaii date though
but don't do the wet yellow pee, do the sticky white pee
I mean other cake. Especially Sae
They don't want to spoil the game
My yellow pee is reserved for makoto
>current year
>using rule 34 for hentai
Fucking embarrassing. she'll probably get much more art after the inevitable Persona 5 expansion that retcons her story so she appears after you max out the confidant with the wardens so you can date her
God. The beach scene was terrible in P5. Only good moments were Ann's tits pushing against Ryuji and Yusuke's lobster silliness.
because she literally appears for like 5 seconds
Much better
You think? Get turned down by chick and go hit by gay couple actually felt memorable to me.
Cartoons are more important than actual people, silly.
too bad they grow up
i want to hug lolis again
dick sucking height
I thought she was holding the Opera symbol for a second
You seem to have fucked up the cropping there.
the pleasure maiden is the best girl
Makoto is flat!
Anne can't hold her laugh any longer!
Ann's tits are pretty ridiculous in all the anime scenes.
I wish I can hear more of her umumu.
Too bad her VA is dead.
I think I have a heart boner
Her jap voice actor or her english voice actor died?
When I said umumu, should know which one.
The one that matters.
Filthy weebs.
The dub is good, fuck you
I want to smear my precum on her forehead.
Does the sub have a hick accent as well
It's a matter of being good or not, you plebeian murricunt
Never said the dub are bad. It's just that japs take the cake.
It still doesn't matter.
It's good, but not best.
My favorite part of the Dub was Joker's Voice.
same voice as /ourguy/
>saying liking 2D loli's is paedophilic to cover yourself being a real life pedophile
Neogaf does it again. How ironic
Persona 5 is a normalfag pandering game, even in Japan. Why do you think literally every single Persona games never let you romance the lolis? They're SHIT GAMES.
Elizabeth's english voice does weird things to my penis
Also everything else about her also does weird things
Chihaya really is the best.
>dub was good
>WASSAP persona...
In hindsight it was ok but the japanese audio put together an all star cast of famous voice actors. Its obvious you cant understand quality even if it punched you in the dick
What happened to her?
Throat cancer or something I think
Jokah is a pimp.
Post punchable faces
Less so than previous ones though. It finally bring cakes to the plate, one is even Jokers teacher, and it's not like they wouldn't allow loli romance there just wasn't time for it during story.
I wish, I just don't want to give the benefit of the doubt after what they did for Nanako and Maiko.
It's on sadpanda you lazyfuck
Why is she crying?
She realized she's the worst girl
Don't mind me just posting best girl.
Robots can't cry real tears
Literally a prostitute
Old and busted.
Reminder that this is Sup Forums objective Persona Best girls.
I want to marry Sae Niijima
That's the best part
>best cake
>crossed out