Tales thread
Is this game any good?
Tales thread
Is this game any good?
Yes. Best tales game, don't listen to vesperia babies.
Does velvet get better? She seems to edgy
It's passable
Combat is pretty mashy, but the cast and plot is pretty fucking solid.
define better
She's not edgy.
After what happened to her in the first hours of the game you should have realized that.
So did oscar and his sister fuck each other? They seem a little close.
every tales game is the same
retardedly shitty writing with decent combat and graphics that are a decade old
I've played 5 Tales games (at highest or 2nd to highest difficulty) and I can't recommend any of them. Berseria is the same. For some reason I keep playing them, and I'll probably play the next one if it's on PC
I would honestly be amazed if they hadn't.
Absolutely. The combat is very fast-paced,although it is a button masher at times. It does retain Zestiria's weakness system.
The cast and plot are pretty solid with the former being very remiscient of TotA with their unique dichotomy. The plot is the very unusual (for a Tales game, anyway) revenge plot.
What passes as good writing to you? I see people shit on Tales writing all the time but never give examples
To me, Tales capture all the good things about late night early 2000's shounen anime
its a good game
good characters can't carry a game to make it the "best" in the series
there are still faults with traveling across rooms and the combat being pretty easy
All tales games have huge flaws anyway
they fuck in the story?
I agree
While all the games have flaws, the gameplay is still the most important aspect
I don't think Berseria holds up gameplay wise to be considered the best when compared to other titles
the same problem as every other JRPG
japs have no sense of subtlety. Their definition of a theme is hammering you over the head with it. Characters often state out-loud what they're feeling or repeat their quirks because what if you didnt get it? Do you get it yet? Huh do you? well here's Velvet angsting over being a therion one more time
like the tree loli in Berseria. her entire character was "look at me I'm a cute daughterfu who got wrongly turned into a therion I'm what you're trying to save" and every time she shows up on screen the point is continuously driven into her brain
plot is just a mess and stretched out to hell and back. In between every major plot point there's a dozen hours of filler where you travel from place to place and back
I hate JRPGs. Tales is pretty much the only JRPG I play, so it's gotta be doing something right, but I have no idea what
Good writing for me is Nier automata (though that's an equal mixture of OST/atmosphere, and the writing does have its own glaring issues), first act of Divinity: original sin, Witcher games
I've played most tales games and it's by far my favorite, had a lot of fun.
>Nier automata
but that was just as cliche and predictable as the Tales games I've played.
nier automata's writing had many flaws, but cliche and predictable was not one of them
I didn't even call Tales games cliche or predictable. It's possible to just be bad without being cliche or predictable
>Copy-pasted diamonds across her entire outfit
>Clipping everywhere
>Feels the need to show off cleavage, which appears to be a blurry shadow for some reason
>Mismatched eyes fresh from DeviantArt
>Weird necker cube hair texture
I hate everything about what I'm looking at
I loved my first playthough too
Probably one of my favortie first playthroughs for a game
But the replay value is kinda meh when trying to replay it when all you have left is combat and running around
the best part of ng+ is not having to grind skills anymore and how fast you can skip cutscenes
but I wanna replay a game because its fun and well made, I don't Berseria did that very well
Very good.
It's my first Tales but I'm having fun with it. The gameplay is only serviceable but the party banter pushes it to guilty pleasure territory.
I want to see Velvet in a photo realistic 4K setup!
What do you mean, eww? Fuck you
Tales of Symphonia was great.
She looks great. You're just a virgin.
medissa is better with bigger rack
Alrights guys, let's talk about tales of rays. What did you think about it? Yeah, I know gachashit is awful, but i still feel like talking about it
Velvet is literally perfect.
best mc
I used to play the moon version, currently playing the english one, it's good.
Never heard of it
Fucking this. All J""""""RPG"""""""s are dogshit and a fake imitation of early CRPGs, with shitty writing and characters.
There's a reason why we shit on and laugh at this awful genre every time it's brought up.
You're among friends, bro.
Shit thread for shit game in shit genre
Commencing dump
Sup Forums - """""Video Games""""""
wtf is your problem
No mature martial artist no buy
Wew m8, you're so mature.
Just report the autistic kid.
Dunno why someone would hate a series so much to try and get a thread deleted over it.
Must be a Personafag.
Anyway the answer is possibly, OP. Opinions on the gameplay vary, but generally the characters carry it so long as you aren't easily offended, and the story is decent so far as JRPGs go.
>Must be a Personafag.
No, he made it clear himself that he hates all jrpg so much that he's willing to post fury pedo shit to get thread deleted.
Mechanically it's over-designed with the dismantling/enhancing system and the initially confusingly overcomplicated artes system and the plethora minigames to earn coins to get normin outfits (so many normin outfits) are very hit or miss. But the character's party banter carries it with a plot that's a perfectly serviceable battle between free will with all the negative repercussions of it versus magical brainwashing rays enforcing the morally righteous, socially just ant-like mindless collectivism on the world.
Never seen someone shitpost this bad in a Tales thread before. Does this happen often?
No, this guy must be on drugs or something, he might also be on the spectrum.
nope, this is pretty rare
feel bad though because it was a pretty harmless thread
She's weird. She's edgy the first few hours, and then she acts like a normal person the whole mid-game. Maybe a random edgy remark, or action here and there. Then she goes full edge near the end, then back to normal.
She switches back and forth a lot. So she's kinda bearable.
I do the same. Don't like them very much anymore, yet still play each new one hoping it'll be better.
I couldn't finish Zestiria because it was so horrible, and it almost made me drop the whole series. Then Berseria was on sale 2 weeks ago so I decided to try again. Berseria was at least decent.
Hearts R was the only Tales Of game that came out recently that I fully enjoyed. I loved the simple combat and menus it had. The story wasn't too bad either. Too bad it's on Vita so most didn't play it.
the same problem as every other WRPG
burgers have no sense of subtlety. Their definition of a theme is hammering you over the head with it. Characters often state out-loud what they're feeling or repeat their quirks because what if you didnt get it? Do you get it yet? Huh do you? well here's Sera angsting over being a elf one more time
like Dorian in Dragon Age: Inquisition. hir entire character was "look at me I'm a fully gay character" and every time he shows up on screen the point is continuously driven into his brain
plot is just a mess and stretched out to hell and back. In between every major plot point there's a dozen hours of filler where you travel from place to place and back
I hate WRPGs.
Are you happy now user?
>Then she goes full edge near the end
Wot? Near the end is when she's at her least edgy, not counting villager Velvet of course.
WRPG is pretty bad.
I'm talking about the part where she finds out Laphicet is Inominat and screams, tries to pick a fight with everyone that talks to her, and then went full "just let me die mode." Can't ignore that scene since it went on for a while.
Yeah, one of the best. Abyss and Xillia 2 are still my favourites though with Vesperia and Berseria tied for second.
I am very indecisive.
Ah, well I guess that counts, though I'd strike up a difference between just being edgy and going batshit crazy.
Poor Velvet... Fuck the abbey for toying with her.
>tfw abyss is still the best tales
Berseria is definitely one of the better ones. It's biggest flaw is that it remains tied to Zestiria in setting. It had to spend time setting up the stupid shit from ToZ instead of making it its own thing which held it back.
Still a fun game though. If you like the Tales series it is worth a buy.
>huge flaws
Disagree, at least no more so than any other jrpg. Destiny DC, Abyss, and Vesperia definitely don't have "huge flaws".
To me the biggest flaws are the world and dungeon design, 75% of the soundtrack being motoi sakuraba shit and the lack game play outside of battles.
Still my favorite Tales and jrpg though.
The only other rpg i can think of where I loved every party member was Shadow Hearts: Covenant. Man Abyss was so fucking good.
She's an NPC that got turned into part Snake Demon, and her entire character arc is based on motherhood. She looks fine.
>weeb trash
Good taste man, I pretty much feel the same. I loved Xillia 2
That scene where Laphi saves Velvet and tells her how much he cares about her is still my favorite moment this year.
Fuck I need to play Shadow Hearts then, Abyss blindsided me and the only party that matched it for me was P3, probably cause they were also assholes/real people
I don't think they fucked. But they were clearly in love with each other.
don't act like you're not a weeb.
he gives her earrings that were supposed to go to his fiancee, claiming she's the woman that means more to him than anyone else
Personally I feel like Berseria did the whole "they are all assholes/real people" thing much better than Abyss. At no point did Tear or Anise feel like real people.
It's the first Tales game in a while that actually made me interested in the game's story and characters, but I'm not a big fan of the game's combat. It's too simplified, and Tales already had pretty simple combat.
>tfw ludger ending still gets to me
SH2 is literally the best written RPG out there.
>Destiny DC, Abyss, and Vesperia definitely don't have "huge flaws".
The only way to fix the Tales Of series is to fire every single person that has ever been involved with them. The team has no idea what makes a great game, nor how to properly deliver one.
It's a Yoko Taro situation. They are retarded when left on their own, unless a bigger studio helps.
Forgive me if I got the details wrong, but I forgot if they are half siblings or she is just adopted.
Bienfu might be my fav mascot.
This. The normal mode was waaaay too easy, and I never died once. Hell, I was even somewhat underleveled for the final boss and still got by OK.
I feel that scene would'vehad better impact if Laphi was actually acting instead of screaming into the Mic
Half siblings
They don't care about the game itself, they care about the merch they can sell to fujoniggers for literal hundreds of dollars afterwards.
Only the voice actors (jap), writers and character designers care.
Fuck bamco.
I won't deny that the male half of the Abyss cast is way better than the female half. I think Tear is pretty good though. I never really felt like the Berseria cast dealt with infighting, especially after they warmed up to each other. Not that they needed to, they have their own dynamic and it was fantastic, but something about Abyss where all of them are flawed and selfish is just so engaging and real to me.
They shouldn't fire whoever worked on the Xillia 2 battle system imo. And I think Berseria was a really good step back in the right direction
Maybe I'm in the minority here but I couldn't play Vesperia. I dropped it for Eternal Sonata after like 15 hours. The story wasn't engaging, the characters were blah, and the combat was terrible. I much preferred Symphonia, Abyss and Zestiria. Literally what is the appeal of Vesperia?
That's literally it.
Before Velvet, Yuri was the protagonist closest to not giving a fuck about anything and doing things his own way.
The first third of the plot has a lot of intrigue and strong drive, the graphics and art direction look nice, Yuri is highly appealing as PoV character, and the battle system grows as you unlock new skills and artes. I especially liked Final Strikes, which you can defer for extra XP and items.
Well there is initial infighting in relation to Eleanor, but generally that wasn't as present because they were all up front with their reasoning for being there. For instance Eizen outright says he'll ditch at any time things aren't in his favor.
I feel the difference I'm referring to is that while you could argue both casts are flawed, Berseria actually acknowledges that. In Abyss it's pretty much just Luke that gets shit on, while everyone but Jade's flaws get glossed over, particularly Tear's and Anise's. Anise gets excused just because, and Tear feels like a bit of a mary sue at times.
Abyss was really heavy handed with its technical jargon. It couldn't go five seconds without somebody saying phonon or some derivative. Also even though I love them the main party were giant assholes until the end of the game, a big turnoff for a lot of people. Other than that though yeah Abyss is pretty great.
Vesperia is plagued with bad writing. The story is overall kind of a mess with weak as hell antagonist that all die way too fast. They all go drop like flies with barely more than five lines of dialogue to flesh them out. Yaeger was pretty cool though. Also Raven surviving was a huge copout. Dude had an entire underground temple collapse on top of him while his heart was exploding and he just shrugs it off and rejoins your party like ten minutes later.
Tales games have great main parties in almost every game but outside of that the villians and the worlds they inhabit are pretty hit or miss. Usually miss.
I actually wanted to replay this scene with this outfit just to see this. Glorious. Too bad the hair sucks.
secrets revealed
Anyone else try the Tales of the Rays english release?
It's better the i expected but i doubt I'll actually play it.
You get Miku/BRS style or you get nothing.
I think the characters in Abyss do acknowledge their flaws though, I would say that's actually a big part of the game is them coming to terms with them. I'm just a sucker for infighting I guess. I actually wished there was a moment when like Eizen did leave for a bit or something where the party had a serious internal disagreement instead of always being united in their cause (aside from the obvious Elanor in the beginning). They're different games with different purposes though and I love both parties. I will not defend Anise and I think Tear could be percieved as Mary Sue - ish at times. If anything Jade is probably the more accurate Gary Stu
The jargon is fair but nothing I would describe as a huge flaw. Not like an Achilles heel is what I mean I guess. The things the make Abyss great like the unconventional party of assholes is inherently polarizing I feel and I would tend to say is it's biggest strength.
I buy into your Vesperia points a lot more but even then I wouldn't say "huge flaw" cause I don't really think they drag the game down in any real way. Side note one of the cool things I love about Berseria is how great the side characters were and how relevant they stayed.
I remember this from the omega elixir quest, made me laugh.
Yeah it's fun.
I think i timed the wrong animation for this moment.
wtf is she wearing?
Good bird fly answer. May the meme stop
God I fucking love Velvet but fuck off with this haircut and weird bangs.
amazing hips
no and fuck you.