You have 60 seconds to name a more fun shooter

you have 60 seconds to name a more fun shooter.

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>babymode slowmo is fun

nope. game was never good

and yet you can't name a better one :)

Then don't use slowmo you dumb faggot, nothing forces you to.

I'm not engaging with you, I'm just telling you you're wrong. it's not a conversation, doesn't go two ways

>I'm not engaging with you

i wonder why :))

such a comfy game

what do I win?

Fear was brilliant, but the fun came in segments. DO4M was fun from start to finish.

Ultimate Doom

Serious Sam

is this the last great shooter with lean keys?

is FEAR 2 really THAT bad? I've been itching for some new FEAR content but I'm nkt sure if I should even bother with it.

fear 2 and fear 3 are both trash, especially 3

Halo. Main draw of fear was the AI, and Halo's AI was almost as good gameplay wise and better personality wise.

Main issue with fear was lack of scenery and enemy variety, which Halo has in spades.


Serious Sam

my nigger

I only played CE but it was just as bad scenery-wise as FEAR. And most enemy variety comes from recolors. It's still better than FEAR, though. Harder, too.

Half Life 2 shits all over FEAR

>we have this amazing AI system
>oh it only works if there's no variety and the entire game is office building and warehouses btw

Both games have their own strengths and weaknesses, they're pretty much opposites. HL2 has great variety and pacing (but kind of anemic gunplay), while FEAR has incredibly satisfying gunplay (but lacks variety and is kind of poorly paced).

Unironically halo

haha retard

the shooting mechanics in HL2 are pretty mediocre

>physic engine gallery
how did Sup Forumss taste get worse while I was gone

meant for

>he doesnt find the game fun purely based on the merit of how good the AI is

ive played through it like 10 times and every encounter plays out differently

You just did.

Duke Nukem 3D
All the Quakes
All the Dooms
Planetside 1 and 2
All the Max Paynes
All the Cawadoodys

Doom 2
Terra Nova
Shadow Warrior
System Shock
Operation Flashpoint

2 is okay, 3 is garbage

kill yourself
I've never tried AvP but I like their respective movies, does it have a strong campaign or strong multiplayer?

I'd rather have FEAR's ups and downs rather than HL2's endless mediocrity. Sure the environments are samey and everything in between the gun fights gets boring, but the gunfights themselves are awesome. HL2 doesn't excell at anything, it just throws a bunch of gimmicks at you in hopes that it'll be enough to entertain.

>muh cinematic slow mo melee kill for ammo and health


I should clarify that I was talking about the AvP made in 1999, not the one from 2010 which I have not played. I only played the campaign in the 1999 game, and yes it was quite good. AvP2 by Monolith also had a good campaign, althrough movement is a lot slower paced in that one. 2 had excellent multiplayer but I'm sure that's dead by now

>kill yourself
I'm not your mother last night after Jamal was done with her.