What the FUCK went wrong?
What the FUCK went wrong?
game was made by literal interns while "actual" bioware worked on Anthem
bioware went to shit 6 years ago but you idiots still keep giving them benefit of the doubt
The devs realized people liked the autistic ryder and you cant have that so they changed her into a generic moeblob.
either is fine
3d modeling isn't the same as dicking around in photoshop on a 2d image of that model
Maybe you meant dicking around in Maya or something?
No option to bang the autism out of your sister
>It's NOT ok to hold women to a standard of feminine beauty
>completely ok to hold men to a standard of "manliness"
The image on the right is a fan-made version to show that the dev team didn't care.
HOw did a bunch of slaves out animate a major AAA vidya studio bros?
They made the female use the male animation because apparently, female animation is sexist0
>make a sissy femboy character
>you're now complaining about them shoehorning faggots into their games
fuck off you get mad as an activity
wouldnt it be funny if anthem turned out to be shit too
they're slavs not slaves you dyslexic retard
Giving a huge name to a nobody team of developers. Sure it's "Bioware" but the team that designed them hadn't done anything noteworthy and flopped hard.
Not sure if they lost funding, were lazy, or if they were just that fucking bad.
Coupled with the massive hype they gave it
I imported a face from masseffectarchives that was pretty hot and i could customize into my own blonde aryan waifu
If I remember right, Bioware was using some kind of new prototype engine that originally worked well in tests, but in the actual game it was really fucking bad and they already sunk a large piece of the budget into it.
I think Ryder is really cute. She's a very normal looking woman. Right is more petite waifu shit.
Ryder being a plain tomboy was not the problems with the game.
nah they just outsourced facial animations to a bunch of turks
They literally outsourced the animation work to India. The project management was incompetent and just trusted the street shitters to do their job until it was too late.
>What the FUCK went wrong?
Dev team made out of women and PoC girls that feel threatened and hate better looking (white) women.
Women get triggerd by hot women just like BLM gets triggered by cops.
Nothing, Sara a cute
I protect her
You'd have to be pretty retarded to think that fudging a shitty jpg in photoshop is the same as animating a 3D face.
Doesn't excuse Bioware's shitty job but it's a terrible comparison.
Quality BioWare, always.
>Make ugly female characters because it's sexist otherwise
>Male characters look like models and are super ripped
Really makes you think
>Female Ryder is default so Male Ryder's animations have him always acting effeminate
Its hard to not think he's gay
>photoshop = 3d modelling
Not defending Mass Effect here but what the fuck kind of logic is that image trying to prove.
EA draining the lifeforce of their studios, again.
pretty sure they actually caught shit from the feminazis this time around because of that. just goes to show there's no pleasing them.
reducing the jawline and fixing the eyes depth is not such a hassle. You can complain about texture, maybe hair work, but the jawline and eyes are just incompetence or auto sabotage
They are making real women. No supermodels.
Can you guess which one was made by "professionals"?
>Comparing a rendered 3D model with some jack shit amateur photoshop alteration of a static image
No offence but anyone can do that.
That's strange, irl i consider around 50% of women shaggable, in the last 5 bioware games there was just a couple of characters even worth a wank
What did he mean by this?
Nothing. ME:A was better than ME3.
Also Cora is my favorite female character this year, maybe this generation :3
But why does she have to look like a Raccoon though? That eye line shadow is ridiculous.
she's cute with and without cuz she's best girl!
No, you're just imagining that scenario
Real woman: Good looking girl that can be found in the street or any place she's not perfect but cute.
Supermodel: Good looking girl almost perfect in every way.
Real women don't look like mutant freaks, you retarded bioware apologist.
I hope you're not joking because I genuinely love Cora.
Is my favorite female since Miranda.
Didn't some user take this image to /3/ once? What did they have to say about it?
I also heard that the team wanted to do procedural generation. That maybe also why it failed.
The image I posted was who Ryder was modelled from you dumb nigger. Just accept Bioware is shit.
bioware was never good
Not joking. I really girls with short hair :)
Make above avarage NORMAL people them? If I wanted reality I'd live my shitty life.
>hand doesnt even hold gun correctly
What I don't get about this game is why people hate it so much and yet love the ME trilogy. Apart from animation, which is such a minor part of game, MEA has better gameplay and a much better story than either 2 or 3.
None of the ME games are good, but why is this one hated so much more than the others?
Why is it so important that a fictional female character be attractive but male characters can be ugly?
Because people think ME2 and 3 are good, and it's also a lot of fun to shit on ME:A's "quality".
Post more autism
Male protagonists are almost never ugly, Andromeda proves this. Also, a female's value is in her looks. Sorry, that's the real world.
>Sorry, that's the real world.
Okay, but we're not discussing the real world.
>Mass Effect Andromeda is literally $15 in bargain bins now
Did you forget the shitstorm this dude caused?
Found the newfags.
they made the entire game in like 15 months
Then why did it get delayed twice?
Because it wasn't ready twice?
user they were working on it for 5 years. They're just really incompetent.
>user they were working on it for 5 years.
They weren't working on the version that shipped until around 15 months before launch. There's a long article on the development on this game somewhere
People shit on this game, and rightfully so, but I wonder why people are only just now shitting on Bioware for this stuff.
Every DA and ME game is full of downsyndrome faces, fucked up rigs, animation glitches, all sorts of nonsense. Why did ME:A get so much attention for this stuff?
Because even the Biodrones had a hard time choking down the crap that came along with ME3. By the time Andromeda came out, they were getting skeptical and lacked much of the blind goodwill that Bioware had been coasting on.
They put social justice over making a good game. Social justice, when it's involved, can turn something into shit.
>believing bullshit excuses and lying journalists who not only defended ME3 but also ME:A
C'mon now.
I kinda feel like it'll be disappointing and grindy like the division
idk tho
Is this supposed to be a female version of the Witcher protag?
>make a sissy femboy character
>you're now complaining about them shoehorning faggots into their games
Doesn't Sup Forums love Zevran?
Both are terrible.
She does it so people won't stare at the scar.
Same reason she keeps her blouse open.
She's insecure.
>bought it at full price
>but luckily only the base game since they cancelled plans for expansions and DLC
Fug, thank god I didn't buy the season pass.
The same thing that happens literally every single time.
>Something becomes successful enough to afford hiring useless people
>as more and more useless people get hired they themselves cause the hiring of proportionally more and more useless people.
>eventually studio is filled to the bring with useless baggage, even in important decision making positions.
>actual competent hard workers are barely able to keep the shitshow afloat
There was no season pass.
Maybe I'm misremembering things but I recall an article how one of the animators was a woman who hadn't worked in like 4 years but was hired on anyway because, well I think you can guess why Bioware hired her.
Beauty standards matter in games because the smaller qualities that humanize a face aren't something we can carry over into 3D yet.
They have to be attractive because its the only way to bridge the uncanny valley, or to not approach it in the first place and use stylization.
Someone who already has the quality of being not-human aesthetically or kinematically is only going to look even less human when their proportions aren't classically attractive.
The less you deviate from expectations, the easier it is. Its why the Japanese shy away from photorealism almost entirely.
Do women think women can't look pretty all because they aren't pretty?
Why do women game devs make women characters ugly?
it honestly essentially is tho
t. 3D animator
yep feels great living in a cultural decline. yep.
don't use words you don't know the meaning of
Devs chose the wrong forum for advice.
Huh, I didn't even realise. I remember there were like three versions you could buy on Origin and were more expensive, I assumed they were Season Passes.
>Photoshop is the same process as modelling characters
Everything fucking time
>implying the issue isn't with the left instead of the right
you're not to gud at thinking r u?
You're clearly missing the point.