Thanks for beta testing. Are there any exclusives left on PC?

Thanks for beta testing. Are there any exclusives left on PC?

Other urls found in this thread:

Playstation is the weakest platform to play this on why are you happy

>Playing a mouse driven game on a console

>the sims 4
you guys are just desperate.

>PC exclusives about any strategy game?

The only legitimately good console Sims game is The Urbz and Ive been waiting almost 15 years for dat sequel.

>What is DS4 touchpad

Plus PS4 supports kb+m combo too.

I'm pretty sure I played the sims in the original xbox

it was on the DS

>being this young
Im not talking about the handheld games buddy.

PC doesn't care for exclusives since it can play or emulate pretty much anything or eventually will. Exclusives wars are pretty much console bait to lure people into buying them.

Sims 4 ruined the series. The only good thing about it is create a sim and your sims no longer look like they have Down syndrome like in sims 3. Otherwise it's inferior in every way.

its dead mate. deal with it

>Special Black Eyed Peas Edition

Just find another thread. You made a mistake its ok.

As a PCbro i don't give an outliving shit about having exclusives since the charm is that can run almost everything consoles can but better.
Plus none of the PS exclusives call my attention except maybe for the Crash remake.
Besides, it's fucking Sims. On a console.

>pc loses an exclusive
>everyone gets a shit game
>sony/Nintendo loses an exclusive
>pc finally gets a good game
No wonder pcfags think exclusives are anti consumer because they don't have any fucking games

>The Sims 4 is suddenly a good game now

We already lost XCOM 2

>Sims 4 without mods

Wow. What a steal.

It better have a story mode like the old console Sims games or else it's shit.

>what is DayZ
>what is Denuvo
>what is Starcraft Remastered

>sony/Nintendo loses an exclusive
>pc finally gets a good game

No fampai, all of these former console exclusive games are overhyped meme shit

pic related

Does this have local coop like The Sims 2 on PS2 did?

the gba version of the game was fucking lit
i still pray they make another like that

Eh. I'd buy it. I have a weakness for Sims and don't have a comfortable PC setup anymore

>playing sims 4
>playing sims 4 without mods
>playing sims 4 on ps4 without mods

i hope you find some form of joy with that you wont

In fairness, not even mods save The Sims 4 from being a complete joke of a game.

>What is DS4 touchpad
A joke.

Have fun playing the inferior versions of everything

Have fun paying $1000 to play games.

In March 2015, it was revealed by Guillaume Pierre (Lead Gameplay Scripter - SimCity) that the Maxis Emeryville studio was being closed.[18] On September 25, 2015, Electronic Arts announced that in an organisation restructure, the consolidated Maxis team would continue their work alongside the EA Mobile division

All this falseflagging is laughable. PCBros are too busy playing games to bother with your pathetic attempt to start a flame war lmao. Sorry you guys only have 4 games for your netflix boxes.

Sims is still a thing?

Are you autistic? Do you really think my offhand comment about wanting another game meant Ive actually been desperately waiting every day for the sequel? Jesus christ dude.

Have fun paying $1000 on games then not being able to play them on your next machine.

>The Sims 4
Fucking hell, avoid it like the plague and demand for Sims 3 instead.

Dont TS 4 have crippling slow load times? Wouldn't it be even worse on a console?

>Console Sims game
Unless you get direct sim control with splitscreen multiplayer, which you won't, you're getting a dog shit version of a gimped entry in the sims series.

And the answer is no, there are no PC exclusives left. PS4 has every game PC has.

>Pay 300 dollars for a car. Wahh, I can't go over 30 mph and I don't have any nice features like gps, or bluetooth.
>Pay 1000 dollars for a car. Reach top speeds of 144 mph easily, do and have so much more.

lmaoing @ ur lyfe

sims on consoles always sucked because there was a limit to how many items you could plop down.

Technically, you did say you've been waiting 15 years for the sequel.

The Sims, Sims Bustin' Out, The Sims 2, and The Urbz were all very enjoyable PS2 games.

>the sims 4

The nyggers are getting pitiful now.

It doesn't really have slow loading times, it just has tons of loading screens. You need a loading screen to go just about anywhere outside your property. I hardly ever left my house in Sims4 because of the constant loading while Sims3 made me feel like being out in the community with the public gym, library, and shopping in person.

Youre a psychopath if you took it that literally. I have no idea why you even brought up a studio of EA Ive never even heard of.

>$1000 car doesn't always work
>have to buy new parts every few years
>have to beg for support
>have to constantly ask for help on forums to have parts working properly

>the sims on consoles
>framerate problems, missing expansion content and no fucking mod support

Yeah that's real nice.

>why would anyone ever want to use a keyboard

>hey we can use it on console if we want for an extra 200$

Consoke fags are really this stupid

>Actually buying the sims

>Displaying actual signs of autism
>Calls other people autistic

wew lad

I'm not that user, just wanting to point out what you said.

>Playing Vanilla Sims 4 WITH A FUCKING JOYSTICK

You really want to have cancer on your balls, do you?

They should just release a new Sims 3 version that doesn't takes 20 minutes to load with all the expansions.
Its objectively the most complete game they have ever made, how come they haven't tried optimizing it? I would happily buy some sort of remaster.

>using sims 4 as anything other than fap material




>Are there any exclusives left on PC?

still,cant use wicked woohoo sex mod on ps4

I appreciate your attempt to meme it up but none of that even applies aside from maybe the new parts. And it's more like option to buy new parts considering a fucking toaster runs games better than consoles.

>the fucking sims

>no sex mods
you didn't get anything

Isn't it better to buy new parts every few years rather than buying a whole new car every few years? Also
>pay $300 for a car
>have to pay $50 a year to drive on roads with other people

>>What is DS4 touchpad
>playing sims 4 with glorified mobile controls
>sonyshitters are bragging about this

Who hasn't tried this disappointing shit? Even my old toaster can run it. I don't even understand why you'd play Sims without mods anyway.

>implying my 360 games don't work on xbone
Well, some of them anyway

Won't that be really tedious to play with a controller?

I can understand. I used to get the console Sims games because they had multiplayer stuff. Plus, I liked having missions to complete instead of never ending free mode

what the fuuuuuck, is that gta

It's some deep shit that makes it run like shit. For example all the vehicles that people drive in the city never disappear, they just turn invisible. The game still renders them and they just add up and up. There is a mod that deletes them automatically at intervals. My game was basically ruined and I got the mod and it fixed it.


Sims has always been on consoles dumbass..I have sims for ps2 and sims 3 for wii. Nobody was surprised by this announcement.

add campaign mode pls

i dont have autism so i cant play house for 30+ h

maan that's so cool

Set your own goals. Boom, campaign mode.

>preorder to play a single player game three days early
But why?

That GTA looks uncanny, like you're moving a photograph or something

Yeah, 60 FPS is just not immersive.

>play Sims on PS2
>first mission
>sell all of granny's furniture and belongings for money
>build a maze at the front door so the burglar gets lost
>invite the neighbors to a party, gather them in room with fireplace and rugs, delete door
>character can never get a decent job so make a living making and selling gnomes

Good times lads. Good times.

Sims 1 and 2 was fucking amazing on console with the splitscreen multiplayer and direct control of your character.

Anyone who didn't have at least one character/playthrough/life/marios/whatever as a Gnome Artisan only played the Sims once.

is Sims 4 worth getting? it doesnt look too different from 3 imo. PC here.

>extra 200
nigga you just plug the shit in

>tfw a perfect grid of dirty plates on the front lawn

Sims, and pc, players don't care about that. I hope you guys can mod as well.

>Man that looks good, wonder what his rig was
>Look at his specs
>They're garbage

Holy fuck there's literally no excuse.

>Paying for a home/building designer

The only reason to play Sims 4 is for the sex mod, which is PC exclusive. PC bros win once again.

the call that saved anime

Are you the Code Geass Slowpoke?

have a (you) for actually making sense

If you can run Sims 3 perfectly fine, don't bother.

It has a few nice things, the whole emotions system works great and the new building tools are also great but the lack of content and variety start to show pretty quick. I keep going back to it whenever more expansions get released, but I mainly play Sims 3.

Just go to another thread, bro. It's okay.

This seems like a really odd game to port to consoles but I feel like it's important to mention that Sims: Bustin Out was one of the best entries in the series, by far, and it was exclusive to consoles.

>Playing a sims game without sex mods

>tfw you cant get Sims 4 sex mod to work no matter what you do.

Fuck my life, they just wont show up in my game. Its on the the mod list but not in game.

Did you try moving the animation packages directly into the /Mods folder rather than in a subfolder?

I wasn't referring to the framerate.
Why does everything hast to turn into console war bullshit?

Do guys you think Sims 5 will ever happen? I mean if this time they actually make a pc game instead of re-using a phone one as a base something decent can come of it.

why do people say that pc has no exclusives when there are entire genres like simulators, RTS, 4x, grand strategy, and plenty of others that have always and will always be for the most part exclusive to pc
I don't get it
they need to get better at bait

Can't they just do a new game like the GBA ones?
the one with the open world where you had to work and do quests

Enjoy the gender slider