Why are the japs so based when it comes to creating videogames?

They make the best action games: Monster Hunter, Dark Souls III, Nier, Bloodborne

They make the best RPGs: Dragon Quest, Disgaea 5, Persona 5

They make the best puzzle games: Breath of the Wild, The Last Guardian

They make the best stealth games: Metal Gear Solid V

And now they're making the best competitive shooter game: Splatoon 2

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>And now they're making the best competitive shooter game: Splatoon 2


But I agree with the rest of your post

Still can't make a good FPS. Or open world.

They are making games they want to play.

nothing of value was lost.

>open world
Phantom pain
Breath of the wild

>those 3
Boring and lifeless as hell except maybe yakuza.

That s no excuse. They should be able to make a shooter that rivals TF2 or Overwatch

There are three excellent open world games on the list: Metal Gear Solid V, Nier and Breath of the Wild.

I also forgot to include Kingdom Hearts in the RPGs list and Zero Escape in the Puzzle list. And they also make the best fighting games: Street Fighter, Tekken, Dragon Ball, Gundam, Arms.

>Boring and lifeless as hell except maybe yakuza.
What are you talking about? Did you even play those three games? Yakuza is the most "lifeless" between them and the one with the worst open-world design.

No. PP is even worse. Open world with literally nothing to do. Yakuza has shitloads to do outside the main story.

weed detected.

>They make the best RPGs: Dragon Quest, Disgaea 5, Persona 5

not even close. Kotor, Witcher, Fallout, Skyrim

>They make the best stealth games: Metal Gear Solid V

Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow

>And now they're making the best competitive shooter game: Splatoon 2

lol JFPS.

You forgot Action/Adventure/Platformers: Crash Bandicoot, Jak and Daxter, Racket and Clank, Banjo Koozie, Tomb Raider, The Last of Us, etc. all western.

I'll give the japs puzzle games and monster combat and give the west rpgs, fps, stealth games.

so name some western titles retard

Holy shit you're dumb

top kek


>Boring and lifeless as hell except maybe yakuza.
Better than anything produced in the west, and I personally detest weeb games. Open world games are by far the worst thing about western games right now, the over saturated open world survival games, Minecraft, GTA clones (this includes the GTA series itself, always the same shit, prettier graphics), shitty RPG/Open world empty bland husks because of muh realism bullshit like Witcher, Skyrim etc, and even worse, lolsorandum Saints Row garbage are a plague on gaming.

And yet
>make shitty underperforming consoles
>release shitty "Hard Mode" DLCs
>Amiibo locked content (that is already on the fucking disc)
>have no understanding whatsoever of gaming industry, believe in Denuvo etc.
>make shitty multiplayer in every single game they made other than meme multi in Dark Souls
Why japs are so fucking pathetic?

>make shitty underperforming consoles
Switch is as powerful as a handheld can get. PS4 Pro is the most powerful console this gen right now.
>release shitty "Hard Mode" DLCs
This is one game and there are a lot more in that DLC for 10 dollars only.
>Amiibo locked content (that is already on the fucking disc)
Mostly useless cosmetics.
>have no understanding whatsoever of gaming industry, believe in Denuvo etc.
They understand their market very well, Denuvo is a way to try and stop piracy.
>make shitty multiplayer in every single game they made other than meme multi in Dark Souls
They care more about local multiplayer.

Any other pathetic arguments so I can refute them?

Realy? We using skyrim as a exemple now

There isnt a single western game that can compare to japanese ones

everytime japs make superior products

MgsV and vanquish
Final fantasy 7
Dark souls
Best version of tetris was made on japan.
>hack n slash
Ninja gaiden
Shadow of the colossus
Zelda /okami
Ghost trick
Im sure if japs gave a shit about fps they would make better ones too

This is your brain on Nintendo kids.

>using 80 memes to desprove someone
>dude clearly defended sony in that post
I want reddit to leave

>Final fantasy 7


I probably agree with you on action game user but everything else on that list is just your shit taste. This post:
They make the best puzzle games: Breath of the Wild, The Last Guardian
trigger the fuck out of me because it is just plainly wrong. The entire east have never beaten their western counterpart on puzzle gameplay. Spacechem, TRS and Factorio literally shit on all Nip puzzle game combined

>best RPGs
>best Action/Asventure/Platformers
>>Last of Us
oh wow

We can go for FF6
Secret of mana
Crono trigger
Shin megane tensei
Dragon quest

>all that boring shit
Professor layton wins.

>Dark Souls 3
>action game

>delusional n1intoddler the post

sony is japan too

/thread weebs on sucide watch

i dont know about all that jazz but has a western dev team ever made a better female?

Did this quadruple nigger really not mention Ace fucking Combat?

>There isnt a single western game that can compare to japanese ones
Other way around lad.

Commando, SC series
Mag Bayne 3
Baldur's Gate series
The souls series is barely an RPG m8. Also Knight of the Chalice for actual ballbusting difficulty than meme difficulty like Souls.
And Tetris was made in the west so what's your point exactly? Also TRS100.
>hack n slash
Jedi Knight series
You mean action-adventure? Legacy of Kain
Sui Generis and Grim Fandango
Crash and DK
lel jap """""story"""". Again LoK

And that's not counting the genres where the japs are almost completely shit at like strategy and Sims(apart from train sims)

Triss and Yennefer.

>rpg games list

best stealth game is the original thief

>Inkling x Link
That's not bad as I thought

He obviously mentioned Sony games, dumbass console warrior.


>best stealth game is the original thief

nice try m8. 70 on metacritic


this is the same logic racists use to justify their racism.

"I have black/mexican/indian/muslim friends therefore I can't be a racist".

Is a meaningless term.
DS is either a ARPG or a JARPG.
DS is inspired by Japanese action games and not western games.

Nope, it was inspired by Berserk, Lord of the Rings and Nietszche.

Lol at the nintenbro thread
Only thing japs were good was at arcade games. And those are long dead.

>using mgsv the biggest blunder in vidya history as a good thing

this is bait

why is that sword so fucking wide what the fuck

to match his dick.

to contrast*