The Homeless One

>All I can think to do is hide in bed.

>Financially, this became an emergency six months ago. No idea what I'm going to do.

>My time is up. I'm out of money. I'm going to lose my house and everything else.

is this it?

has Spoony finally hit rock bottom?

Other urls found in this thread:

He should kill himself. That's what I intend to do if I become homeless

Personally I would try and travel around a bit and then kill myself when I get bored.

not video games


Look at all them VIDEOGAMES to discuss about.

Who would have thought that procrastinating on your main job would lead to this.
It's kinda sad, but you reap what you sow.

Should have made some good content you fuckwit

>stop working for years
>run out of money

WOOOOOW how was i supposed to know that would happen?

Is he blaming his inevitable suicide on not getting free healthcare?

>still has time to tweet about panic attacks

at this point he's just the online celebrity version of Bojack Horseman

AHAHAHAHA fucking stupid faggot

This dumb faggot spent almost 2 years doing nothing but complaining on Twitter 24/7. It's all his own fault and I hope he hangs himself.

>fell for the youtube meme

It's amazing how so many people think they can make it.

Men can't be useless like women. How old is this dude?

He had and could easily have continued making it if he actually put some effort into this content
He got tons of free patreon money before people realized that all he did was worthless streams instead of the quality content he used to do

He could stream for easy money but hes too lazy to do even that

He could have well over a million subs and coast off ad revenue alone if he could make one produced video a month.

His gf is 100% cucking him. Spoony doesn't even bother taking his gf out to events anymore. I bet they're in an open relationship these days.

>Mfw this could have been me

I had a similar following to Spoony in the early days. I used to make Angry game reviews back in 2008 for fun, had a small following. Noah and I used to poke fun at each other through comments, although we never did a crossover or anything.

What have I been doing in the past ten years? I got /fit/, got married, have a career, and still enjoy video games on the side, although I don't make videos anymore.

I swear, everyone I knew from back then who still does videos never really moved on. It feels like a highschool, where thirty year old failures still show up and pretend to be cool.

>Iron Bull

They never thought about how to expand into other work and lost all the passion for what they were doing. Now they're stuck and it's too late for them to move onto anything else.

Are you the Game Dude?

Women are spoonys downfall

>I swear, everyone I knew from back then who still does videos never really moved on. It feels like a highschool, where thirty year old failures still show up and pretend to be cool.

It's not as though there was no room for financial success there If anything there was a ton of potential. But as we can see now even the most successful guys like AngryJoe are bitter and totally fed up of doing what they do.

The semi-normie life is pretty sweet compared to Spoony.

>Armake21 got fit
Post glutes.

Link to your channel now

>>Financially, this became an emergency six months ago. No idea what I'm going to do.
6 months and he still couldn't do anything? I don't know who this faggot is, but if it was an emergency he should have done something about it sooner. I hope this dumb nigger dies

Maybe he should get a real job, or kill himself, or cut off one of his legs and apply for some welfare program, or maybe I dont know... working on his shitty fucking videos?


At least it'll go out with a bang

>Crying about your problems on twitter instead of asking for help from your relatives

And yet he's still posting stupid messages on twitter as we speak. What world does this guy live in

Who do you think has been paying his fucking bills for the past 6 months?
Literally his brother, a based Police Officer who shot some lowlife Spic to death one time while on duty.

So new JewWario incoming?

His brother is the best Spoony

>Dont do work
>complain about not having enough money

The guy needs some sort of reawakening or he will keep spiraling downward. The latter being more fun to watch.

Why is she still with him anyway? Didn't she go with him to leech off his e-celeb money in the first place?

>Oh shit I'm literally going to die if I don't fix my situation right now

>Oh how about Gilbert and Sullivan, guys?

>It's almost fucking August and Noah hasn't bothered updating his site once
Think he'll manage to go a whole year without an update?

... And who is this guy?

Let me guess: He's another dime-a-dozen let's player on twitch.

I'm so glad Miles is doing well for himself.

Miles is a good guy, im glad he doesnt have to endure Spoonys autistic screams anymore.

God damn reading these tweets makes me feel so fucking good.

It's all because its his own fault too, he threw it all away to shitpost on twitter, he's even doing it right now. He can't stop, he'll never stop.

>post sweet MRE memes
Damn, I want the whole database.

Spoony is the third-best Antwiler brother.


>He's another dime-a-dozen let's player on twitch.

Spoony is way before twitch lets plays, bro.

Because they live together I suppose, I don't think she has a job either so his measly $600 patreon is probably important to her.

If you don't know Spoony you're 14 years old at most.

Being this new

Good thing he shot spic and not niger.

where did these steve pictures come from and where are there more?

The oldest brother is a civil engineer too.

Guy who used to make genuinely entertaining videos mostly making fun of Final Fantasy
Had a meltdown 5 years ago, and has been in a state of depression ever since then
Was making $5,000 a month for producing 3-4 videos a year at one point, but couldn't even keep a schedule like that and ends up with this
Also openly berates anyone that likes his videos

>he doesn't know muh e-celeb
I've been here for 10 years and I don't know who that is.

MRE memes are patrician af

Women ruin spoonys life.
First it was landwhale Scarlet.
Not it is April, without her he would never buy a fucking house.

then you haven't been paying attention because he's been around that long

>be unfunny faggot
>act like the world owes me a living and mooch of my american hero brother
>wonder why you end up sucking dick on the street for a half eaten burrito

It's like poetry

Scarlett + Hooking up with the TGWTG nobody crew ruined Spoony.
But deep in my heart I always knew he was a pendantic, contrarian asshole - even in the early days. He just managed it better.

I have a cool webm if you want to see

Meanwhile Chris is being sued and might lose SonChu.

Will Bootsy become the next Spoony?

Man, his patreon went from like 5k a month to 600 dollars. I guess people aren't that stupid.

>There are literally 192 people who give him money every month for doing fucking nothing
nigga that's a kek


Spoony is a tranny who can't get into military that is his only source of income?


>doesn't do any work
>blames others for not being able to pay his bills

he admitted to being abrasive all the time
its sad tho, i used to love spoony back when he was good

post it

Sega and Nintendo are filing a joint lawsuit against chriscorp ,finally realizing the threat of sonichu financially .

who the fuck is spoony?

If he can't juggle his own finances that's too bad. Tell him to get a fucking job.

I would go back to my parents house, but try to join the military.

Or do gay shit.

first of all, it took them this long to recognize sonichu?

secondly, why the fuck are they suing him? what possible financial threat does sonichu pose to the fucking sonic franchise? isn't sonichu clearly a parody?

Whatever happened to him?
Is he still going back and chopping up all his videos in a vain attempt to make them decent?

>not Christine

oh I am kekkin

Why can't he just resort to let's plays?

>tfw still waiting on the FF13-2 review

He fucking nailed FF13

That was a joke, he's getting sued because his family is deeply in debt

>spoony could had been big as pewdiepie with billion followers and fans
>fucks it all up by being a complete dickhead

And there are still people -his old fans- just waiting him to redeem himself, but he never will. If Spoony just snapped out of it, stopped whining, started to do video game reviews again etc. he could still get back on tracks. But no, he doesn't do that.


He's awful at improv commentary.

He would do four hour streams of boring as fuck jrpgs with no commentary, or like one comment every twenty minutes. It was terrible.

don't have a lot of sympathy for him, he turned into a colossal dick and started yelling at and banning people who paid

why doesn't he seek help towards his family? he's obviously depressed he should ask for help for a bit until he gets his shit together


>meanwhile, Angry screaming German kid is now pic related

Why is he depressed anyway?

daily reminder that Steve has Parkinsons

What the hell was his problem? At first I thought he was just joking about the bees, but then he kept going on and on about it.

Get a regular job?
Do content for your patrons?

I don't understand what's so difficult here

>Making a twitter account for your dog and roleplaying with yourself
Is there a word for something stronger than pity?

>tfw you're in the same position as spoony.

Sadly mine was ignoring an ingrown toenail rather than losing my house though


This guy could redeem himself financially if he wanted to, quite easily. All those patreoncucks would return if he made a few videos.

But the senate rejected the repeal what is he talking about?

no shit, i'd never have known
