ITT games where you make the RIGHT CHOICE and you laugh as the developer tries to make you feel bad

ITT games where you make the RIGHT CHOICE and you laugh as the developer tries to make you feel bad.

Fuck you, buy Joja Cola faggots. I'm not collecting a bunch of gay fish and upgrading your useless building. I'd rather just buy the upgrades with money poorfags.

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a "cuck vents his insecurities about their decision in a fictional video game as a thread on Sup Forums" episode

Oh shit, is that a joja reference?

>its a "schumck accents his delusive speculations about someones decision to post on an on Sup Forums in a thread" episode.

fuck the corporations man

t. waaah i made a decision and got a blue building :(

Its better that some faggy community center.

Joja has a fucking choice logo, like that's Fedex Arrow tier

>mfw someone is a lazy faggot who basically got rid of 30% of content
Center is the only reason you want to progress in this game.

This. If you get all the shit with money instead of things you can gain by actually doing the activities then what's the point?

But what are the pipes for

hence why I'm saying you're insecure you fucking faggot.
why even whine about it to begin with, let alone as its own fucking thread

Are there mods to make this game look like not ass?

Lol didn't even know this was a possibility

Yes, it's called being older than 18.

3 is literally perfect

Not an argument.

Why would I talk to peasants? I'm pretty sure Grandpa left me this farm so I could turn a profit and become the wealthiest farming exporter in all the land. Who the fuck cares about anyone here?

This is so stupid i actually cracked a smirk

Why are you playing this game again? Cause I think this is your first contact with this kind of vidya and you're completely missing the point.

For funneling all the evil, obviously


I'm certainly not going to play like this faggot and use it as some sort of disturbing life substitute.
>Time to go talk with this villager, OH ITS HIS BIRTHDAY TODAY, better get him a present!

Interacting with a fake town is not my idea of enjoyment. Thankfully this game does have the NOT A GAY FAGGOT option that allows you to FARM PROFITS and buy all the content like a true man.

The overwhleming majority of npcs in 'these kind of vidya' aren't even worth talking to

>you're completely missing the point.
He's playing the game in a completely legitimate way
There's no wrong way to play Stardew Valley

I honestly do the same thing. Fuck that 'virtual relationship' nonsense. I have zero interest in it.

The mayors tend to kick me out of the village in harvest moon since I keep to myself and sell my veggies. Fascist cunts, whats so wrong with being a recluse?

Honestly, I agree. I detest trying to play friends with "people" that forget about me every time I reset a game to start over.

>Abigail as an obese landwhale
Makes sense, she already had the personality for it

> 3
> not 9

You Irish?
Niggas like u spell thick like it's thicc. Nigga don't want thicc. U want a sick stick for your sick prick ile I get sicc on that thicc with my thiccc dicccc u sick bitch.

its fun if you still have a vivid imagination, rather than just seeing the characters as NPCs that spew out text during certain circumstances

How much autistic you have to be to minmax in comfy farming game?

Ghouls are the fallout jews apparently

>t. retarded casual

At least 50% less autistic that establishing fake relationships with a a fake pixel community to try and escape the stress and responsibilities of real life. Also Penny is literally the only attractive waifu.

I'm fine with the comfy farming in these games.

I'm not fine with the utterly autistic """""relationships""""" mechanic in them. It REEKS of weebs overwhelmed by their hormones desperate for any female to like them, but no one does so they resort to pretending to have a relationship with an NPC. Its fucking pathetic.

And keep in mind, this is coming from a 29 year old friendless shut in who has never touched a woman and never will. The difference is that I KNOW I am incompatible with society, and I don't pine for something I'll never have.


>I'm not collecting a bunch of gay fish and upgrading your useless building
Why did you waste money on this game then.

Enjoy your black baby.

>Penny is literally the only attractive waifu.
u wot m8

How autistic do you have to be to get triggered by a corporation "aggressively" undercutting some shop owner in a video game?

this thread is now about farm waifus

i just started SoS and was about to romance Iris but once I found out about Agate and how she shows up later in the Fall I've been just quickly doing my farmwork and going to bed to speed up the time so I can get to her

look at her

look how cute she is you fucking assholes

Very much so when you personally owned a shop that got muscled out by big business.

Fuck you Gamestop.

I thought the nigger was with the builder lady?

Their farming-related merchandise is more expensive than at the local shop, so you canonically hate Joja.


Wow user, you're like, so cool.

Very cute.

Raeger is best husbando, yes or no?

If you buy the membership, their prices are equal to Pierre's

You're thinking in the short term. You aren't considering that with the development of stardew valley more corporations will move in and try to compete increasing the population and the overall wealth within stardew valley. Also you just need to charge more for your produce and site the markup as just covering the increased costs of dealing with Joja.

It literally helps everyone that matters. You just need to trust in trickle down Jojanomics.

at least he knows the correct best waifu

best thread on Sup Forums at the moment

You need a permit from Joja Corp in order to repropagate a thread for a different purpose and it needs to be approved by the board of thread administration.

They're also not randomly closed on Wednesdays.

I know you're supposed to


but I felt no guilt shopping there since Pierre is an asshole too.

>sells your own produce back to you
>puts YOUR produce in his grange box at the harvest festival, then gets all asshurt when you beat him
>shills his store every time you talk to him
>his wife shills his store every time you talk to her
>got canonically Magicucked by the Wizard

Pierre is a fuck. I wish Gus ran the town store.

you're playing SOS ?!?!?!?!

>that event where Pierre is standing outside your door at 6AM just to shill his shop


>These people just come to my door whenever the fuck they want.
>some chick tries to pawn a dog off on me.


His daughter dyes her hair. Pennyfags are the only cucks in this game.

I prefer the happy dancing apples and a nicer looking building

Ignore him, he's retarded. He's shilled this shit even back when stardew valley had a general on /vg/ because he's butthurt Penny is obviously the bestest waifu.

Anything past 0 is shit.

>not wanting a dog that you could train to keep people off your property more efficiently
What's wrong with you?

She literally says she doesn't dye her hair anymore it just stays purple now.

Also this.

>it's a marnie leaves her shop counter to stare at a microwave for 3 hours episode

>At 8 hearts with all potential girls
Alright Sup Forums, who do I go for?
I'm leaning toward Penny or Emily
Maybe Leah.
Maru and Abigail seem a little on the young side and Haley is Haley.

whats the best comfy farm game I can get for 3ds/ds?


Which husbando is the best

Emily, just to cuck Clint.


used goods trailer trash

go with Leah

>complains about used goodss
>go with Leah

How is this even up for debate?

>Suggesting Leah
>After calling someone else used goods
Kel, if you want to be bullied just say so.

story of seasons, its made by the same people who did harvest moon after they lost the rights to use the harvest moon name

stay clear of the latest """"harvest moon"""" which is fake and gay

Just redecorated. Feels real nice.

>story of seasons
There's two of them. Which one do I go for?

Isn't joja way more expensive for most things?
Why would you support them?


this guy knows whats up

Whatever you choose Abigail is the worst choice.

You guys have shit taste. This is the best waifu.


>Being this proud of being a wagecuck
>Doesn't even own a crystalarium
I was wondering what that distant slurping noise was.

Same price once you buy the membership. You can spend your time making money instead of running around collecting stupid shit and getting jewed by travelling merchants.

>Be alcoholic who runs a vinyard
>Marry Penny
>Regularly gift her aunt pale ale

her ex didn't lay a finger on her. she's PURE

>she's pure

That's pretty gay dude. If someone loaded up your save file without the mod you'd literally be sucking chad dick. Like you're a faggot as far as the game is concerned.

whichever, but trio of towns is the newer one

So is the game worth it? I don't particularly like chucklefuck but the game is on sale on PSN right now.

>mod turns males to female
And for exact same reason you are as retard as those people who say playing female character makes them gay.
Because prefering to see female body is obviously more gay then watching male body.

It's a pretty good time waster, comfy, decently fun, easy to mod if you want to.

Have to agree, I had zero relationship with people in this game and in real life I do not cultivate people either. Just a bother really.

>and in real life I do not cultivate people either.

Enjoy your Female(Male) faggot. Does it even make them actually female or do you have to adopt children? If its the later you're LITERALLY A DICK SUCKER. Like your spouse literally has a Y chromosome.

The Y stands your You're gaY

dat sebastian tho, holy shit

>cultivate people

This man is a raging homosexual.

It's out in the US now, right?

oh my~
that explains why Abby is so much into the occult
>to be fair her mom has green hair too

I'm a softy in any other game, never taking the evil path but with FTL it's all about completing the mission and fuck anyone that gets in the way.

But in helping people you'll usually get better rewards.
e.g. Pirate is attacking civ. Kill pirate and get scrap. Civ pays you more scrap in thanks.