
Splatoon 2 has been out for a few days now, and sales are now beginning to come out on how well it has done. In Japan, Famitsu is reporting that the game has sold 670,955 physical copies in just the first few days of the game’s release. This means that Splatoon 2 has had the biggest debut for a Switch title and even Japan’s highest selling Switch title to date. To compare, Splatoon 1 sold only 156,610 physical copies in Japan within the first four days of its release on the Wii U

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Why not include digital download?

Because that's data only Nintendo has access to and they only release sales in their quarterly reports.

Nintendo is raking in the cash with switch software sales holy shit

How the fuck did Nintendo convince japs to play shooters? Can't just be the loli squids, how the fuck did they do it?


Japan invented third person shooters.

1. Colorful and fun
2. Main goal isn't wanton slaughter
3. It's on handheld now

Good music and fun in general.

>Splatoon 2 has sold 670,995 units in Japan in just 3 days, Famitsu reports. This number, which doesn't digital sales, is over 300% more than the original Splatoon game sold on Wii U at launch. In fact, Splatoon 2 has eclipsed launch sales of other massively popular Nintendo Switch games like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which sold 284,823 physical copies during its debut in late April
>Splatoon 2's debut sales have a huge 55.67% attach rate, meaning more than half of every Switch owner in Japan bought the game. The Japanese games magazine reports the Nintendo Switch install base has grown to 1,205,087 units in the region, up from the previous 1 million sales estimate from last month.


>convince japs to play shooter

How underage are you

>Splatoon is selling better than Metroid and Star Fox combined
>Will outsell most Zelda games
Where were you when Splatoon has become one of Nintendo's largest IPs?

>almost 700k in the first 3 days
>in Japan alone

Holy fuck. It's actually more popular in japan than DQ at this point.

no one cares about squid loli
its all about that squid shota now

nobody cares about a glorified DLC map pack once the usual nintenbabbies gobble up the garbage the sales will go way down just wait.

Japan taste surely has gone to shit, give them loli shit and they'll buy it, fucking degenerates

Get the bag of dicks ready.

It is a shit game with shit matchmaking, no balance to weapons, barebones content available at launch with stuff locked until they release it. I completely regret buying it.


yeah this after buying it all i can think about is intense regret and a burning desire to kill myself how can i have fucked up so hard?

I'm not a PlayStation owner and I think Splatoon 2 is a fucking dumpster fire of a game but comparing bloodborne to splatoon isn't exactly equal is it. The PS4 has a lot more games and Nintendo tends to lean really heavily on certain titles to carry their consoles, Splatoon was one of those titles.

>The PS4 has a lot more games
not really, and definitely not at the time Dark Souls 4 came out


Do what I'm doing, put the game aside, play any other game, have fun, and maybe give away your Splatoon 2 copy to someone you know when they get a switch as a gift. You will get to feel good about giving someone something they want and you will be liberated of possessing such a garbage game.

>Nintendo tends to lean really heavily on certain titles to carry their consoles, Splatoon was one of those titles.

right and on PS4 it's CoD and FIFA wew

>a burning desire to kill myself
Well don't let us stop you.

Cod and fifa aren't just PS4 though, xbox has those titles too. I don't see Nintendo as competing against Sony or MS, they are just a crazy jap company doing their own retarded thing while MS and Sony duke it out for the fifa/cod audience. It's just like you wouldn't say the person with down syndrome in the corner drooling on a Lego isn't competing in the spelling bee against the other two students on the stage just because they are in the same classroom together.

>another weak-willed faggot gets memed into buying something he wasn't sure he wanted in the first place

too late i already killed myself

Splatoon 2 is not worth ending yourself over, at least pick a good reason.

>i don't like it so it's retarded!

neat :)

>at least pick a good reason.
Your existence.

It happens to everyone at least once, the important thing is to fill these Splatoon threads with as many honest criticisms as possible to try and prevent others from making the mistake that I did.

being a huge bitch fag is a good enough reason

nah just memeing i've enjoyed it a bunch so far, potentially GOTY material

>Cod and fifa aren't just PS4 though, xbox has those titles too.
>PS4 is carried by multiplats
Even worse, tbqh.

I was pointing out that Nintendo really doesn't fight in the same weight class as Sony and MS, feel free to argue against me, or you can continue to prove that Nintendo fan boys are just as bad as MS and Sony fanboys, except they have fewer games.

I bought the game and liked it. Maybe you just have shit taste.

>I was pointing out that Nintendo really doesn't fight in the same weight class as Sony and MS

What does this even mean? They get by off PC scraps? Let me remind you that splatoon 1(ONE) sold more than BB

Goty? Really? Matchmaking is awful, pairing level 2s against level 15s and up, weapons aren't balanced, and no plans to add modes later on so what you have at launch is what you get. Tell me how that shapes up to be goty against something like Mario Odyssey or BotW, and I'm not even including non-nintendo titles.


>I was pointing out that Nintendo really doesn't fight in the same weight class as Sony and MS
So why do you feel the need to justify your PS4 purchase by shitting on a system that, as you said, doesn't compete against it? How insecure are you anyway?

Is this one of those anti shills I've heard about?

>Expressing an opinion of the game that isn't the same as your own must mean I own the other systems.

Wow, glad to see Nintendo fanboys are just as bad as any others.

>PS4 has a lot more games
Like what? Bloodborne was literally the first good exclusive to come out on PS4. Many claim that it's still the only one

>pairing level 2s against level 15s and up
>The amount of time spent playing the game determines how good you are at the game
Nigga. I've played against level 20's that are just autistic manchildren who couldn't find their way to B- in ranked in 4v3's.


just don't reply to him and maybe he goes away

PS4 exclusives plus multiplats gives it a larger library than the WiiU had. I'm not speaking to the quality of the game libraries, simply the quantity.

>a sequel to a popular game sold better at launch than the original
breaking news!

and on a system with nothing else to play. it's the same exact game wii u owners have been playing for years.

But time played gives access to the weapons that aren't balanced meaning that autistic manchild can perform better than they should be because of poor design.

So what consoles do you own? Judging by your comments on Nintendo, I can only assume you don't play it exclusively, otherwise you'd be enjoying retard drivel, to paraphrase


>access to the weapons that aren't balanced
Holy shit get fucking good.

Currently just a PC and the switch. Used to have a PS3 years ago and had an Xbox one for a bit, wanted to move away from buying consoles. BotW and Mario kart have been real fun on the switch, I will probably get mario Odyssey since I don't think they can fuck that up and it's been ages since I played a 3d Mario title.

>nothing else to play

>has games

Found the person who uses broken weapons and then tells their opponents to git gud, encouraging even more players to use the broken weapons which decimates the player base in a matter of weeks.

broken how?

I'm not saying that the PS4 library is any good, it just has more titles available to play on it than the WiiU ever did.
>I know it's a meme, but come on.

I use the dualies. In splat 1 I used the N Zap 89. Rank A+. Seriously, get fucking gud.

Yeah man I'm just joking. People around here treat consoles as if they are only exclusive machines but Playstation/Xbox have all the shooters and sport games that Nintendo never does.

Too strong, without cons to balance out the pros of certain weapons.

but how tho?

He keeps dying to them and can't figure out any counterplay/strategies because that would be hard.

none of the weapons are broken, and the fact that you keep insisting on it only proves that you're a huge man baby who refuses to acknowledge his own shortcomings.
git gud you turd.

I don't know why anyone would play a shooter on a console. After going to MaK on PC for shooters using joysticks or motion controls to aim feels like trying to eat pasta with bricks instead of a fork and a spoon.

>I don't know why anyone would play a shooter on a console
They can't afford anything that costs more than $500.

Here comes ACfag again to downplay the success of the switch! man that guy is persistent, maybe that means he's right.......

Not that guy but what's the downside to the sloshers? They seem to have decent range, they're powerful, and spammable.

>i suck with controllers but somehow that's everybody else's problem

MKB babbies are the worst

after all, if you keep saying that something is true then it automatically becomes true. right? that's how that works?

Fair enough I guess. If my PC exploded right now I would sell my switch in a heartbeat to start building another pic though. I guess if they aren't exposed to it they won't know if they like it more. Thank you gaming cafes for teaching me about MaK.

HAHAHAHAHA Holy FUCK! how is someone this bad? HAHAHAHAHA I bet he thinks the splattershot Jr. Is bad just because you start with it


One system of input has precise control, the other often included Auto aim, turn speed caps, and other adjustments in order to make the game "fair" because players can't react fast enough. But hey, if you love using controllers then more power to ya, games are supposed to be fun so I'm not saying that what I like is the absolute best choice. You do you user.

I like using both and got over my edgy "i hate controllers because I don't know how to use one" phase years ago.

slow fire rate
easy to dodge

Obviously trollposting but if you aren't, why would you ever pin your happiness on the failure of a video game? Just go play games you enjoy, I'm just here expressing my (negative) opinions of the game while playing games I enjoy. I'm not here to ruin anyone's fun but rather to try and have a variety of hands on impressions of the game for anons who might be thinking of buying it.

Just to be clear, I don't hate controllers because I don't know how to use them. I just prefer using MaK over controllers after years of using both. People should play games using whatever input system they prefer.

>Holy fuck. It's actually more popular in japan than DQ at this point.
Ahahaha no
DQ is its own thing, don't even try to compare anything to it

How do I get the tickets to use at the food truck in this game?

Single player or Salmon Run.

>I don't know why anyone would play a shooter on a console

okay, were you simply merely pretending, then?

You find them in the campaign maps, currently there is a glitch to farm unlimited tickets for both the exp boost food and the cash boost food. Look for it on (you)tube

why would you play using an inferior console scheme when you could play using a superior control scheme?

To compare DQIX on DS sold more than 2 millions during its first 2 days

DQXI will probably sell more than 3 millions on both platform combined on release since the hype is actually much bigger than IX at the time

No, not pretending. I bought 2 because my friend loved the first game and spoke highly of it. I gave it a fair shot but realized I wasn't having fun so went back to playing other games. I wanted to like it, but it just isn't my cup of tea.

it's fun

All those times I posted crowbcat's switch video. All those times I called it the mlp of vidya. All these times I called it a port with a dlc pack. All those times I spammed >84. All of it was for NOTHING, all those hours WASTED. I don't know if I can go on.

Superior and inferior aren't the right words to use. They are too subjective. People can like different things than you without them bring wrong.

That's not what we were talking about


Thanks user

I mean I tried to play a recent shooter on a console. So I'm not just saying I don't like x without trying x.

Do people just not remember the almodt entire year Sonyfriends spent NEVER EVERing over Bloodborne and using it ro prop up PS4 as the superior console choice or something? Trying to downplay how hard it was shilled on Sup Forums after it got its ass kicked by squilollies is fucking pathetic.

Oh I remember, I'm just being better than them. I encourage you to do the same.

right, you just don't like it because you suck at it

M&K is objectively superior though, as in it is more precise to the point that a person playing on mouse is at a huge advantage compared to someone playing on controller as long as the game doesn't have aim assist