You nostalgia you lose

You nostalgia you lose

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Sad to admit most of Sup Forums has never played the OP game while watching Strong Bad Emails

Fucking loved this game. I remember even writing to the creator as a kid, asking how to unlock some of the characters. He even responded to me. Good times man.

Post #385206903 is a faggot who doesn't deserve a response.

already lost




is this some new hd version? i remember it was very pixelated

fuck this p2w shit

i don't know probably. memory fails me when it comes to these details

>tfw used lightning only every single game even in maps which completely gimp it
>tfw got so good with it i could snipe pixel sized land pieces
>tfw ynw play this again

Game gives me crazy nostalgia.. Played it since I was in grade 5.




Drawbridges were the shit.



Oh hey, I've played this. Anywhere I can get it now?

Dont do this to me, i want to go back so much


This game man, this fucking game. Used to play the fuck outta it back in my early high school days.

> that chink mod that doubled or tripled the move list size as well as unlocked some new characters and raised the power level to retarded heights
That was some good shit

All the mods.

>setting all the player inputs to the same
>controling everyone at once



same. can't play it anymore since its only best while playing it with your best buds on lan.

Oh shit, I remember that. I think it was called reinforced or something. I spent ages trying to learn off the special moves from the included text document.

Fuck,i can't find a place to download that fucking game with mods and shit, i want to go back.

> julians explosion nuked the entire screen
> but he still was weaker than the purple silhouette guy

help me out Sup Forums. trying to remember a game.

its free on pc
shooter/shoot em up? with space ships and stuff
had vertex art

played it around 2007-2008 which i think it was released

i remember the first thing i bought i got my first paycheck was this game after having pirated it for so long
damn good game


fuck... lost

Is that moon patrol user? Seems like ages ago

I remember my friend and I hung out at his house and found this game as well as a bunch of others on gamehippo. Rip.
We used to play this and Laxius power a lot, as well as some Dragon Quest clone called Warrior Dragon.

Those were good times man. Early internet was the shit.

And apparently Little Fighter had mods which I'm just now learning of from this thread. I hate that I missed that.

why the fuck I remember playing this shit?



Don't expect many to remember. It was a freeware game in German that might be nostalgic to those who played it.

>Played the shit out of this
>Armor,Cake,Magus were my niggas
>Decide to check it out again because nostalgia
Never again. The new stuff was garbage and for some fucking reason my enemies had extra item slots thus making even avatar off p2w bs.

fuck web browser mmos. literally the pre cursor to mobile cancer games

Probably the first online game I ever played seriously. I remember thinking AZN was some kind of clan and was always impressed how many members they had.

you got me you son of a bitch. beta > release

I still have no clue why they got rid of some maps like WZA zone or something. it was perfect.

You can still play it.

> I remember thinking AZN was some kind of clan and was always impressed how many members they had.

Kek, I remember that time. Literally every Asian had "Azn" or "Rice" somewhere in their name. "AznPride56"

I had an Asian friend at school who did that


I never got the leaping boots though I did kill lizzy. My first and only ever turn based rpg or mmo. The sense if exploration will never be recaptured for me like when that was new. I beta tested that shit. Played it on our ps2s but we would party chat in OG xbox while playing cuz it didn't support chat.

I had no joke forgotten that this game even existed.
But I remember that I thought I was super cool because I managed to make an additional mod character of my own.

Graal Online will forever be my favorite MMO.

my friends were all asian. their usernames on the internet in the 90s was something like this


i miss this
some say Havoc is still AFK in that spot to this day

Yep, for some reason this thread made me think of it

all those free servers had a fuckton of unfinished maps. never played on the paid ones but i'm sure its the same shit back then

this fucking game

The beta was the most glorious thing ever.
>Go into pepper park
>Throw explosive at a group
>Watch as the carnage consumes the entire area and everyone starts killing each other

anyone remembers this one? or is it only me?

I remember it being boring as shit.

it will never be the same T _ T

Who /liero/ here?


that's not liero faggot


> tfw your own weapon set is lost to time
That shit was so good too ;_;

Liero sequel when? Just add physics, dynamic lighting, decent graphics, mouseaim and shitloads of unique weapons/tools/mobility/passives and you'd easily make a FOTM game at the very least

Ah yes, the famous Kriegsgott von Bohmen. I greatly enjoyed this game while eating some bratwurst and sauerbraten. My dirndl is moist from the memories.


Ruger 77 is king