Gimme a quick rundown on Bloodkino

Gimme a quick rundown on Bloodkino

It's basically Demon's Souls but with even less weapon/build variety, shitty lore, shitty art direction and better graphics. There you go.

If you have a friend to play with you it can be very fun. I had a lot of fun playing it.

Is just a bunch of faggots running around knifing people like in Call Of Duty and occasionally using a gun like fable 2. Just keep spinning and get good is what they say.

and with the quickest, cleanest, and fastest gameplay of the soulsborne series

It's based on Lovecraftian horror with a Victorian setting. It slowly goes from werewolves in burning streets to aliens and other crazy shit in cathedrals. winding dungeons, and cities destroyed by plague.

It has a much faster pace in combat and you can regain health for a short time after being hit by attacking enemiesm which encourages aggression. There are two shields including the one the DLC in the entire game and only the DLC one is remotely useful. The one in the base game is basically there to show you can't turtle in this game.

The bosses are a lot like the bosses in Dark Souls' Artorias of the Abyss DLC: very aggressive and with certain moves you don't see often that keep you from falling into a mindless rhythm.

Magic is pretty bad and not all builds are viable even with the help of the DLC, and there aren't many weapons. However, each weapon has a very unique moveset (instead of entire classes of weapons with the same moveset or certain moves mixed and matched from other classes).

Overall I would say it's worth playing and it has some very unique moments. Don't expect a perfect game, but it's not trash like many will tell you.

>and with the quickest, cleanest, and fastest gameplay of the soulsborne series
Considering the lack of tank builds, shields, defensive spells and other non-speed oriented combat strategies/features, I would hope it would be.

-Hunters bow to Queen Yharnam
-In contact with Kos
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control Yharnam with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Nightmare Frontier (Yharnagrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of blood research facilities
-First designer beasts will in all likelihood be Alien babies
-all hunters said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence in Yharnam has only existed deep in ancient civiliazations & Alien frontiers
-Ancient Alien scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Yharnam and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Blood R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Beast Blood inside you right now
-Queen Yharnam is in regular communication with Kos and Kosm, forwarding the word of God to the Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the hunter & the Moon Pressence (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the leader’s first trip to the nightmare in history literally a few days later to the Yharnam tomb in chalice dungeon?
-She learned fluent Ayylmao in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the Queen. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Yharnam
-The Queen is about 7,000 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, she is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

Wow is been a while since i saw this much ass kissing for this pile of garbage game

This box art is terrible

A+ post

>shitty art direction
>the only souls game that isn't in some sort of fantasy setting

Game is shit.
Game is fucking great.

go away Sup Forums

>the only souls game that isn't in some sort of fantasy setting
Medieval fantasy looks x10 better than this Victorian bullshit filled with retarded shape-shifting anime weapons and Sherlock Holmes outfits. Get some taste faggot child.


I died a little

the first blood pill is always the hardest

a 10/10 if you're willing to invest in it and forgive technical issues
a solid 8/10 if you're picky
a shit overrated game if you're dummy


The combat is clunky, lame, and bland. The dying - that doesn't upset me really, it's just having to go through a long loading screen and then the same super big but weirdly sparse area to then engage in more super-boring combat just to hopefully tredge to at least the same place as before.

I just keep asking myself - where is the fun part? For a game so combat-centric, you'd think it'd be the combat, but the combat is rather boring. There is no story, really. Super esoteric and faint inklings of one, but by no means compelling.

>less weapon variety
>only souls game that has weapon variety
I bet you are actually hoping that people get angry at your trolling but it is so much of a blatant lie that I can't even pretend to imagine that you believe what came out of your own mouth.

No retard, that doesn't mean there's weapon variety. There is far, far less variety. On top of the fact that the base game only includes about 15 weapons, your options for how to use those weapons is very slim. Sure, they can change form, but you also can't dual-wield, change stances, etc. Demon's Souls, the game with the second-least weapons in the series, still has far more weapons than BB AND you can use them in any combination you want. Who the fuck cares if you can turn a small axe into a large axe when you can't use an axe and a sword, or a knife and a spear, or a shield and a mace? There's no fucking variety. Stop eating your own shit and accept it.

dark souls but with guns and melee weapons that have two modes. also just replace souls with echoes.

It's a meme

Late game, the regain system just doesn't work at all. A basic enemy can slap you and a full, uninterrupted combo that may drain your whole stamina bar will only net back about 50% of what you lost. Forget about trying to get back any health at all from a boss.

The idea of "I love the regain system because it lets me get back health" is a dumb one, since the game is obviously balanced for its existence. If it didn't exist, the health you "got back" never would have been lost in the first place because you wouldn't be taking as much damage, because there's no regain system. Now take that in mind with the late game, where the regain function is fairly pointless because it barely works. If there was no regain system, you'd at least be taking 20% less damage, instead of losing 90% of your health bar from one hit from a chalice repeat boss.

Thing about the regain system is, if it didn't exist, hits would probably be balanced to do less damage. You know, like Souls games.

if by changing stances and dual wielding you mean like dark souls 2, no you can't (except for the blades of mercy in the split mode). but the purpose of stance changing was to change the moveset in order to deal with different situations (as well as to fix the mostly useless dual wielding from the first game but that's neither here nor there). is this not the same as changing the weapon in bloodborne?

>if by changing stances and dual wielding you mean like dark souls 2, no you can't (except for the blades of mercy in the split mode). but the purpose of stance changing was to change the moveset in order to deal with different situations (as well as to fix the mostly useless dual wielding from the first game but that's neither here nor there). is this not the same as changing the weapon in bloodborne?
By stances I meant changing your grip on the weapon, like using a sword with a shield or holding it with both hands. This essentially accomplishes the same thing that changing the form of the weapon does, except you can't combine any of BB's weapons with each other. Bottom line, it has the least weapons, and it has the fewest number of ways you can use/combine those weapons.

It's not just a small axe and a large axe, it's canes into whips, swords into hammers, added elemental damage and other shit. Why dual wield two weapons that you've seen a million times when you can have one that does both, or one that's like something you've seen before but also has a moveset you haven't encountered before, like the amygdalan arm?

And you're missing the point if you're wishing for a shield in this game.

so would it be a 10/10 if you could dual wield the weapons and change their forms?

15 different short swords that all swing in one direction isn't weapon variety. Most weapons in regular souls games all act similarly so there is not much adjusting to each weapon you come across. Then to make matters worse, when you finally do get weapons with unique attack patterns, they usually make it easy as fuck to punish in PvP. Also don't pretend a left hand weapon changes up the dynamics of a fight. Only a shield or magic does that, or to a lesser degree a bow. Hell rings actually change the dynamics of a fight a whole hell of a lot more than your 100 generic weapons do.

>It's not just a small axe and a large axe, it's canes into whips, swords into hammers, added elemental damage and other shit. Why dual wield two weapons that you've seen a million times when you can have one that does both, or one that's like something you've seen before but also has a moveset you haven't encountered before, like the amygdalan arm?
You're pretending that the weapons in BB do things they don't. You can turn a sword into a hammer or a cane into a whip, but the end result is using the weapon for single-target damage or area damage, quick weak attacks or slow powerful attacks, etc., with very few exceptions. The transformations don't really do anything all that interesting or innovative. The decision to include shape-shifting weapons comes at the cost of a huge variety of weapons which can all be combined in any way you choose. Want to use a spear in your right hand for poking enemies at a distance while you use a knife in your offhand for parrying? You can do that. Want to use a sword and a crossbow? You can do that. Want to use a club for slow, powerful attacks and your fist for stunning? You can do that. The options are practicaly limitless. You simply cannot do anything like this in BB because you are limited to an incredibly small weaponset of weapons with equally limited uses.

who cares about a faster snail

>15 different short swords that all swing in one direction isn't weapon variety.
You're right, which is why there are about a dozen other types of weapons in the other games.

>Most weapons in regular souls games all act similarly so there is not much adjusting to each weapon you come across
Not any more similarly than the weapons in BB. There are only a very few weapons in BB that are truly unique, like the whirligig saw or stakedriver, outside of that the weapons are your standard fare and their only distinguishing feature is that they allow you to flip between two attack modes on the fly... you know, like switching weapons in DeS/DaS.

>Then to make matters worse, when you finally do get weapons with unique attack patterns, they usually make it easy as fuck to punish in PvP
Completely subjective based on player skill, personal strategy and character build.

>Also don't pretend a left hand weapon changes up the dynamics of a fight.
Sounds like you've been playing the games wrong, because left hand weapons add a huge layer of strategy to the game. Shield and magic are two popular options, but so is using a parrying dagger, dual-wielding the same weapon (or weapons with complimentary effects), one slow/powerful weapon and one weak/fast weapon, etc.

>Hell rings actually change the dynamics of a fight a whole hell of a lot more than your 100 generic weapons do.
Not really but okay.



If you ever played Dark Souls with no armor and a halberd you've played Bloodborne.

why not a spear in your right hand for poking enemies and a gun for parrying? is this substitute not satisfactory? or a sword and a bloodtinge build so you can do ranged damage with your offhand weapon (like a crossbow) while also being able to parry with it?

>Want to use a club for slow, powerful attacks and your fist for stunning?

you can actually do this in bloodborne, with the fist of gratia and any slow, powerful weapon that you can use one handed. and while you're doing that you can also do another moveset because the weapon changes, all without changing your loadout.

gameplay-wise it's Dark Souls with shit armor and a bunch of weapons all outclassed by a starting short sword (Saw Cleaver)

said weapons can change form, but it's mostly useless

instead of estus you get blood vials which kinda heal like estus, are very quick to use, you can walk while using, enemies drop them, and you can have a maximum of 20 with you

story wise:

ayy lmaos can create dreams and trap people inside them, an ayy lmao trapped you inside the dream he created (you interact with his servant, an old man in a wheelchair), and you gotta get inside the dream of another ayy lmao and kill said ayy lmao, then the old man will let you off the dream

you can also kill him and become the new wheelchair man that interacts with hunters, and if you get the correct items and use them you can even replace the ayy lmao host of the dream you're stuck in, becoming an ayy lmao yourself

After thousands of hours of PvP, I've never seen weapon variety matter as much in DaS games. All of your examples are exagerated nonsense. There is definitely more PvP variety in DaS, which is why I have a lot more hours into it than BB, but that variety has almost nothing to do with weapon variety.

Also, I have had 50+ kill streaks where I'm on my own and I avoid fighting the invaders until it is 1v3 against my favor, so I don't see my problem being a lack of skill. Are you saying a lack of skill is what helps you see weapon variety?

What a shittiest opinion literally on everything that Bloodborne has
Fuck off

flawed and anime af but still my favorite game since prime 1. got the art book today and nearly creamed

those were just the facts

here are some opinions:
>estus>blood vials
>making heavy weapons deal more damage > having them be outperformed by Saw Cleaver Master Race
>those fat-ass blood suckers shouldn't be in the game, they're so annoying
>at last villager slightly brushing a torch against you doesn't instantly mean death (but it should still deal like half the damage it does)
>fucking great aesthetics
>once again, having to upgrade weapons to make them even useable only hinders your options, instead they should just let you use all weapons, it'd be way more fun, stat pre-reqs are already there to be a chore, they didn't need to put another chore on top of it (again)
>shit memes like Maria-chan is sleeping! should be bannable
>soundtrack is great
>probably the best game in the series in terms of non-linearity (though it's only really good for replayability tbqh)
>the gun parry window on most enemies feels inconsistent, and at times feels way too easy (like those church guys)
>Orphan of Kos is one of the best boss fights I've had in a Souls game, except for that stupid attack on phase 2 where he throws a bunch of explosive shit around, at times he'll do that like 2 or 3 times in a row and holy fuck it's deadly

How did you do this

If you think saw cleaver is best, then you clearly don't know how to use other weapons most efficiently xD

>saw cleaver
I've never actually seen someone using one of these without them dying 10 seconds later. Maybe I need to replay the game and challenge some of you fuckers to see if good saw cleaver users aren't just a myth.

Tricorn hats are not Victorian

>works against pratically every enemy
>fast as fuck, allowing you to poke then dodge bosses no problem
>outDPSs almost everything
>comes out quickly so you can react if you're surrounded

I fuck around with the HMS when I'm dealing with non-bosses, or if it's an easy boss, but if shit's going down I have to bring out the Saw Cleaver

>probably the best game in the series in terms of non-linearity

When an opinion is demonstrably wrong, it's not an opinion anymore.

Optional content does not equal non linearity.

>two and a half character building options
>way too overinvested in your weapon to change it halfway
>shittiest covenants in the series
>shit online
>chalice dungeons are absolute cancer
>the best PvE and plot of all the souls games

so are chalice dungeons worth doing, how much grinding for gems will I reasonably need to do

once you get to the cathedral you can go to a bunch of places, as well as skip them, the only thing that can rival BB in this aspect is DaS if you start with the key

I did forget to mention how the game has a lot of optional content though

>so are chalice dungeons worth doing
jesus christ no

> how much grinding for gems will I reasonably need to do
grinding, just a bit, but you'll have to go through... 6+? chalice dungeons to get to the one you actually want to go to, to face the last chalice dungeon only boss, I went through it all and I regret it

But what about fighting all the bosses? Don't I need to go through the chalice dungeons to fight this pasta-faced thing?

if you want to get the absolute maximum value out of the game? yeah
once I had gotten the platinum and beat the queen boss i had 70 hours.
they do get really boring after a while though, yeah.

Ludwig's is much stronger than the Saw Cleaver

>skip them
That makes it optional content.
Once you clear the cathedral you there is only ONE path to go down that is required for completing the game.

Shadows > Rom > TOR > Micolash > Nurse

Just for you

>put some of the most interesting weapons in the final sections of the game so that you don't have a chance to actually use them during that run

why do they do this

Ebrietas can be found in the Upper Cathedral Ward. The higher level Chalice Dungeon bosses are by far the most obnoxious and frustrating fights in the game. Shit like Defiled Amydala and Hotdog of the Old Lords essentially boils down to not getting a single time in a 15 minute fight.

This. I didn't know people cared about speed in the slowest combat series ever.

BB NG+ is the best part of the game so I don't have a problem with it.