What's the biggest video game lie you believed?

What's the biggest video game lie you believed?

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"You can see other players, and they can see you."
~ Sean Murray

the entirety of mighty no. 9

"It just works."
- Todd Howard

Pokegods, and a lot of Red/Blue era Pokemon rumors.

I thought the switch was a good idea

i thought bungie learned their lessons from destiny 1, but after playing the beta for 2 it's more of the same

I thought Witcher 3 had meaningful choices.

They lied.
Shitty game, 4/10

>Spore is amazing

Definitely Spore. Some of you may be a bit too young for it, but that was my No Man's Sky.


"None of this is scripted"

The Ariana Triforce scam

>see that mountain? you can climb it

spore was the last single player game I paid money for


>Fire Emblem Fates
>More choices then ever
>The only major choice is made at purchase
>Can't choose to not be a dindu mary sue in every scenario

Not Toddposting but you actually can if you get a horse or learn to angle jump

"microtransactions will never be a part of Runescape"

I don't think that's what Todd had in mind.



Never bought into the hype again.

Does it count if you knew it was a lie but believed in it anyway?

Is RS3 worth playing for the quests? I recently got back into OSRS and already finished all of the quests they had to offer

Pretty much anything related to Mario 64. I was young and new to the internet; why would anyone lie to me?
>get 1,000 coins while fighting bowser to unlock luigi!
>sit directly on the bridge outside of the castle, wait for mario to fall asleep and say "lasagna" 15 times, shoot to the top of the castle and yoshi will be rideable!
>there's a secret level INSIDE the mirror! you just have to find the exact spot/angle to jump into it!

The Sega Saturn would have good games on it

I like it. I stopped playing since I basically did everything there was to do. The micro transaction shit really removes any sense of accomplishment in leveling up. And the games basically become a grind for the sake of grind game. People get 200 million exp for fun, not because there's content waiting for them at the end.

GTA 4, I was so hyped and lied to myself about it not being a huge let down for months.

You can get mew by pushing the van in pokemon r/b/y. I heard about it when I was like 9 or some shit and believed it until I was 23-24.

That all small game development teams don't do it for the money and ALWAYS give you a finished product.

A cheat/guidebook I owned as a kid insisted these two features existed in Metal Gear Solid

>There was a Lv10 Keycard you could get that would skip the torture section
>You could get a Ninja outfit like Grayfox if you completed the game three times

I knew the latter was bullshit because that parameter gave you the tuxedo. But I tried for months to get that supposedly real keycard because I didn't figure a book could be wrong twice.

There was a nude cheat for Perfect Dark.

GameFAQs had a fake cheat for it up for months, which didn't help.

I thought BotW was going to be amazing and not an empty grindfest

"Within the overall theme of the journey, the team reasoned on what position a heroine should take, and thought that rather than having a more passive and weak heroine that needs to be saved, it would be much better to have a stronger and more determined female character, who actively engages with the events in the story, and to play that role they thought they needed a different character than Stella."

-Hajime Tabata

What type of guide book gives you false info? Granted, some give you slightly wrong info but not "that kid" tier wrong info.

Mew under the truck
A bunch of "cheats" like Pikachu in OoT or getting a Super Magic Sword or whatever by doing a bunch of bullshit, like running around the farm three times, killing a few enemies at Lake Hylia and shooting the Deku Sprout with a fire arrow

You could literally just advance the main quest and get to the top of the mountain.

That Halo 2 would be good.

Any cheat/guidebook from the mid-90s that came with a 3rd party magazine. They were littered with false info.

Depending on the magazine, they didnt fact check anything what so ever, so all it took was one "that kid" in the middle of their source to fuck everything up

There was some fake cheat code I saw back in like 2002 that said if you could play as Revolver Ocelot in MGS2 if you pressed a certain combination of buttons.

Tried it for like two hours. I had never been so confused and disappointed at anything before.

I knew he was lying, but I just wanted to believe.

The Missing Link my ass. It was an irrelevant spin-off.

>Nude cheat
>In an FPS

For what purpose?

Irrelevant and incomplete spin-off.

I forgot about those pieces of shit. Yeah, some of the things I read from those were quite bad.

You'll find Bigfoot in San Andreas' forests if you search for him long enough,

How would you know if you haven't played it?

Those San Andreas urban myth videos. I didn't know what mods were so I did try to go looking for some of those things.

Faggots like you are the reason why everything is multiplayer now.
I hope whatever genre you like dies.



I could sure go for a steamed ham right now.

"turn-based is outdated blah blah blah" That little nigger that posts that shit whenever Divinity is brought up is the only thing that "triggers" me on this board full of autistic fucks.


nintendo power occasionally had a code cop (or something to that effect) section that detailed false rumors and such

Pic related

That Final Fantasy XV had finished development

No joke there is a guide for Pokemon out there that recommends using a master ball on a hard to catch Pokemon like Tentacruel or Fearow. Also there was a NG+ feature on the first gen with having all of your Pokemon in the PC stay there when starting a new save file. There is also the infamous guide for one of the Final Fantasy games that doesn't tell you shit but instead keep recommending looking at the website that they linked for the infomation that you should've gotten in the physical book that you pay for.

Early game guides were like Gamefaqs, they were made by a 3rd party and depending on the writer it could have more rumors and bullshit stats than actual info.

There's no MvC4 yet though

I believed Fable would be the most incredible game ever made and bought a shit box just to play it.
I also once thought that Kinect might turn out to be something truly ground breaking. Fuck you Peter.

>You can do ANYTHING

>there's a secret level INSIDE the mirror! you just have to find the exact spot/angle to jump into it!
that happens in DS

Is this the /Todd/ general?

>tfw bought Fable without any expectations
Feels good


I bought Godus. "He was behind literally every good god game," I thought, "How could it go wrong?"


Spore is the only correct answer. Molyneux was a known bullshitter for years but no one thought Will Wright would betray us that badly


As a kid there were so many rumors about Mortal Kombat. The fact that the game WAS loaded with secrets made it easy to believe that some of the rumors were real.

It wasn't entirely Will Wright though. EA absolutely fucked development halfway through and made the entire thing a cluster fuck.

>Breath of the Wild is a good game, buying a Switch is totally worth it

I won't lie, I totally bought into the Milo / Project Natal hype. I actually thought it was real.

I got hyped for Darksouls 2. Was so disappoint I never bought a soul game after that. Everyone be saying BB and DS3(mostly BB) is actually amazing tho. I already know as soon as I touch BB or DS3 imma just think about DS2 and turn off the game.

Was there ever any porn of that?

Aliens: Colonial Marines

Tho I am proud to admit that I've never fallen for any of EA's bullshit. You'd have to be a complete fool to give them your monies.

>EA absolutely fucked development halfway through and made the entire thing a cluster fuck.

That sentence could be applied to most EA-published games.

Guild Wars 2 is a true sequel to Guild Wars, and will never include raids

that Sup Forums has shills on it

Well, at least the Mew Nugget Bridge glitch is a thing fortunately.

>you can do anything
>it just works
>beta testing for bug hunting instead of player feedback
>valve actually being good game designers

Voice chat makes games better.

>"turn-based is outdated blah blah blah
I never understand how someone deludes themself this much when pokemon is THE most popular franchise on the planet

>why would you want a nude cheat in a game with functional mirrors?


I genuinely thought Bioshock Infinite was going to be a groundbreaking game that would improve on all aspects of the first Bioshock and System Shock 2 and push the entire medium forward.

When I was really little, I was really fucked by one of these. It included two cheats/secrets that I was interested in. One was for Pokemon Gold, saying that if you beat the elite four fifty times, then Lance will send out a ‘Tortoise’. Supposedly this was a secret fourth evolution after Blastoise, and you automatically catch it when it faints. I thought there was no way this could be true.

The other cheats were for Theme Park World, and each one was about two hundred inputs long. They were utterly ridiculously long. So I thought there is no way they could possibly be real, but when I tried them, they actually worked. Because they worked, I assumed the Pokemon Gold one was true too. Me and my friends took turns of beating the elite four with my copy, and we actually used a tally chart to count each run.

I bit on the fake spoiler that Edgeworth dies in Apollo Justice.

his smile looks like that ned flanders halloween episode with the smile forcing hooks

in a few hours when i get home im shopping that

>This will be revealed in the third game. I hope you guys look forward to it.

I was spoiled on Sup Forums that Woody dies at the end of Toy Story 3 just before I went to go see it

That games look as good as in E3 trailers or website screenshots

That men would become demons.
All for revenge.

>your choices matter

Mass effect series



Fuck you.

That Bungie's next game was going to as good as Halo 1-3... it still hurts.

I don't even remember buying Fable, but when I had I loved it.
I've yet to enjoy an WRPG as much as that.

for tha tiddies

bet that furnace scene scared the crap out of you, huh?

Not counting disappointments, expectations, and lies I didn't believe I honestly can't think of anything except what was Project Natal to be truly revolutionary and not just a shitty Wii knockoff.
The last years of Maxis were pretty painful, I never fell for the "SimCity [2013] was always designed to be played online" bullshit they tried to pull.