Buy the Jak collection instead of Ratchet's because I've never played Jak

>buy the Jak collection instead of Ratchet's because I've never played Jak
>it's fucking boring as hell
i sincerely wish i bought Ratchet instead

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just but both you retard

They are solid games but not better than Crash or Ratchet

>not buying both

Poor fags out.

Jak 1 is the best one as well. Jak 2 is an edgy gta style game and I don't even remember Jak 3 but I'm sure I had it as a kid.

Most people who hold Jak in high regard never played Ratchet.
If they did, they would not hold Jak in high regard.

Seriously, Jak 1 is pretty damn good. I would put Jak 1 as higher than Ratchet 1 by a small margin, but Ratchet 2 and 3 are outright better than Jak 2 and 3 in every aspect.

holy shit. i was thinking this guy was just hated for being a generic mascot character, but no he's fucking unbelievably annoying. why did they add this piece of shit into the game?

I played both to death and I prefer Jak by a mile for being more grounded, more difficult and having interconnected levels. Also Ratchet has terrible, terrible vehicle segments.

>Also Ratchet has terrible, terrible vehicle segments

The first Ratchet game is trash

The second fucked up the lava gun, so fuck it too

>Jak and Daxter is bad trilogy meme
Well... I still have my fun with them every year, so... They're just not your taste.

I've played Jak 1-2-3, daxter, frontier, and racing. I've also played ratchet and clank, going commando, up your arsenal, and deadlocked.

Jak is the better series

Jak1 was leagues better than ratchet 1 but everything afterward is shit and ratchet is consistently better

I prefer Jak 1 ovet Ratchet games.

They didn't want the main character to speak because they didn't want the player to feel a disconnect between what the character says and how the player feels. Instead they included a sidekick who talks and who the player could freely find annoying. Check out this video, this is actually a really interesting video series


soneygroes didn't deserve the brilliance that was the jak trilogy. People like OP are why naughty dog only make uncharted derivatives now

Well that's not the right video at all

but i don't like uncharted either

Naughty Dog has always just been a trend follower.

Is the new Ratchet for ps4 just as good as the classic ones?

Wasn't Uncharted more of a trendsetter? It was an early player in that cinematic corridor gameplay


i played it, and it felt very similar gameplay wise. it's almost as if all they did was redo the textures. however, the writing is significantly worse, and some of the bosses are as well. they also removed some other minor content, but i'd still say it's okay. either one is really fine, especially because the weapons in the new one are fantastic.

It wasn't a trendsetter, "cinematic action game" was already something that was becoming popular around that time. I think a lot of people also forget that the first Uncharted game wasn't even a huge hit, it barely made a splash when it first came out. It wasn't until Uncharted 2 that people started going nuts over the series.

Name literally one good boss fight in the entire R&C franchise.

Speedrun it

yeah, people will bitch about the story but who even pays attention to the stories of these games anyways

There's always that one part of a Jak game with a razor-thin time limit and zero margin for error that requires 50 tries to get right.

It's irritating.

Glad I made the right decision in my childhood and bought Ratchet and Clank instead, even if I only played the first one and half of the second one (even though I prefer the first one's setting but they fucking butchered it in the remake)

I hold Jack in high regard. There was only pure quality when it came to ps2 games. Sly cooper, Ratchrt and clank Jack and daxter, dark cloud, final fantasy series. Metal gear. Crash bandicoot. Mother fucking SPYRO

Ps2 childhood is golden

Better. More on par with Future Tools of Destruction and Crack in Time gameplay wise. Very fun game, but more linear and shorter than those overall.

Said no one ever

oh please, these games are easy once you figure out the most op move

The Uncharted games are all 10/10 games though, way better than Jak and Crash.

The original Jak & Daxter is the greatest non-Mario 3D platformer ever made. Kill yourself you fucking pleb.

ok relax, it was good but it wasnt that good.

I would say Jak 1 is better than Crash 1-3 and is a natural evolution of its gameplay, but Jak 2 and 3 are pretty bad.

this but unironically

Uncharted 2 is the best one and it's an 8/10 at best.

Jak 1 is obscenely easy. Like, you could 100% it in a few sessions.

Jak 2 on the other hand will fucking crush your balls. I don't understand why they jumped from one extreme to the other.

the music sucks in the new one

Insomniac >>>>> Naughty Dog, this was true for Crash vs Spyro too.

>Jak 2 on the other hand will fucking crush your balls
this meme seriously needs to end. the only hard parts are the races and maybe the final boss THATS IT. you can beat most of the missions easily by spin jumping and shooting with the yellow gun

Opposite of Crash and sort of Uncharted, both of the first games in those series are hardest. Except Uncharted 4 on crushing difficulty which is an incredibly painful and infuriating experience even for someone who did it in the other three games.

>There was only pure quality when it came to ps2 games
>Crash bandicoot. Mother fucking SPYRO

he grew up with those games so naturally he will think they were good, let him be user.

>not buying the superior Sly collection
You fucked up op

Way to show your lack of knowledge.

The ONE thing they did right besides just copy pasting some of the older planets, they also maintained the OG's semi linear format of traveling to different planets in different order

Except now they give away what's crucial to advance to "plot" and mark out what's optional, so the novelty of going to a new planet with zero info and figurin out what to do is completely gone, they kiddified it.

I'd HIGHLY recommend you avoid the 2016 version and play the 2002 OH title.
The story is better, difficulty lies in you being able to use your weapons more strategically, the main charaters have a great dynamic and personality to them, side characters are rather interesting and quirky in their own way when you encounter them, you have more of the OG weapons that isn't included in the 2016 version (they kept some, removed others and just replaced them with guns from other sequels) the music is some of the best in the series (and remixed in following sequels properly, unlike 2016)

It's just a superior title in every way, shape and form.

I loved flying around in those cars fuck you

This. Nothing is that hard in this game. Driving cars through streets still sucks though

i don't like this game at all thus far, but i'll admit Keira is cute.
i already played it and it was mediocre. 2 is great, but 1 is just a plain platformer, and i hated 3.

I can beat it pretty easily now but fuck man that part in Jak1 where you gotta catch those fish for that guy pissed me the fuck off so much back in the day

Did anybody play his spinoff? I remember finding it good

ps2 spyro games were horrible though.

i tried to as well as 4. Kept crashing on his spinoff and on four you cannot even get past the first section for some reason

The remake is better in every way, fuck off and eat shit you retarded nostalgiafaggot.

Damn, that sucks. I remember spending hours just riding around on the scooter, finding the eggs and listening to the music


Name 1 thing mother fucker. ONE. FUCKING. THING. That this was the case.

And please don't simply tell me about the 30 FPS graphics looking AMAZING. How come the old title could afford 60 fps nearly 15 years ago but can't fucking do it today? Hmmmmmm?