Post your likes and dislikes. Discuss anything Woomy.
I love Splatoon. I'm really glad they didn't center the game around Mario. This game has so much peronality
Post your likes and dislikes. Discuss anything Woomy.
I love Splatoon. I'm really glad they didn't center the game around Mario. This game has so much peronality
friendly reminder that Marie is best girl and I love her.
Fuck off Marina.
How do you fucking compete with this? Shes too perfect
need 1 person
Pearl is Trans, pass it on.
This is my woomy
There are many like it, but this one is mine
You guys can tell me if it's fresh tho
So there's a new patch out that fixes the ticket farming. Also balances weapons
I like the game, but dislike that it feels too similar to Splatoon. I can't help but feel like Nintendo rushed this out to ensure early Switch sales. I hope by the time Splatoon 3 comes around, they'll be sure to properly build on the formula.
Also, I love Salmon Run, but hate these times they got it on. I'm sure theire going around the Jap's schedules, but it's still lame.
Definitely feels to me like they were gonna do a port but decided to put in just enough to call it a sequel so it didn't seem like Switch had too many ports. Are dualies seriously the only new fucking weapons?
And it was almost perfect.
The brella is also new, although currently it can only be used in single player.
>hear about update
>go into game
>see 1.1.1 still
>immediately farm 50 tickets each before updating
There are more new weapons coming like the brella that is only in single player right now
speaking of brella no one has answered me why that's confined to single player still
You were wrong last time and you're wrong this time
Just got finished playing for the night. Haven't had the time to play much yet (focused on clearing the campaign first, then currently only level 8), but I'm having a lot fun. The game feels even fresher than normal since I haven't played the first one since the Callie vs Marie splatfest.
It helps that in the majority of the games I've been put in so far, I've been carrying my teams as far as inking the most ground and splatting the most enemies. Never felt so dominant before
It's not what you call a simple to use weapon. You can't just fire it indiscriminately and get kills with it. That and I think it changes the meta. The brella would be immensely useful in Tower Control.
probably just to dangle the shiny new weapon in our faces before they eventually release it. It seems like it would be pretty cool in multiplayer.
Feels stupidly good to me. Probably needs balancing.
They're probably deciding what sub weapon and special for it. Although I'm almost certain it's getting the Ink Storm special.
>lay down ink storm
>shoot an umbrella
>push in
Yeah, that could be cool.
Splatoon 2 should have been on the PS4.
>tfw you heard about the exploit before the update.
Grinding to 99 rank boost tickets now.
Tell me I'm not going to be banned Sup Forums.
Sub should be Splash Wall or Sprinkler. Also because it's an umbrella I don't really know how useful that'd be.
I just got a 3 day ban, farmed 50 tickets each.
You can get banned for a bit, stay safe.
You won't be banned
Lobbies would be empty if they did
As a psn game
>Salmon run is at 2am
I really want to play it already.
That would make it too defensive. It's probably getting the Ink Mine or Toxic Mist.
What does it say when you get banned?
Singleplayer is offline, how would they ever know those tickets aren't legit?
Appreciate the warning, but I would like proof before I update.
I know this is a troll but I wouldn't care much
More time to work torwards hero weapons
Well, just do it yourself my man.
I don't see you getting banned as you're most likely to be getting your ass kicked when you gain absurd amount of levels like that. And gold isn't that hard to gain. The tickets just seem like a non-issue here.
>Ninja gear doesn't come with stealth jump and or ninja squid
>buying burger king toys
Kill yourself.
>want to play a mode that's in the game
>it's only available for a few hours every day
what did nintendo mean by this?
I'm already good at the game though
I just want weapons
>More fucking Splatoon. Considering the Wii U was dead in the water, I'm grateful as fuck Nintendo didn't decide to let Splatoon die along with the console it debuted on just because it did so poorly
>Salmon Run is pretty fucking fun. Basically the only mode where you can team up with friends
>No bullshit insta-win specials like Bubbler or Kraken
>Gyro sensitivity options
>Still can't change your loadout in between games unless you drop out of the queue
>A little too familiar; feels more like Splatoon 1 Deluxe rather than a true sequel
>Connection issues still make it frustrating when the end results are dependent on which team's connection shat the bed first
>can't team up with your friends despite Salmon Run proving Nintendo was fully capable of doing so
>Salmon Run only being available at certain times
>Ranked feels unfairly frustrating; maps seem to be designed specifically for Turf War
just stocked up on 99 for both tickets, now to save up til there's an update that raises the level capacity like the last game did
Map rotation really should have been set at 3 instead of staying at 2
It's odd, but it really looks like there's an extra space for another map
They did the same thing with Splatoon 1 two years ago. They had several maps and new weapons already on the disk that they released slowly over the few months after release. People already sifted through the data and knew what we would get.
Ok, how do I git gud at Ranked? I'm usually carrying in Turf War, but I can't push a fucking tower to save my life
the weapons have already been datamined.
Splatbrella gets sprinkler and inkstorm
Sorella Brella gets Toxic Mist and splat bomb launcher
>>A little too familiar; feels more like Splatoon 1 Deluxe rather than a true sequel
user, considering a majority of sequels of other games that you have seen and played, can you really say it's not a true sequel as compared to them?
Post your progress so far.
Speaking of that there was a Google Drive with future weapons for Splatoon 2 and I can't find it anymore. Anyone got a link?
A good chunk of that data was merely placeholders as most of them were just names but had no stats in it.
Go be gay somewhere else.
Level 16
Splat Zones C-
Tower Control C+
Rainmaker C
110000 turf inked
But Sup Forums is the gayest place on the internet. Where else can he go?
>not liking colored scars makes you gay
Schoolsquids and delinkquents, bby.
Sup Forums has plenty of gay threads up. He can go there while we appreciate Marie.
>colored scars
>not appreciating a beautiful piece of art on a beautiful woman
Never played Splatoon even though I had a WiiU
>not able to create a queue
>Can't change guns/equip without leaving the room
>Servers disconnect players all the time, leaving 3v4
>Overall terrible matchmaking
Outside of that though, I like everything else about the game. The characters/atmosphere/music is on point and the game modes are amazing when you actually get a good game going.
I don't see the multiplayer holding up for me though unless they fix some of these things.
What are the odds I get BTFO by Nintendo for doing to ticket exploit?
Sorry for insulting your Jewish faith user, it was insensitive of us
Potentially stupid question, but why wouldn't Splatoon 2 come with all or most of the maps from Splatoon 1 already in rotation? I'm finding myself missing maps like Saltspray Rig and Kelp Dome. Sure, they could be introduced later as free DLC, but I would like for future content added to this game to actually be new and not recycled Splatoon 1 material
Play similarly to turf war while keeping your proximity close to the tower as you support gunfire.
When you respawn be sure to take the route least inked and spray it. Won me a ton of tower games the extra civer delayed them hard.
More busty squids please
I'd expect they're revamping the ones planned to return similar to how they did with port mackerel's sponges and moray towers' rails
they said not every map from the first is returning but once everything is finished it's going to have more maps total
Splatoon 1 veteran with 150+ hours on that game here. Completely agree with everything you said. I loved the motherfucking shit out of Splatoon 1, but it got stale disgustingly fast if you were playing by yourself. It was always fun to return to it every once in a while, but after the first few months after its release, I basically only played it around the time of the Splatfests
Not very. PR nightmare. Gives no real advantage in multiplayer. Lobbies would be empty as most people abused it.
Level 21
Splat Zones: B+
Tower Control: B
Rainmaker: B-
Currently main either the Jet Squelcher or the Slosher.
the art isn't beautiful when the canvas is a living thing
Has Splatoon 2 been datamined yet?
Agreed. Tattoos ruin a lot of girls
Not him, but I can. Maybe if the campaign wasn't nearly identical to the first game's, it'd feel less like a DLC pack. Right now with only the dualies, salmon run (that isn't available enough) and remixed campaign stages being new content it's a very light update.
How do I play if I'm on the tower? Or am I basically just entrusting my life to my team at that point?
That really sounds like what ill be getting out of it after I hit level 30. The gun variety is really cool, and is good incentive to level up at least, so I will definitely play the game until I hit 30 and then probably do the Splatfests as they come along.
I hope they fix some of those things though. No way in hell I'd pay 20 bucks a year for online if this ends up being all we get for it.
What the fuck are you talking about? The splatling is NOT a burger king toy.
Everytime my team gets a fucking Aerospray it's some mouth breathing retard who can't defend themselves for shit, but every time the enemy gets one it's some sniper elite mother fuck who never dies
So how good is the Toxic Mist? I'm worried that shit is screwing with my Splash-o-Matic.
All you can do is pray your team keeps the blaster/bucket spam away from you.
if you nail it dead center on someone they're totally fucked
I appreciate real art done on a canvas like normal, functioning grown men, and women.
If the first game is any indication, they'll bump up the level cap after the game's been out for a while, so if you're anal about maxing rank, that'll give you some motivation to grind out games
Assuming you are with your team, jump off and provide support around the tower. If necessary scout ahead and ink EVERYWHERE while not overextending.
Be ready to leg it back to the tower if you stray too far asap. If your team is dynb and you are on the tower, either spray and pray at the front or stay squid form and hide behind the centre spike on the platform.
I normally hop on to claim tower then jump off and stay along its sides to provide fire support and ink all turf i can.
I'm about 50 hours into the game. Still haven't touched story mode or ranked. Turf war and salmon run is all I really care about
>Aero on Academy on Turf
>just got get squelcher
Say your fuckin prayers kids.
Salmon Run, I get, but Turf War? I mean, I like it, but I got tired of it pretty quick.
So what you're telling me is that new game mode, new weapons/sub/specials, new gear, new maps, new bosses for the campaign and new content released over a year would not constitute as a sequel but as a DLC pack? I have played enough sequels of other games to know that's more than qualifies as a true sequel.
ranked is much more fun, better modes
You also level up faster and get more cash out of ranked
>off the hook had no appearance in the campaign, played no part in reuniting the squid sisters
marinafags will defend this