Sonic Mania

Days until Mania: 19

Looks like no track dropped yesterday, probably because of Sunday's track, but we'll probably end up getting one tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Remember to report people posting unmarked spoilers about bosses and other potential leaks. Please try to get along!

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If Hydrocity isn't in this game I'm killing myself

1st for amy fags need to die.

This image is useful but i still think pinball gimmicks are too generic to rule out casino zones

Post your predictions

1: Green Hill, Scrap Brain
2: Chemical Plant, Mystic Cave
3: Hydrocity, Ice Cap
K: Flying Battery, Lava Reef
CD: Collision Chaos, Stardust Speedway

fuck hydrocity

if starlight and casino night aren't in this game I am going to crash Mania
with no survivors

>This image is useful but i still think pinball gimmicks are too generic to rule out casino zones

But they aren't. They really are used once per game each. Even mania split the pinball gimmicks between studiopolis and mirage saloon.

Don't get your hopes up too high for double-dip zones guys

>still think pinball gimmicks are too generic to rule out casino zones
What the fuck does that even mean? Each game that had pinball gimmicks had them only for one level.

oh so now 3&k is two seperate game

Wait, there'll be two zones per game?

>yfw the other final bosses from the Sonic 1, 2. 3K and CD appear as regular bosses
>Final Zone
>Big Arms
>Final Fever
>and Death Egg Robot 2

Alright, you faggots. Here's my predictions. I'm not basing this off of any concrete shit, just whatever the fuck I feel like

5 HBH plus a final zone = 6 new zones. 9 old zones fulfills the 60/40 ratio perfectly. Assuming these are the counts:

S1: Green Hill, Marble
S2: Chemical Plant, Mystic Cave
S3: Hydrocity, Marble Garden
S&K: Flying Battery, Lava Reef
SCD: Stardust Speedway

There. Also, to that faggot who wanted a night level: you'll probably get one.

I'm looking forward to this.

It's been speculated to double dip since the game is comparable/about as long if not longer than Sonic 3 & Knuckles and the zone ratio with remixed zones vs. new zones are about 60:40.

1: Green Hill, Starlight
2: Chemical Plant, Mystic Cave
3: Hydrocity, Launch Base
K: Flying Battery, Lava Reef
CD:Stardust Speedway

And only 1, 2, CD 3, & Knuckles are being represented.

>And only 1, 2, CD 3, & Knuckles are being represented.

Is this just a long held assumption or was this actually said?

>There. Also, to that faggot who wanted a night level: you'll probably get one.
Stardust Speedway already counts as a night stage though.

1. Green Hill, Marble
2. Chemical Plant, Aquatic Ruins
3. Hydrocity, Ice Cap
4. Splas-wait
K. Flying Battery, Lava Reef
CD: Stardust Speedway, Quartz Fucking Quadrant

1: Green Hill
2: Chemical Plant, Mystic Cave+Hidden Palace
3: Hydrocity, Azure Lake
K: Flying Battery, Lava Reef
CD: Stardust Speedway

It's not a new one, so I don't think it counts.


1. Green Hill
2. Chemical Plant
3. Hydrocity
K. Flying Battery
CD. Stardust Speedway
New Sky Chase
Last zone is a mash up of scrap brain, metropolis, and death egg


Oh and hidden palace from S&K may be realized as a full level

Just beat Generations on 3DS.

Very meh. Only one stage from a portable and it's was one the weaker zones from rush.

Credits were kind of cool tho

Ice Cap is kill.

To be fair classic Tropical Resort was based on Colors DS

Tropical Resort is based on the DS version of Colors. Also fuck off, Water Palace is the best stage from Rush.

I prefer jeh jeh rocket. Would have been a better fit at the tail end of the game too.

What does Sup Forums think of my shitty sanic art? I am hyped to fuck.

>Implying that Sonic can't be be frozen solid in Ice Cap and tossed into Sakura zone where it's still semi-frozen, like in the start of Launch Base since zone transitions still exist

I'll be fucking pissed because they aren't making anything new and original by doing that

It's not shitty, mate. One of my pet peeves is when artists who practice drawing and would get "wow"s from people nearby from their art call themselves shitty, when they're really not. Don't be that guy, and get some self confidence, man

I would have made the bg of a different color to enhance contrast.
Apart from that I like it

So how many times are you fags going to play and replay mania once it comes out? I'm going to 100% at least three times before august is out.

3DS generations had the best bosses (not rival battles)

Well, thank you bros. It's a work-in-progress, haven't finsihed it yet, background still needs done amongst other things. Hoping to have it ready for the game launch.

way past cool/10
>tfw pic rel is my magnum opus

Until I feel like I am good at it
Then if it finally manages to merge the gameplay styles of S3&K and S2 it's going to be my to go game for fast session of fun

I'll agree that the final boss was a lot better than the console version. Bosses were too ez though

1: Green Hill, Labyrinth
2: Chemical Plant, Hidden Palace
3: Azure Lake, Marble Garden
K: Flying Battery, Lava Reef
CD: Quartz Quadrant, Stardust Speedway

Everyone post their favorite Sonic music from the classic series/before Adventure came out:

Oh shit forgot:

You definitely worked on one of the Archie comics. That looks like Classic Sonic from one of those issues of Sonic X.

Might as well post them all:

I like the lining a shitload, nice job so far, user. I wish I knew art better to give criticism.

What software do you use? I love the look of that brush

All I want is fucking LAUNCH BASE to be represented for Sonic 3.
Such an underrated stage.

I know right? One of the best stage of S3&K

Launch base isn't unpopular though. I think &knuckles death egg gets less love than it should
I bet the final level will be original though. Launch base would be a good fit for one of the last levels though

Classic sonic is best sonic.

Combination of Photoshop, Illustrator and Manga Studio.

I feel the same way about Sky Sanctuary. I would lose my mind for the music remix.

Hard Times

>implying I'll ever stop going back to it

Great taste

sanic was never good

Nobody asked you IGN.


Everyone did this at their first loop-de-loop.
Don't lie.

I didn't, I held right.

I didn't, it only happens if you are going slow like apussy.
also this is a professional reviewer, it's supposed to be decent at games

i didn't either


I went too slow and dropped, then I ran back far enough to get the speed I needed to get through it.

Post yfw mania's story is confirmed to be linked with forces' story

Sonic games were never good.

You move too fucking fast, the platforming sucked ass and none of the areas were memerable

Everybody remembers the little-big world from MARIO 3, nobody remembers fuck all from these games except maybe green hill.

Really enjoying this water

Friendly reminder:
S3&K > S2 > S&K > S3 > S1 > SCD

It is the objective gospel truth of the classic franchise.

I can't believe how excited I am.

What are you guys gonna play to fill the void until the sacred day?

Pls have ice cap zone

The first and third failures to climb the loop only happen if you fucking PRESS LEFT when Sonic starts to move up the loop. I never did this. IGN is retarded.

1. Green HIll
2. Chemical Plant
3. Hydrocity
K. Flying Battery
CD. Stardust Speedway
S. Toxic Caves
3D. Rusty Ruins
KC. Speed Slider

I always felt CD was unplayable because of the fucking time travel.

How mentally impaired do you have to be to do something like this?

>no story mario
>slow as fuck mario
your nintenbabby asshole still hurt from sega showing SMW alongside sonic and people wanting to play sonic instead of YAHO BING BONG?

>cd at the end
>solo 3 under solo k
Sup Forums has a shit taste in sonic games


What the fuck are you doing, you retard?

What rom hack is that?

Mushroom Hill, Flying Battery, Death Egg, Sky Sanctuary and the last few boss fights of S&K fully beat S3's Hydrocity, Ice Cap, Launch Base, and its final fight with Robotnik.


No, just wishful thinking. I would love to see a platform version of Toxic Caves or a 2D interpretation of Rusty Ruins with a fog layer.

I'll give you a hint.

The Sonic social media team is in on the joke.

Please, for the sake of the Internet, stop sucking Sanic da Hordgeheg's blue cock. Even the people made to promote the games know that just about every game made after the Genesis era has been dogshit.

And keep in mind that it's to the point now where Sega picked up a FUCKING 2D FANGAME to publish as a throwback Genesis era platformer and everybody lost their shit with excitement.

If you like or defend any of these 3D games (and to be fair, Sonic 4 was awful too) that Sega has tried to milk this mascot with, you're either tasteless, and idiot, or a troll.

I'll give you a hint.

I'm gay.

this isn't a forces thread

>Don't get your hopes up too high for double-dip zones guys
Considering three pieces of CONFIRMED info we know:

>returning zones are from Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles
>the ratio of returning stages to new is 60/40
>the game's length is comparable to Sonic 3 & Knuckles

There's no other outcome except that some games are getting double dipped. Do the math.

>Sega picked up a FUCKING 2D FANGAME to publish
When the fuck did they do that?

Wrong thread buddy, this is for Mania not Forces

Sonic Mania you fucking inbred

Literally no one did. Even me as a three year old figured that shit out the first time.

uhmmm sweetie..... I think you're mistaken

>fan game later picked up by Sega
Way to out yourself as a retard, dude.

What this guy said. Some games are getting double-dipped. However, the key word there is SOME - in a dream world we'd be getting 7 new zones and 9/10 returning zones but that shit sure as hell ain't likely.

The most reasonable speculation I've heard so far is that we're getting 5 FULL new zones, 7 old zones - with Sonic 1 and 2 getting the double-dips - and then a small gauntlet of 2/3 single act new zones at the end, a la Sky Chase, Hidden Palace, Wing Fortress, Doomsday etc.

>Didn't even include Lava Reef
Is it even possible to be this much of a pleb?

>The Sonic social media team is in on the joke.
Team? You mean the one sole guy Aaron, who is a massive sonic-fag and has been a documented fan all his life?
Oh yeah, it's been a two decade ruse. Gotcha.