Holy Light costs 12% of total mana per cast

>Holy Light costs 12% of total mana per cast
>Holy light costs 26,400 mana
>total mana is 1,100,000
why are the variable tooltips always wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:



>base mana
>total mana

fucking retard

every healer has 1,100,000 mana, that is base mana
you can't get mana from gear
you can't even get mana per 5 seconds from gear

>that is base mana

dont you get mana from int?

>patch 4.03
you can't get mana from intellect in legion

Why are you still playing WoW in 2017?

Base mana for loladin is 220k you get BONUS mana from choosing healing spec

Yeah nah who cares. It used to make sense but

>every healer has 1,100,000 mana
Did WoW seriously become this retarded or is he meming?

Is there even a point to mana at this point? Who actually manages mana anymore and i mean is actually concerned about it running out during an encounter.


every healing spell in the game chews through mana faster than passive regen, so, healers can go OOM, but, if they spam their expensive heals, they can run out very fast

Wasnt sure if they still had it mattered, seems like it matters at first and then stops later in the expansion as people gear.

DPS it hardly matters though, probably why we are seeing alternate resources brought in like shamans with maelstrom

rate my mog lads


>Shit tier graphical quality

You're so shit i would avoid interaction with you ingame.

The only thing you're good for is ganking.

mana hasn't mattered in ten years

dps still use mana for healing spells (except for monks which use energy), it last mostly for 4-5 casts though

>2494k hp
>1100k mana

Did they make Holy pally viable leveling?

It always pissed me off I couldn't play a melee spellcaster paladin. Holy just equaled healing.

At least there was holy shock or what ever it was called, but that was the only dmg spell holy got.
Of course I prob will never go back to WoW since I hear the AP grind is ridiculous and boring.

in the last patch, blizz buffed every healing spec' damage
that was probably just because of mythic+, where the healers are expected to do damage in between their heals, but, yea, i'm pretty sure every spec is viable to level

he's telling the truth

it's shit, and it probably looks even more shit when looking at it with ultra high graphics that show how much the pieces don't fucking match

You no longer gain mana from stats, every healer has identical mana with VERY rare exceptions. Monk used to have a talent that increased your mana by 9%, there used to be a meta gem that was like 3%. But that's IT now.

oh, blizz changed some of the ap grind, now, you get artifact knowledge orders every 2 hours now, and, if you get ak 40 on your main, you can buy and item that bumps all of your alts to ak 40
once you have ak 40, grinding up to concordance really isn't a problem, and its especially fast if you do mythic +, as they changed it so that you always get a chest for finishing the dungeon, even if you run out of time

Is warrior still shit though?

>Female tauren.
Why, for fuck's sake WHY.

Even the old ladies play male on tauren...

i've heard that the warrior's tanking spec has been pruned too much, and now it is too boring to play (I can't recall even seeing a warrior tank desu), but i've heard good things about at least one of their dps specs

Cow women are a novelty.

Most druids I've met that heal play female tauren for some stranger reason.


That shit looks stupid.

That's just like, your opinion.

They changed fury from being the best warrior spec to arms, so I hope you did some Artifact power grinding and found some good relics on that Arms artifact of yours!

Well Arms is getting nerfed next patch.

It's what made me quit in the first place, was just hoping they had buffed it again.

Can a human impregnate a dairy cow?

It already got nerfed twice.

What the fuck is this shit? I'm playing for the first time and every single piece of equipment is different.

>This warrior talk.
Reminded me of playing Fury during MoP/WoD.
Specially WoD.

>Pop cooldowns

Shit was fun...

Siegebreaker is the one ability I really miss. Because knocking healers off cliffs was easier than trying to get them below 90%.

>play hunter
>warrior not being able to touch me for more than 3 seconds at a time due to freezing arrow
>never go below 80%

Welcome to WoW

It also allowed for a perfect stunlock.
They ruined fury for me in WoD.

I haven't played in 9 months now, i heard fury is the flavour of the patch spec atm, but what i liked about it is gone.

the game now expects you to gather armor that you like the look of so that the appearance gets saved to your character
once it is saved, you will always have the option to transmog the appearance of your current armor to any of your saved appearances
its pretty much another thing for you to farm, now

No, it's arms.

>Double charge
>Heroic leap

Only bad warriors had problems ganking hunters.

Oh shit, I only just now noticed there's Bjork in disguise behind me. She seems to have just changed the name a bit, not her looks though.


>disengage root or freedom+speed boost
>snake trap
>perma slow
>explosive trap
>freezing trap
>dotting and running away/los, spirit bond constant healing
>2x deter, negating burst
>pet sacrifice to prevent any crits

wod was a great time to play hunter in pvp

I still think that playing hunter during MoP was better.

I remember running around timeless isle twoshotting people with heroic pve gear+cloak and the chiji buff.

Yeah, that was a great time, i sometimes ran the freezing trap glyph that guranteed a crit. That plus casting an aimed shot into chimera shot was heaven

I believe fury warriors had a heal that started once they reached a certain threshold ...
think it was like 5%/sec after 25%
shit was fucking impossible to out dps

Aimed shot + chimaera shot would ALWAYS put the 550 geared shitters into execute range, it was glorious.

>Check patch notes
>mfw brewmaster
Jesus fucking christ, these guys are clueless and aimless

>people cry for years for trasmog clothing because they hate looking like a goddamn clown every time they're not in Tier sets, and usually even then
>Blizzard finally add it because it's one feature everyone can agree on
>"just another thing for you to farm, now"

Man, you're really reaching for something to shit on aren't you