What does he even do? Hes not a programmer, hes not a writer, hes not an artist. What does he DO?
What does he even do? Hes not a programmer, hes not a writer, hes not an artist. What does he DO?
Idea guy
Directs, Produces, Writes and Designs
Fucks interns.
>Hes not a programmer
Yes he is? What sort of moronic statement is that?
You know he worked on games in the early 90's as well, right?
>hes not a writer
He has literally written and co-written multiple games.
>hes not an artist
If you mean he draws, no. He doesn't draw. That's not the only kind of artist, though.
Nuh uh
I guess the only way to prove it would be to have him make a videogame with incompetent people and see how that turns out.
He was surrounded with too much talent at konami
Literally not a programmer
It's a Producer and Idea guy (aka. he LITTERALY PAYS for being a Game Director)
Cashes checks made out to him by sony.