Pick one of your favorite games and describe something about it that's shitty

Atrocious combat. Wouldn't be until DX4 that combat finally got decent.

The prize for the most annoying side quest in the game is a bigger wallet in a game where the economy is almost entirely pointless.

Combat isn't a focus of the game. Deus Ex has always been a stealth game with barebones combat intended to push you towards stealth.

No, Deus Ex was meant to be a game that allowed for many different play styles. The thing is that no game of this type had attempted to try and balance combat and stealth as viable options, combined with RPG mechanics. So what you are left with is combat that feels like a second rate Half life and stealth that feels like a second rate Thief.

But you really need context for the time period it was made in, and why despite it's problems it was so ground breaking. Also for the record, the stealth wasn't that great either. It was just the fact that it did incorporate them both into a first person shooter that allowed multiple approaches that made people love it.

If it was either solely a combat or stealth game, it would be rather mediocre.

Parts of the writing and voice acting are really, really cringe worthy.

Maybe not it's fault but, the fan community. I absolutely love this game but Jesus fucking Christ Undertale fans are worse than Homestuck fans.

The bad community in a single-player-only game has nothing to do with the game itself.

I completely agree with you, though.
They are terrible furry spergs and bothers me to know end that I can't just talk about the game without polarizing everyone around me and devolving into a shitstorm of furry hate and goat posting.

Majoras Mask was worse. What was even the point of the masks?

Having all of them let you get the fierce deity mask when you fought Majora, and most of them let you screw around a bit at least.

no flaws here

>Game with great level design also has the single worst level ever created

Almost the entirety of Disc 2.

What's supposed to be so bad about that? Even the people that hated Mirror's Edge, I don't remember anyone complaining that level was the "worst ever created" or anything close to that.

QA testing is an alien concept to Obsidian.

Retardedly high random encounter rate. I've never had an issue with it in any other JRPG I've played, and I've played a lot. It nearly ruined the game for me on my first playthrough. I'm more used to it now, but still.

It goes against every single thing the game has taught you.
Game about sneaking into facilities? Just hop into this truck and wait literally a full minute while the next section loads, even though the level started 10 seconds ago.
Game about using the environment and hit and run tactics to dispatch enemies? Let's throw you into a wide open parking lot with lots of armed enemies where you either have to crawl from cover to cover, or be forced to pick up a gun and play a painfully simplistic shooting gallery.
Want to climb that alternate ledge that you can clearly reach and grab? Let's put an invisible wall there for no reason.
Final chase sequence with the antagonist of the game? Let's force you stop every 15 seconds to open a shit ton of bulkhead doors that require a 10 second animation, every single time.
I literally can't think of any level that is so determined to be the antithesis of their own game.

At it's worse, the level design is confusing and awful. No where is it more demonstrated than the Thieves Guild. I usually just skip that mission.

You're right, but this is not an example of that. Bethesda handled the QA for New Vegas, not Obsidian

the combat's not too good in deus ex but god damn i could watch people run around on fire all day in that game, it's just too damn funny

Bethesda did the QA testing for this game

That explains SO much.