Looking to start this game tonight with my girlfriend...

Looking to start this game tonight with my girlfriend. Could someone give me a rundown on what I need and how not to embarrass myself? Do I need stormblood right away or can I pick it up when I'm a higher level?

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The free trial has no time limit and you can go up to lvl 35 which means you can fight Ifrit and Titan in their weakest most basic forms
Read your skills tool tips
Low level sucks like all mmos
Early story and 2.1-2.3 story is bland, it gets better when the Garleans get in full swing in ARR and in the lead up and through Heavensward
Don't be the cliche healer and tank couple that dont know how to play, dps is more fun anyway
Dragoon is for cucks

What are the least punishing jobs that aren't SAM or RDM? It's too stressful and detrimental to progression when you make one mistake as BLM and lose 500 dps

I'm thinking MNK or BRD

bump for answer

So should I get stormblood or not?

just play rdm or sam you brainlet

If you wish to craft level all professions equally.
Never use Levequests for combat classes.

Ninja isn't too bad just keep up huton and make sure you use trick attack on the rear of the enemy and ur good to go. Mudras are kind of fun too.

Don't worry until you at least finish the quest "The Ultimate Weapon". That's the earliest for when you can get Red Mage and Samurai unlocked.

drk is the least punishing class in the game

>level all professions equally.
Maybe if you never have more than 300k gil because of your glamour addiction and/or is planning to level gatherers in the most autistic way possible.
Doing one by one is a lot easier and have a more efficient balance of time/leve/gil spent on it. Plus, having one class at 50 will give you access to moogle daily quests, so you will be able to level one class for free (no gil or leves) while you work on another one and let your leves recharge, and also access to recipes that you don't need to HQ to sell (so you can work in getting some cash for your next levespam adventure).
If you don't have money to invest on crafter leveling, it's better to not even bother with it. It's better to level a tank and get all rewards from playing it for a low but decent income.

how about you fuck off back to le reddit, kiddo

Not they removed all penalties from fucking up in this job, you also don't even have to "stance dance" like other tanks, you can have both your tank and your DPS stance activated at the same time.

Just get this version OP, its got the base game and both expansions. £33 on amazon atm.

get your tissue box ready

I'd say PLD is easier. While DRK is way more forgiving now with no stance dancing and that Darkside can no longer fall off the lack of any hardly any resource management for PLD is smoother.

pld can have you fuck up requiescat window

the only thing you can possibly fuck up on DRK is running out of MP


So if I have the accessories and am undecided on which doggo I want, should I just drop Lakshmi and farm Susano exclusively?

Lakshmi is easier in my experience, or maybe there are too many shitters in Susano trying to get "muh glamour".


Any FSH could help me with something?
What does Narure's Bounty exactly?
I was under the assuption that it would give you more chance to get bigger species of fish which would screw around your chance to get smaller fish, but someone told me that it just give you a chance to have a fish with a big size, which is better for collectable, same with Patience 2.

Who's right?

MNK is the most braindead easy job in the game, even easier than SAM, so go for that.

That's not RDM

Why do people keep saying this? DRK dropping Grit is basically the same amount of effort as changing stances as the other two tanks, and all DRKs should be dropping Grit once they get a lead on enmity just like the others. Their rotation is simpler sure, but its not got to do with stance dancing.

DRK's Grit gets far more benefits than other tank stances (more MP on Syphon Strike, HP drain on Souleater, more damage on Bloodspiller, no damage debuff if you keep Darkside on).

But surely it doesnt even out.

While SAM is very 'forgiving' with mistakes, it also has the highest skill ceilling in the game, so unless you're playing it properly, you're useless.

A SAM playing poorly still out parses most jobs at their best.

>ou also don't even have to "stance dance" like other tanks, you can have both your tank and your DPS stance activated at the same time.
this is bait

I hate french so goddamn much.
And dark knights who don't use darkside in dungeons. They're usually french too.
Fuck you.

So I'm not sure I understand NIN, does it use a lot of different mudras regularly or is it more of a case of using 2 and ignore the rest?

>been playing for a couple months
>haven't even done any HW EX primals
>mfw hovering over the button to join a Susano EX party

Except for Hyoton, all mudras are useful.

Join a learning party, it's not like PF is a "pro-only" territory.

Finally got ACT and FFlogs uploader to work this week and decided to put my STR melding of RDM to the test:

First, some background: For people new to this theorycraft, it stems from here that a RDM with a STR melding will deal high damage. Parses on a dummy revealed that the average DPS for someone without STR melds is 50, whereas a DPS with someone with STR melds is approximately 121. How does this reflect in raid dps?

This isn't my perfect run, but I cleared O2S and I can start to see actual numbers


The top samurai in our party (melee dps) successfully executed 225 auto attacks leading to 400,000 damage.

I managed to execute 113 auto attacks leading to 47,000 raid damage throughout the raid.
On the other hand, the other Red Mage in the party without STR Meld executed 91 auto attacks leading to 7,800 raid damage

In other words, my stats JUST from materia melding increase my raise damage by ~40,000 points.

I can improve this further by finding more ways to squeeze auto attacks, but we're seeing some EXTREMELY significant numbers here, and of course there's only higher numbers to go from here. I don't have the best rotation, but I aim to improve it.

I think this log shows hard numbers and shows there is indeed potential for STR Melding in red mages that know how to optimize autoattack management.

Okay good

how can people fuck up the mechanics in o2s, I mean seriously.

>Have to gather for like half an hour just to get mats for crafted items now

No wonder people bot this

Not sure if serious.jpg

Don't roll THM/Black Mage unless the idea of gambling whether your DPS drops or you do provides an erection.

Oh nooo you'd need to gather for a WHOLE THIRTY (30) MINUTES in order to craft something! You should only have to gather for 30 seconds to get stuff!

this is accurate

No it doesn't, not anywhere near. A SAM playing poorly is a waste of a party slot

Glance at a guide and watch a video, nobody is going to expect much from duty completion parties.

I don't even know what this means? What's considered a SAM playing poorly? Their rotation is literally 3 buttons and a finisher.

>WAR not being below retarded baby-tier
They couldn't even handle the most lenient stance dancing mechanic I've ever seen in my life.

Of course it's fucking Noroi trying to find new ways to be retarded

Can someone please explain what these numbers/letters mean? New to FFXIV.

it's like arguing calling skyrim oblivion 2 or morrowind 3 when the best answer is arena 5

Fuck off.

It's a joke based on how people are fighting over what to call the omega raid.

O1S = Omega 1 Savage
V1S = Deltascape V 1.0 Savage
D1S = Deltascape 1 Savage
and so on

what? I'm not saying it was good
arena 4 > arena 3 > arena 5

U dumb

You're not funny. Fuck off.

what were the other RDM's melds, though?

Name a worse class quest chain than PLD.
You can not.

suck my fuckin dick dude

Forgot to mention the punchline
Calling it A13 would mean that it's a follow up of Alexander which had 12 fight
And T26 would mean to calll all the raid base of ARR raids which were Turn 1 to 13

BRD 30-50

only retards say anything but v1s

Ladies first.

They refer to the raid Omega. The current tier is Deltascape, and each encounter is V1, V2, V3, and V4. People haven't 100 decided yet so those are what people have been calling them. The bottom 2 are shitposts based on the Heavensward and ARR high end raids, which are Alexander and Binding Coil of Bahamut, Turn X.

50-60 sucked for a majority of jobs, and 60-70 for PLD and DRG were, at least in my opinion, fairly good.

the books use v1.0 etc so I'd go with v1s

>with my girlfriend.

Nothing worse than beta cucks and their landwhales in MMOs

Fucking hate these people

what is his face trying to convey?

is mch going to get fixed ever? its just so much cooler looking than bard

>he doesn't like firing off a laser light show

>i264 AST facerolling combust 2 and nothing else can do around 250 dps
>there ARE healers in savage doing sub 100 dps
this shit is why we lose to enrage desu


Do you think Stormblood's patches will be HW-tier, or will they be ARR-tier?

MNK 30-50 is pretty fucking stupid
>just run to place and learn moves because lolaether
>mhigger chimps out and tries to kill you then acts like he taught you everything you know when he didnt do shit

its gonna be so cringe when everyone will be wearing dyed versions of this set



ARR-tier aka god-tier, borderline lost my virginity orgasmic-tier.

You don't what it means because you don't even have SAM up at 70.


We're now getting less dungeons to make room for more experimental shit like Verminion and Diadem.

Look at it this way, between now and February when 4.2 hits, you'll only get ONE dungeon to replace Kugane Castle, Ala Mhigo and Temple of the Fist.

Why don't you take that "3 buttons and a finisher" to endgame and find out? I guarantee you won't make it past 3k.

He saw what Chloe Grace Moretz turned into, that is literally the context of the photo


B-But the story will be good, right? haha

it'll probably just replace Ala Mhigo so Expert Roulette is always 3 dungeons with a re-jiggered Main Scenario roulette to include Ala Mhigo and ARF

>playing FFXIV for the story

>Working on even fewer dungeons per patch cycle
>Endgame is still nothing but savage and dungeon dailies

Why is she so tiny


>with a re-jiggered Main Scenario roulette to include Ala Mhigo and ARF

Why would you want more dungeons over experimental shit though for real. Every dungeon that's introduced outside of the MSQ is pretty much shoehorned in as hard as possible, with the mechanics and fights themselves needing to be babied to the lowest common denominator. PotD/Diadem/Feast/Aquapolis captured the general interest of the population for much longer than 1-2 more dungeons and that's why they're focusing on that.

Because she is a crafted miniature.

Wind up doll

>hate doing hunts
>need 500 marks for succubus minion
I'll do it, just for her

>this shit is why we lose to enrage desu
lol, if you need the healers to DPS before hitting enrage, you should check your goddamn DPS first.


Unfortunately there is no wind-up goddess, just her miniature.

Not everyone is a neet you know.

>most difficult
good one

Tbh, if a healer isn't getting 1k+ dps, they should probably just uninstall because they're trash at the easiest role in the game.

it hurts brehs