I mean holy shit I know this is about replayabilty but that was like 5 minutes playing. By the way, how good is First Light compared to this? I've read some anons praising it a lot.
Games that you just feel sorry people paid full price for
It wasn't pretty repetitive, and two of the pwoers are beyond useless. I got it for free with my Pro so can't complain. As for First Light, more of the same, but Fetch is better than Delsin, it's on sale right now for $5 IIRC.
It's good, the weakest of the three games, but still fun. It definitely isn't worth 70 shekels, however.
This is an obvious one
>it's on sale right now for $5 IIRC.
not in the US apparently
I've been waiting for it to go on sale too
Shit posting or not, you don't have much credibility posting cherry picked screenshot comparisons from pre-release gameplay.
Yeah I forgot we get different sales. Shame, it's worth the $5, but $15 is steep unless you haven't played Second Son and everything is fresh for you.
I'm not really one for buying the same game twice but I like when they make 720p 30fps games run at 1080p 60
if they made an infamous hd remaster collection I'd get it
I mean it looks extra shit because it's the Wii U version.
Don't feel sorry for me my guy. I love the injustice series. I still think the first one is the best but this was great too. I just hate how you get a power once you beat the story. It kinda feels stupid since there's no ng+.
Considering how impressive the graphics are for SS, I would absolutely buy a remastered collection just for the second game alone.
Don't get me wrong, this game is fun to screw around in for a half hour at a time once in a while. But my god, I can't believe some people paid $60 for it
Well I love the series too and I really liked getting the powers fast and how light the secondary missions felt, didn't think that would mean that I'd beat the game in a heartbeat
The neon power was pretty fun for a minute. Arguably the best power
First Light is all about it so...
i didnt even know this game came out
Think you messed up there....
Ya it's around $20 now
I played that for free for a weekend and it felt burnt out by it within days. Its really stunning but somehow really bland, not sure what it is.
>Its really stunning but somehow really bland
That's a great way to describe it. The graphics are gorgeous, but there's no style to it like SSX had, and not a ton to do
I get the same feeling from all Sony games to be honest, I hate them all and they all feel boring as fuck and rushed.
The only exception would be The Last Guardian, but I stopped buying Sony games at launch a while ago and never regreted it.
>Unbalanced as fuck
>All the bosses are some of the worst in video gaming history
>Beginners traps out the ass
>Have to actually pay extra money for features that should have been in the base game (costumes, Mission Mode)
>Was such a rush job they never tested it on a retail Xbox 360 console, which is why the performance tanks during battles
I would say The Order but it was quite obvious that the game would be shit so i find it hard to feel sorry for someone that couldn't see it coming.
I bought both day 1
wasn't this basically just a tech demo or somethin g
why would someone pay for it
You have to remember that this came out near at the beginning of the PS4 so for most people it was worth it at the time because we were desperate for new games to play.
Is it dated now? Yes
Is it a good game? Objectively mediocre
Is it worth ever playing or replaying? Absolutely not.
i don't remember honestly. i think when i got my ps4 for christmas my mom got me this game with it. yeah it's repetitive, but i loved the powers. it was a nice game at the time, and i even platinumed it because it was just easy to do.
At least it's not Ninja Gaiden 3
Why is it mediocre?
What's so bad about it compared to infamous 1 and 2?
And don't tell me the story, because I don't care about that
Platinumed both.
First light is okay, but it's repetitive and feels low budget. The vignette mask in the corners of the screen make the game overly dark and dingy. I didn't really like it.
>Changing the lighting on the top image to make it look even better
>Taking a screen shot from a live stream for the bottom image
>get it for 20$ from gamestop
>finish it in three days, with breaks for fapping, food, and sleep
>refund it and get psn store money to buy Vice City since I pirated San Andreas for PC
>get Arkham Knight a few days later
>spend money later for season pass to get missions and skins and also EoH since it was on sale