Divinity: Original Sin 2

Don't mind me, just winning 2017 RPG GOTY since there is no competition

loved beta but game still not released so we shall see.

I really want to love the first game, but why the fuck does it take so long to get anywhere or do anything?

I don't have an issue with games being a bit slow-paced, but this is nuts.

PoE 2 will be miles better
fuck rpg codex

>PoE 2 will be miles better
PoE2 is coming in 2018, so the OP is right: DOS2 has no competition this year and it will definitely be RPGOTY.

The second one fixes this, at least the part that is early-access anyway.

>this fag every rpg thread

This 100%. The game is just too much for me personally, you have to be some sort of crpg autist for this kind of thing.
Even the basic tutorial area where you have to put out like a fire by finding a bucket, filling it with water, then using it on the effected area, and EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN ITEM could be picked up or interacted with in some way... I knew immediately I was in way over my head with that shit.

Because you're slow.and general movement isn't that great until you grab the teleporter pyramids.

Same, i think the game would have been better with a friend but as a solo player it was dragging on.
i fear the same to be true for the sequel since it seems optimized for 4 player co op.

I hope you're playing as a cute lizard girl, user.

The sequel moves along a lot faster. I hated the first DOS but love DOS2 from what I've played.

If OS2's first act is any indication, PoE2 has no chance to stand up to it.
I liked PoE well enough after Sawyer's spent 3 years on fixing it though, and 2 seems to be a step-up in just about every way.

All furries will hang.

>Lizards are literally the master race that treat elves like niggers

You're not a filthy fucking elf are you?

the only reason to play desu

Of course not, elves will hang too.

I would be doing my first playthrough as an undead or dorf, but Lohse's origin story is too good. Fug.

>Can finally play a modern good RPG as an undead with a whole bunch of summoning abilities

Shame there's no inherent necromancy but it's close enough.

>If OS2's first act is any indication, PoE2 has no chance to stand up to it.
You are delusional. DOS 1&2 are trash that people play for coop only, because even the worst piece of shit game can be fun in coop. People play PoE for actual single player roleplaying experience, not mindless h&s like in DOS.

>Divinity is a hack and slash game
It's this fucking autist again
Nobody cares about your abritruary P&P definitions you sad virgin

PoE is a game with terrible combat, awful and dull writting, only it's story is redeeming, go read a book if that's what you are looking for.

Divinity has one of the most creative and reactive combat Systems in RPGs and you often have more ways to solve a quest than in Pillars, go take your hack and slash meme somewhere else.

>PoE is a game with terrible combat, awful and dull writting
Uh huh, that's why PoE - a completely single player game that relies heavily on both combat and world building as well as actual roleplaying was as successful as DOS - a mindless coop h&s shitfest? LMAO, your opinion is trash, PoE has more roleplaying depth than any post New Vegas game.



Any game is fun with a friend, you fucking idiot.

I think you're the paradigmatic example of the worst Sup Forums has to offer. Not only are your opinions ridiculous bullshit, you also feel the need to spout them every chance you get. I still can't tell if you're serious or a butthurt troll trying to act out because Larian fired you or something.

>hurr Divinity isnt fun solo

played through it solo two times, nice meme, I was bored of Pillars by the end of Chapter 2.

>DnD for kids
Top kek.