>KS backers are starting to receive their physical copies of Mighty Number 9
>It's just an empty box, no actual disk or anything
>You have to assemble the box yourself
>It also comes with a manual
>The manual doesn't fit in the box

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow, that's pretty fucked.

Is this fag wearing nail polish?

They do it on purpose in order to stay a relevant meme. Pathetic.

i know wtf, that nails are disgusting.

Why did people back this garbage anyway? Even the concept art looked like shit.

I can actually believe that.

Can't wait to see the big Vita catastrophe they have planned to cap this whole shitshow off.

>vita version is released
>only has a single level
>technically they still released it so no lawsuits

I'm still laughing.

>finally released on vita
>it's actually the best version and has everything they promised
>it was a Sony plan to make people buy the vita all along

It's still going to fail anyway


Speaking of vidya failures this is the funniest shit I've read in a while:

Got it in the humble bundle, gave them no money, going to see what it's like later

>Vita version released
>runs at 10fps and is actually a 1000 in 1 bootleg gameboy game

>going to reddit
This fucking board.

Would actually be better


Don't see why kickstarter backers are complaining I mean it's better then nothing.


Upvoted my friend!!

>being this new

I was worried about not backing the physical version on Kickstarter because I falled for the "le megaman father project"

But hell, this goes beyond my worst expectations... I bought the retail copy for 16 bucks on release and it has a nice box with some poster and a nice manual with it...

The game is awful in every way and the backers don´t deserve to be treated as shit.

They should have listened.

>donate money for what clearly states 'physical game box'
>be upset when you just get the physical game box
wow how awful of them

>he actually paid to play mighty n9
How is it possible to keep fucking up this badly?

>that stream inafune had with his company where they were saying thanks for their fans
>chat bombarded inafune calling him a conman and shit to the point he nearly cried
>stream ended
Come on guys that was a bit much

Where can i find this?

Check the archives

Source, I must see this.

It really is his own fault though. The images they showed for the games production was no where even CLOSE to what the final product was, and during all this they were still asking for more money.

It may have not been exactly a scam, but it was total bullshit.

He had a second fucking kickstarter for this game didn't he?

60 bucks for a tiny piece of paper.

Yeah, it failed to raise enough money but then some shady Chinese company "funded it".

>"hey guys I am gonna revive my son, this is the story of my redemption from capcom!"
>"please support me"
>proceeds to serve up the video game equivalent to shitting on a plate
>literally every aspect is riddled in flaws

I think he got what he worked for.

I'm trying to figure out what the fuck that thing is
Looks like an ironic tranny or something

He didn't get enough cash for a game the scale he was envisioning

>mfw I backed it and enjoyed it
>mfw Sup Forums can never sour my fun

My friend, you can make a game with shitty graphics, bad voice acting, ugly designs, and still have a fun game because it's at least made well and with sound understanding of how a game of the genre works.

The aspects that AREN'T money sinks, he also go wrong. Don't get me wrong, I understand quality has a price, but there was such a fundamental misunderstanding of how to make a megaman game going on here that I don't think all the money in the world would have lead to mn9 being anything other than a turd.

Stop lying to yourself.

What you had was fake fun, meme fun
Stockhome sindrome

What's wrong with MN9? I didn't follow the news on it

*kisses you*
will stop being so grumpy about video games now?

The Ouya delivered a lot more than this shit did.

As a mega man fan I gotta ask how? Shit had some of the worst level design since X6.

o-oh umm, o-ok...

>Why did people back this garbage anyway? Even the concept art looked like shit.

Mega man fans are insane and were expecting anything but a mediocre spiritual successor to an already mediocre franchise

Don't forget about begging for paypal donations and promising "new" characters.

Its too bad really, this game really made Kickstarter lose its value.

no body cares, no one is teying to tale away your enjoyment, stop posting

uh oh, what are you gonna do?
clearly you care enough to respond

im sure there must be a "whats wrong with MN9" video out there for you spoon friend.

Do not bully failure

i dont care about how much you had with a rock.
im up for calling you a faggot and telling you to fuck off anytime though.

Why are we still here?

Just to suffer?

he's dead. just not meant for this world anymore.

So it's just overhyping things?
>giving views to e-celebs

I actually bought one of these and it's actually pretty good for emulation.

>He didn't get enough cash for a game the scale he was envisioning

He got far more money than what he initially asked for.
He also is a shit director if he can't manage his resources to make a proper game.
It is entirely his and the people involved's fault.

Claiming that "not having enough money" being the problem is laughable.

The concept art looked good
Then they forced it to be 2.5D meme garbage

>Then they forced it to be 2.5D meme garbage

2.5D is fine visually.

If you don't know why I have to question if you were even playing video games 4 years ago. It was the heyday of Capcom pissing everyone off. First there were the botched games Bionic Commando 09 and Dark Void, then there was Mega Man cancellation after cancellation starting with Mega Man Universe which was set to be Mario Maker 6 years before Mario Maker leading up to the cancellation of Legends 3, trash games like Asura's Wrath (which was universally shit on at the time but now has some weird cult following I don't understand), Street Fighter x Tekken with 30% of the roster being on disc DLC and Bad Box Art Mega Man, the DmC debacle, and even going a ways back in time the closing of Clover and everyone from that studio leaving, it was the most people have hated Capcom at any point in time. You had developers for Capcom speaking out about how Capcom was mismanaging everything with Inafune being one of the forefront names in that regard. It was really easy to believe since everything Capcom was doing was so shit and even Inafune at the time was credible because he pushed the development of Dead Rising and Lost Planet which were two new IP's that people really liked and Capcom hated. It was the prime moment for it to happen, everyone was caught up in the fuck Capcom hype train and Inafune left the company because they wouldn't let him make anything and people wanted a new Mega Man game and Capcom cancelled like 3 of them. The marketing cycle ran itself and Inafune had all the good will in the world. He cashed all of it in for Mighty No 9 as well, so while he had a huge bargaining chip at the start, it's gone now.

I like Rangarok and Disgaea, probably perspective thing cause don't really like how Shantae turned out


We always knew it was an empty box for "showing up", but the manual thong is inexcusable anyway... how amateur do you have to be to check the damn sizes?

>The manual doesn't fit in the box
Fuckin' jej

i can explain asuras wrath, an executive clusterfuck caused a lot of the base gameplay stuff to be cut , and they had to rework it all from the ground up at the last second

as for why its got a cult following? dispite the lack of gameplay, its story and assets had a metric fuckton of work and love put in them, the characters were all written really well, and the premis and spectacle were both top notch. as ive always said, its a better anime than game.

the true ending being dlc was the devs accepting that there wouldn't be a sequel due to its flop, and just wanted to make sure that the story had actual closure to it while they still could.

So with Bloodstained having just turned undeniably disastrous, that brings the failure rate of devs (or character designers in MN9's case) trying to revive their baby in a new form to 100%. I backed Yooka-Laylee, backer's remorse after about two hours of playing. At the very best, I'll only back newer indie devs with an actual recently developed game to prove they're capable. I didn't back Shovel Knight, but I would back a sequel.

Nothing wrong with Yooka-Laylee.

I had no problem with the controls which a lot of people complain about. Same with the camera, except for the minecart part which is just done completely amateurish, as if by someone who has never developed a game in their life. Boss battle suck, but that was never Rare's strong point anyway. Overall, it just didn't give me any motivation to start the game again.

what happened with Bloodstained?

naw, infune left capcom during its executive full retard mode, promosing to make a spiritual successor to mm.

concept pitch looks good, infune uses kickstarter to get funds, gets well over his minimum funding, almost 4 mill.

then development starts, things go south, community manager is a selfish bitch who pisses off the community, features start getting cut, delays for like 2 years. game looks like garbage.

game is released, infune hosts a stream of the game on release day, game crashes midway through stream.
wiiu version crashing.

the pc version cannot save, despite the fact that a devtest version dated 6 months before that was leaked saves normally,(the leaked version was also identical to the release version implying that the game itself was not worked on whatsoever during this time)

several actually promised features are still absent/missing

the list goes on, but this reward debackle right here is par for the course

how do you fuck up this badly

More than anything, this sums up MN9 perfectly. It's almost beautiful. You could use this in every WANTED/EXPECTED/GOT thread

>4 people spent $10,000 backing this game

I bet they lurk here too

>>the pc version cannot save
...What? What the fuck? Is that actually true?

>concept pitch looks good
There was no concept though. It was literally just, hey I make megaman. You like megaman but capcom won't give you megaman. Gib monie and I make not-megaman.

> the backers don´t deserve to be treated as shit.
You fell for this meme. You deserve everything you get from it.

iirc, it was some dll file issue. You need to look up how to fix it, like WWE 2k16


You forgot this little gem:

initially yes, people were having issues with saves not actually saving. this was a problem for at least 3 weeks

again, the fact that the pc devtest version leaked to us a month before release was at LEAST half a year old was literally identical to the release version, but COULD save without any issues, raises a number of questions

there was, the 2d drawing were very nice, and a proof of concept build was built in 3 weeks, and looked exactly like the concept art

This. All of this.

>a proof of concept build was built in 3 weeks, and looked exactly like the concept art
You mean that shitty 7 second video that looked like it was made in UE3 in an afternoon? I remember using it to make some bait to shitpost with when the shantae MN9 rivalry was at it's height

oh i know, bit i had to take a shit, and wasn't sure if the thread was even still up, hence the "ect"

here, have a ray butt

also, fun fact, in the ray dlc, all rays subtitles/text boxes are, and im dead serious, LITERALLY the script her voice actress was given for each line

>[ad lib moaning in pain]

I got this garbage yesterday in the mail. Might as well just fucking put in on fire I'll have more fun with that than any amount of time thinking about or playing MN9.

user, shantae is ok, but it is not unique

>unironically posting a tranny video

seriously, reconsider your life

for such a thing to be made from scratch in a single week, it looks quite pleasant(you must admit its vastly better than the end product)

>say it's a bait pic
>still get baited

The absolute state of mighty number 9 fanbase

What was that, GumbleGoobs?

tight budget

What the FUCK were they thinking?

I was hungry

Yooka Laylee starts off decent but the power ups get more and more awkward to control as the game goes on to the point where it becomes just a chore to play through, there's also too many repeated gimmicks

You also forgot how the game literally fried ProJared's graphics card when he did an LP of it.

Meme No. 9 is the gift that just keeps on giving even after the shitstorm a year ago.

It would be acceptable if it was some student project or something, but this is a "professional" trying to get money to fund a real game. They should've had something before they even started instead of throwing something together in the middle of it.

after a certain point I think they just started doing shit to the backers out of spite
>you fund my game yes
>you want something in return!!!???
>fuck you, que shitting on plate
>here ya go