Why are people so mean in online games?
Why are people so mean in online games?
A. You're shit
B. You sound like a fag
C. Both
D. Post benis
You again? I thought I told you to suck my dick, pipsqueak.
because you're a faggot
I dont suck dicks
Im not a faggot
I'm tired of playing games alone... I'm going to do it...!
Go find a boyfriend
Holy fucking shit stop posting this shit every day
I wish I had the drive and consistency to commit to anything for 4 months straight.
sorry for deleting you my friends list but I had to do it
Im not gay
It's whatever.
Because you still haven't grown out of shitty online games and sticked to the in every way superior singleplayer games.
No consequences and suddenly most people are back to chimp behavior. At least its mostly offline.
Think about it.. Morality and fancy words aside why are we not mean? Its because living in a community requires that to survive.
I dont have alot of time these days but post theowaway mail and we can chat. I dont give a shit if i suck or someone sucks. Coop is comfy like that.
Stop posting anime girls and grow thicker skin
Kill yourself already.
Please be nice to me... I don't like being bullied...
Why are people so gay on Sup Forums?
Play vidya with a better community
Grow up maybe?
dumb sniffing poster
>still falling for the vaginal jew
talk to people irl more, gain confidence through interaction, wreck ass in online chat because it's anonymous and easy as fuck
don't make me fucking beat you up
Fucking faggot NEET
I'm mean to people in real life faggot
I'll play with you, attention-whore fag.
Please be nice...
I'm not an attention whore, please be nice... But what are we going to play...?
>teammates complain about having a girl on their team
>start to explain I'm not a girl
>get interrupted by a white knight trying to "defend" me
>he adds me after the game
staying far away from roasties doesnt mean I have to be a huge faggot
What games do you want to play
Stop playing games for kids (12-30yo)
We can watch bad cute girl anime through syncplay while playing dress-up in Korean MMOs.
Ideally something where I can cooperate with whoever I'm playing with and not have to compete against them...
I don't really like cute girl anime, but the second part sounds fun...
Not him but I'll watch anime with you guys as well
>Ideally something where I can cooperate with whoever I'm playing with and not have to compete against them...
Im not dumb
>guy with slow ass voice talking on game
>Ask him if he has ever seen winnie the pooh, tell him he sounds like that slow ass retard E-OR.
>Guy is quiet the rest of the game.
>Get that nasally little kid voice
>keeps tryharding and complaining about everyone gameplay despite only being middle of the scoreboard
>throw the game just to listen to him rage because the game is his life
>Meet a negro in a game with that negro voice
>Smack Lips loudly over mic and say HOL UP
>So your telling me black people play video games
>Explain how he is a unicorn and most blacks don't know how to use computers.
>Meet British guy he quite a cunt
>Have it out with him with some good banter back and forth
>Some faggot on the team asks us to "stop fighting" and please play the game
>English guy and I immediately start talking massive shit and trolling the weak faggot.
>She shuts the fuck up rest of the game and we continue banter
>Russian gets on and keeps insulting the team in his dirty langauge
>Team tryhards and wins despite russian calling us all shit in broken slavshit.
>Canadian always trying to defend the shitty girl he is playing with
>Talk him down for being a white knight beta faggot orbiter usually the whole team starts talking shit about him
how many fucking times are you gonna make this thread when you fucking question has already been answered you sissy bitch
Memeing aside I doubt any of these ERPrs will come commit when push comes to shove and they see a real dick that needs to be sucked.
Im not a sissy bitch
I'm not dumb...!
I like Terraria...
One day I'm going to track you down and rape you with no lube
that's disgusting
Too bad.
The better question is why you try to bait anime threads on Sup Forums instead of posting in Sup Forums.
>"hey man, you wanna play together"
Stop... Please...
What anime do you like? And we can play Terraria.
Stop posting sad anime girls it makes me sick
I think I saw this post in /owg/ before.
Stop it, OP clearly gets off to bullying comments.
Post discords
My favorite anime is Serial Experiments Lain...
Maybe if you stop being mean to me I'll stop...
But I dont
>Serial Experiments Lain
If it weren't for the sad anime pictures, we might actual be good friends.
Post your steam, nerd
You're not a girl, you're some fat hairy fuck. Your delusion leads to your incompetence which is why people mock you. Git gud at life.
Do weebs get off on acting like trap sissies?
Be honest, you like it when people trashtalk you in games.
I play Melty Blood and Rev 2. Don't add me otherwise.
It's all just shitposting, don't worry. What if someone bullies me if I post it...?
Because no repercussions.
I dont like it, friend