Games that actually stress you out


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league of legends


God I want Plague Doctor to sit on my fucking face.


Silent Hill. The combat is just too clunky, the scay parts don't help either, but I guess thats the point.

Good taste


I want to sit on plague doctor's face


Heavy Rain. It's not fun to play at all, just fucking stressful.

Stop cutting off limbs of my troops reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The old days of the DayZ mod, almost certain i had at least 50 mini heart attacks playing it.

Any game because I can't play without my mother freaking out that I'm wasting time playing video games instead of cleaning my room for the 4th time that week. And I'm 20. I just want the Summer to end. I want to spend time with my friends, but she tries to guilt trip me every time I leave the house. "But we have so much stuff do to here!" Well sorry bitch, I don't need to steam clean the fucking carpet every week, because normal families don't even do that shit once a year. Quit making up shit just so you can feed your control complex because your father was abusive and controlled your whole life.

you're in luck

This, while blasting this

Really swell blog, chum.

You didn't have to read it.

The only way for me to know it was worthless was to read it. You should preface all of your posts with "ignore this" because you have nothing to say.

Walking around a town looking for supplies only to have a couple gunshots just explode through the
relative silence of the game was some of the scariest shit

But the nose would go inside your asshole

Okay, duly noted, user.

wait waht gaem?

Tekken 7 no matter if I won or lost I would still be angry. I had to stop playing

I'm just fucking with you. But honestly you don't need to tell us this stuff. You need to open a dialogue with your mother if her behavior is getting on your nerves.

I'm exactly the same. I do stupid shit and then get angry and as a result play worse and then get angrier and play even worse and the cycle continues.

Don't worry, I know not to take anything on here personally. And yeah, I've tried. She not a reason or logic person, so the only solution is to get away from her. I'll stop posting about this now though.

>Not wanting to get pounded by Man at arm
I bet you kiss girls faggot


My dad makes me clean his car every week, cut the grass, clean the dishes, and cook once in a while.

He never bougth me a fucking game or even gave me 5 dollars to spend on steam. But he gifted his ex wife's daugther a fucking car for her birthday.

The last thing he gifted me was a pair of dumb bells because I a bit overweigth.

Playing any fighting game online
Local is always okay, I have no idea what it is, but it makes me anxious

Just imagine the person you're playing with to be a DUDE WEED LMAO guy just having a good time and your anxiety will ebb. The stress comes from imagining the person you're playing with taking it super seriously.

rainbow six siege fucking 5d chess but 1 teammate is competent and the other 3 are mentally ill

I forget how to play properly or do any punish or whatever. I realize it's a very irrational feeling.

Mordheim city of the damned.

Fucking just lost my gold promos. So yea.

FPBP everytime.

You better become successful and something that he can be proud of, and then when those feelings of pride start swelling inside him and he wants to be chummy and talk man to man you give him the cold shoulder and treat him as less than your equal.

looks fun desu

I live paycheck to paycheck and this game's mechanics simulated that way to well. Couple that with the super bleak atmosphere and I honestly couldn't get through it.

Xcom. Shit is too intense sometimes and I need to take a break to calm down.

I think the developer published a patch to make it easier.

Pokemon showdown.
I have no problems playing any online game but somehow a kids game scares the shit out of me and I have difficoulties on pressing the find match button.

It wasn't even the difficulty, it was more just the way the game played being so similar to the daily grind.
I always describe it like having 20 bucks to last you a week, and your money keeps dwindling, but then right before you run out you find 50 bucks in your pocket, but then an unexpected expense comes up and you're right where you started.

The ocean in general is spoopy but when you can hear the heartbeat signalling that a shark is near and getting nearer as it increases in sound/speed but you cant see the shark is too much for my nerves

Civilization late game
Early game RTS in general
Games with time trials side missions, those always piss me the fuck off since they're always one the most hard to traverse places.

It is, but since there is no way to save scum it can get frustrating. But thanks to this every battle feels so goddamn good. I bought it two days ago and I like it so far.
Shame that Devs abandoned it already and focused on making new game, Necromunda, which will probably be similar but in wh40k setting.
I'm starting to get hyped after reading on wiki about it

Don't Starve

I always fucking starve

And I"m terrified of winter

stop being such a faggot and do what you want instead of listening to some old bitch, user
you pussy
you asswhore

I like the art but I hear the grind gets a complete chore since hired mercs won't play dungeons lower than their level or something.

Rocket league
I miss too many dang shots and put myself in bad positions

It prevents you from steamrolling the really easy dungeons

Either way, they added a sort of grind free mode where everything happens twice as fast.

maybe you can still savescum like in darkest dungeon with the game folder trick thing