Hellblade is another Dark Souls clone
Hellblade is another Dark Souls clone
nioh is Japanese dogshit
bloodborne is a western masterpiece
simply le epic thread op
you're giving us Nioh fans a bad name because Sup Forumsedditors can't tell what's flamebait and what isn't
>being this concerned instead of just enjoying a thread about dark souls clones and shitposting at late night
Nioh isn't a souls clone or soulslike or whatever fag shit you call it.
>bloodborne dlc
>not worthwhile
You idiot, everyone's gonna know it's bait now
BB dlc was pretty good
>37 minutes DLC compared to 3(!) amazing expansions + online + extra stuff from Nioh
how is it not?
>good character models
>any of those games
I know you're baiting but I'm going to reply anyway, just to save someone's else time
It plays nothing like a souls game and is only similar in superficial ways. Maybe you should try it sometime instead of being dumb
just because the default controls don't have attack bound to the triggers doesn't mean it's not a souls clone.
In Bloodborne / Souls, leveling up does almost nothing, in Nioh you can easily overlevel to make fights easier. Also, BB and other Souls games are more focused on bosses combat while Nioh strikes nice balance between regular combat with groups of enemies and boss fights.
Also, stop fucking calling every action RPG with even slight focus on boss battles a soulslike or souls clone. Those games (action RPGs with focus on boss combat) existed long before Souls games
If you called it an Onimusha-like then maybe I'd agree with you since it quite literally is.
But you didn't so you're wrong and a parrot drone, just like 95% of this board.
Sleep tight kid, maybe try out more games than Dark Souls, maybe even delve into the actual action genre, which the Souls games do not fit into.
A better description is a mix of Ninja Gaiden speed with Onimusha and a touch of Dark Souls inspiration.
>stop fucking calling every action RPG with even slight focus on boss battles a soulslike or souls clone
i don't do that, but nioh is clearly a souls clone.
how is the game anything like onimusha besides the japanese setting?
I know you've never played Onimusha, so go ahead and watch some videos. Then compare them to the Nioh videos you've watched since you haven't played that either. You'll see the resemblance immediately. Nioh's movement, character control, combat, and mechanics have nothing to do with the Souls games, but are much more similar to Onimusha and partially Ninja Gaiden as well.
I'm not denying there was inspiration from Souls games, since of course everyone wants to get in on that success that was the Souls marketing campaign. But to say they're overtly similar is objectively wrong.
i've played onimusha, it has tank controls and a focus on puzzle solving. don't see how it's at all similar to nioh.
Why do people think Souls games are in the action genre?
Ni-Oh was a shitty souls clone
So was Bloodbrony
I enjoyed bloodborne, but unlike most, I didn't shill out for a PS4 to play it, I just borrowed one.
but yeah bloodborne had its faults, and I didn't get to play the DLC, which people say is good.
nothing beats dark souls and demon's souls for me honestly.
People are STILL stupid enough to say Nioh is anything like Ninja Gaiden
Hellblade looks like another "cinematic experience" type of trash honestly.
wouldn't compare it to souls games.
>old hunters
>Not worthwhile dlc
Almost as stupid as saying it's a souls clone. If that were the case I'd have never played it or enjoyed it as much as I did
Dark Souls was just most of nu/v/'s first "real" game so they think it did no wrong and created the "action" genre
I don't think it can be a clone if the same guy made both games, with the intention of taking demons souls in two different directions to see what happens
>being this triggered that a game he likes is a clone of a game he hates
hellblade is going to be phonegame-tier swipe in X direction except you will have to press a button in that direction
I wish hellblade was a ds clone, doesn't look like it.
>*aesthetically western
Never said I hated Souls games. Nor would I care if Nioh were actually a Souls clone since it's better than them in very very many aspects.
All I'm saying is the comparisons are superficial and calling it a clone of anything is quite wrong and you'd know that if you'd have played it. Which to that extent I doubt you even own a PS4
Good job pretending to be a big boy on an anonymous forum though. The ironic nuweeb anime reaction was a nice touch. Bet you rile up lots of people with it.
I'm actually interested in Hellblade other than the gameplay.
Like they are tackling mental issues in a Norse Mythological setting.
Plus, their mocap tech is impressive.
Bloodborne's character models really were pretty shoddy, heh.
Anyway yeah I hope Team Ninja delves way more into action-adventure after this, Nioh was tops and who knows, we might get another Ninja Gaiden/ NG clone.
>Another fucking difficulty
>Another fucking rarity
nioh with updates "i am growing stronger"
Might as well turn this flamebait thread into real Nioh thread.
Still need to play dlc 2 but have been away from my PS4. Looks damn good though. How're the Tonfas?
Tonfas are so fucking godly. They have great reach, do exquisite ki damage, and they're just fucking fun to use. They have great movesets too, one inch punches, shoryukens, sweep kicks, it's fucking great. There's a boss one too that also explodes and it's like Kilgore in Bayonetta kinda.
As a fan of Nioh I have to say that Bloodborne's DLC is superior in almost every way. The last Nioh DLC was way better than the first but it's still too fucking short and the amount of new stuff is a little low for the asking price.
Damn I'm gonna have to start it tomorrow. Aside from knowing about the Tonfas and seeing part of a mission I'm going in blind, hope my gear holds up on WotD
>37 minute DLC
Is this the new '10 day Platinum' meme?
You'll be fine at the beginning
Hold on to those perfect Divines user, a little birdy told me that they're adding ANOTHER rarity level and difficulty level in the final DLC and that to get that final rarity you need to combine a perfect Divine with a perfect Ethereal via a new Soul Match option.
how the hell are people getting to level 200 and above, i'm at 174 and it's taking forever to get enough amrita
and fuck that Date Masamune guy in that solo rematch at the dojo.
I hope so. Did dlc 1 on WotD at around level 130 with 160+10 weapons and it was pretty tough but doable. Have some better shit now though
I've started a Tonga build and I'm only in the first region still, but they're fun as fuck. I haven't done much PvP but from what I've heard they're supposedly pretty good there, but just for PvE Tonfas are great. The DPS looks pretty low at first but they hit fast and do plenty of hits per combo, and the unlockable moves so far have let me pull of some pretty devastating combos a lot more easily and reliably than other weapon classes. I haven't used low stance much but mid and high stance both light and heavy attacks have all gotten a lot of use and all feel worthwhile in a number of situations. The Tonfa grapple move is brutal as fuck too. So far they're tied with Odachi for my favourite weapon.
WotD shits out amrita
I wondered that too then I tried out Way of the Demon for the first time. It's tough but regular mooks give like 100 thousand or more Amrita each.