>Three years ago in 2014, when Trevor Sutton was twelve years old, he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and given one year to live. Miraculously, Trevor beat every odd and has made it to 2017. He and his parents have bravely fought this terrible disease, and IGN, upon learning of how instrumental video games have been in his life, decided to interview him
>Unfortunately, Trevor's cancer has taken a turn for the worse, and he now has a maximum of one more year to live.
>"It's been hard on everyone, my family especially. The hospital at first refused to let me have so many video game consoles in one room, but eventually a doctor made them give up on it. I play mostly the SNES because my older brother has so many games for it, but the hospital recently gave me an Xbox One and a PS4."
>"If I'm being honest, the only reason I've been able to survive this long, besides my family's love, is video games and Marvel. I love their movies. I'm told I may survive to see Avengers 3, which I'm really looking forward to. My parents tried to get me interested in DVDs they bought of those old Star Trek series, but when I watched them I realized the shows were dead before I was even born, which made me depressed."
>We asked Trevor what his favorite games are. "My favorite is Final Fantasy VIII by Squaresoft, I've played it a thousand times. My second favorite game is Half-Life 2 by Steam. If I could have just one wish, I'd love to see what they're planning for the next one." Trevor laughed grimly at this next statement: "After all, it's not like I could spoil it for anyone even if I wanted to."
>After the interview, we contacted Valve (creator of the acclaimed Half-Life series) on Trevor's behalf, who declined to comment, but said that they wish him well
>The Make a Wish Foundation also contacted Trevor, and has set a date for Jeremy Renner, who portrays main character Hawkeye in the Avengers, to pay him a visit
Three years ago in 2014, when Trevor Sutton was twelve years old...
>Guy survives cancer
>I KNOW! Let's introduce him to a different cancer and have it interview him.
>Dies of said cancer.
Good on him, though
>getting visited by fucking Hawkeye
>Half-Life 2 by Steam
Shoulda been visited by Deadpool
>for my dying wish I'd like to meet everyone's favorite avenger
>Oh? You want to meet Hawkeye?
>...y-you too
>he now has a maximum of one more year to live
but that's what they said three years ago
>Marvel's movies
No wonder he got cancer when his taste is cancer itself.
What a fucking awful thread
Well, I mean the guy crippled both his arms so it's not like he can do much else
I stopped using ign before that kid was born. Who else left back when they made the boards subscription only?
>when Trevor Sutton was twelve years old, he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer
That's what you get when you smoke too much. #nosympathy
>given extra time on this Earth
>waste it playing video games
fucking go outside
>muh go outside
He was weak and fucking dying the whole time. I'm sure going outside would have been painful and exhaustin, but hey he got to look at niggers
>charity visits
>favorite game is Half-Life 2 by Steam. If I could have just one wish, I'd love to see what they're planning for the next one
This is too cruel.
You could tell the kid wanted the OLD ghostbuster crew, not these dumb sjw who destroyed the entire franchise.
Going outside is overrated.
I find it odd that his favorite game is older than he is. I would have expected him to say minecraft or some shit.
We know a kid in our group that has an entire top 10 composed of the late 90s and early 2000s games. It's actually common among them believe it or not.
Makes sense if he had older people influencing him I guess.
this kid isn't dying because he IS the cancer
You try going outside when you're in constant pain, weak and hooked up to multiple machines.
That sucks, but at least this kid can die peacefully knowing that he has better taste than most kids his age.
>My second favorite game is Half-Life 2 by Steam
>that kids face
>just grab this Stewie Griffin pillow and put me out of my misery you ugly gorilla bitch
>thank fuck I'll die just like Ghostbusters
I never got the hype for Ghostbusters because it just doesn't do it for me. I tried watching it once only to get bored and fall asleep, I'm probably dead myself.
>and Marvel, I love their movies
I too love normie pander quipfests
>My second favorite game is Half-Life 2 by Steam.
what a faggot amirite guise!
I love how everybody is ignoring the fact that
>we contacted Valve (creator of the acclaimed Half-Life series) on Trevor's behalf, who declined to comment, but said that they wish him well
What a bunch of asshats, won't even fulfil that simple wish to a kid dying from cancer
To be fair
Not a single person will ever see HL3
valve is about as sterile as a game company can get. what did you expect?
They didn't even send him like, a crowbar or some shit.
If I was Valve, I would have sent him a crowbar 'signed' by Gordon Freeman, a plushie companion cube, and a collection of TF2 styled hats.
when will outside stop being overrated? The guy has limited amount of time, better spend it with a thing he enjoys instead of trying to look cool to normies
That's because they don't have any actual game to show.
>Half Life 2 by Steam
They couldn't do it because they aren't making HL3.
Right, it's HL2:Ep3
ff8 is best ff
the kid has too little time and is probably too busy playing games to scrutinize every little detail about them.
he probably rushes through them knowing it could be his last.
Didnt this come out before the announcment of fembusters?
>all these mean comments
you guys really suck shit sometimes
>Wanting a celebrity to come visit you for your Make-a-Wish
Why? It's just going to be an awkward half hour of him being really patronizing to you.
Does Make-a-Wish do stuff for people over 18? Would they set it up if I wanted to lose my virginity to a JAV actress or something?
You get two scoops that's it if you're over 18
Honestly this, if I am was dying the first thing I would request would be a hooker.
It's fake you fucking retard.
>all these mean comments
a lost Sup Forums tourist appears
>ywn get Hitomi tanaka to come over and wrap her tits around your bald head like a long lost triplet
>Journalism within the Gaming Industry
>Transcription claims Trevor thinks Half-Life is made by Steam.
>Either IGN are assholes for not correcting Trevor in their story and making him look foolish
>Or Trevor said Valve and IGN is too incompetent to remember and wrote the first thing associated and that came to mind, Steam.
Everything on this website is fake, did you not read the disclaimer?
This isn't Sup Forums...
look man, art and world wise, it's 10/10
but, cloud is a biggest autist the ever play a hero, and tactics are non-existent . okay.
You all need to go outside and get laid
>dying of cancer
>want to meet a cool actor who plays a super hero
>they send Jeremy Renner