You didn't actually think you got one right user?

You didn't actually think you got one right user?

Other urls found in this thread:

what is the point of buying an expensive emulator box with very little games when you can emulate snes games on pretty much every device you own right now

Yeah I'm waiting for the N64 Classic if they ever come out with it. Right now I'm stuck with emulating N64 .wads on Dolphin, and it works surprisingly well.

It's cute to look at

Because retards will pay over double the price for it on the second hand market.

I got one from amazon. Don't even know if I'm keeping it canceling the preorder since I don't even want this piece of junk, I just thought it'd make a neat gift for a friend. But for 90 bucks he better suck my dick for it.

He should do that anyway

I'm scared to check my email bros

Don't do it. They can't cancel your preorder if you don't read it.

Is this true?

Trust me. I'm a lawyer.

Yes, obviously. If you can show in court that the e-mail is unread, they have to sell it to you.

You faggots know you can manually turn a mail from to unread, right?
There's an option that say 'mark as unread'
This literally wouldn't work and they'd just laugh at your stupid fucking face

Can confirm. I had my order placed in the first few minutes and I just got a cancellation email stating that all orders are being cancelled.

Christ almighty.

You shouldn't have read it

You fucked up when you opened the mail.

I said you shouldn't read it, user. What you're saying is to read it and then mark it as unread, but that's cheating the system and doesn't hold up in court.

That's not going to work anyways.

Yes it would, the nice lawyer above said so

Stop shilling this normie shit

Well I'm a judge and that guy is lying. It's what lawyers do.

>they'd just laugh at your stupid fucking face

>no gameboy classic

How do I know judges don't lie???

if they lie they would be lawyers, duh

Geez, I don't want it THAT bad...

Gentlemen, please.
As a very much real video game prosecutor, I can tell you that not reading an email is unfit to be considered grounds for entitlement of a product.

>it'd make a neat gift for a friend
>pretty expensive present for a friend
Just admit the fact that you want one user

It's actually my boyfriend, I just didn't want to stir up shit. He grew up with old nintendo and atari stuff so he likes shit like this. I might just get a raspberry pi and build him a little emulation machine though, only reason I'm considering a mini snes is because it looks cute. Also I'm kinda lazy about setting up the pi.

A simple email is not ground enough to cancel a deal.

>my boyfriend
But women don't have dicks do they?

homos make me sick is he fit

Oh. Get the mini for him then. It makes for a great collector's item as well. I'd be pretty fucking happy if I had a girlfriend who managed snag one.

The email serves to inform that the order is cancelled, Wright. The email is only the obligation to tell the customer their order is cancelled in an efficient manner so they aren't left in the dark.
Meanwhile, the company has every right to cancel the order. You'd know that if you actually read the terms and conditions instead of skimming through them. Only an amateur would do something like that.


Oops, I seem to have disappeared for a moment there. Wonder how that could have happened.
Don't worry, I'm still here.

Do you know where you are?

Maybe some do?
Yeah he sort of wanted a mini nes but the store he preordered it back then ended up not selling it to him so I made sure I got snes just to be sure.

Nintendo's already working on the N64 classic mini, better get ready for that.

I have a real SNES

They can have feminine dicks you oppressive shitlord

>Still buying shit from Shitendo.

>I bought 10 from different retailers
>I just lost 3 from walmart

godammit walmart get it together

haven't been following this, is controller stock as bad as console stock? i don't want an emulator box but i want a sfc controller to use with wii games.

It is. A deal only exists if BOTH parties are agreeing. Reordering is not an agreement. Only if the shop is shipping the product, you have a deal.

i really doubt they can make something capable of good N64 emulation for a price comparable to the other 'classic' consoles. they'll probably just release the controller for people to play virtual console games with.


They don't need to make a perfect emulator. They just need to hack something together that runs the 15 games it will have.

I just want to play Starfox 2 with a fucking SNES controller in my hand

>But user, there are SNES USB controllers and I'm sure a ROM will be made almost as soon as people get their hands on it

It's not the same though.

even the wii's N64 emu chokes on some games.
that gives me an idea though, the selling point for the N64 classic should be f-zero X with the expansion kit in english.

it is equal or greater

Don't know if it's been mentioned, but why would anyone buy this when you can just emulate for free. Pretty sure I'm the first person to mention this. And here's a bonus one: has anyone heard of Raspberry Pi? You can load full romsets from many retro systems onto an SD card. Just wanted to pop in here and make sure you guys are all aware of these points. Haven't seen any of them posted yet. To summarize: you can emulate all these games for free. Just a reminder in case anyone was unaware.


gamerboi cred points

i still have my SNES from my childhood, that's much cuter

I didn't get the e-mail so I'm safe r-right, g-guys?

There is something to be said about the simplicity of just sitting on the couch and turning on a game that launches straight away. It's not something that can be replicated by emulation. I thought people who said this were a load of shit but I bought a PS4 in April and it's like I've rediscovered video games. This is the first console I've owned since the Wii, I've been PC Master race all these years.

Check your walmart accounts, they weren't actually canceled.

You don't read threads do you? It's just a cute collector's item. ~60 bucks isn't that expensive for what it is, same way people buy videogames up to 60 bucks they can pirate for free.

That's 100% true but if you have a good setup you can emulate that "feeling" too. Have a good controller of your choice, a comfy couch and a nice tv and automate as much of the process as possible so the boot up is like booting up a console. The raspberry pi is a godsend in that aspect.

no if they don't send you an email then you're in even more trouble, because they canceled your order and haven't refunded you.

North American SNES makes me vomit in my mouth, so no it's not even cute to look at

Modern emulators still have off sync frame cycles and are nowhere near the minimal input lag of analog systems. CRT and Original systems will always be the perfect way to play. The NES mini has been proven the closest emulation these games have.

Fuck off.

>The NES mini has been proven the closest emulation these games have
this is some weak bait man, put a little love into your craft

I got an email from walmart but they didnt cancel mine. the email just said they changed when I could pick it up form oct 4th to sep 29

>has been proven
if people don't believe him I have the proof right here.

>CRT and Original systems will always be the perfect way to play.
Nah. Emulators are great if you want to play something like Star Fox at a stable 60 fps.