This is the greatest game ever made
This is the greatest game ever made
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>greatest game ever made
No, but it is fucking awesome, top 15 for me.
quake is better in every way but the soundtrack.
I wonder if these threads are by the the Doom Babbies faggot himself, like how the MLP threads are actually done by Barneyfag.
woah they finally added chromatic aberration to Doom?
brutal doom made it even better
Step off, loser
All Quake OSTs (1-3) are incredible and I return to them far more often than I do to Doom's. I mean, just listen to this fucking shit
Quake 3's soundtrack is dull as.
As, not 'af'. I want to make it clear that I'm not talking like a child.
Q3's OST is maybe a bit weaker than 1 and 2's, but it's good for it's purpose. It's music meant to be played during multiplayer fragfests, it has to be droning, somewhat homogeneous, and not very melodic - Otherwise you get sick of it very quick.
In the arena shooter soundtrack category, UT undeniably beat Q3, but there are many top notch tracks in Q3's OST too
hey man i dont really care if you dont wanna make your mod work for the best version of doom, its more your loss then mine, ill just play a different mod that does work for the best version of doom
It's pretty boring
Doom is a beautiful game and the community continues to pump out amazing level packs and mods. It's everything that a "video game" should be. Action is on point with an incredibly high skill ceiling without being convoluted. Carmack's modular .wad design is a philosophy that all publishers should admire (they won't, because $$$).
It really is one of the most important video games ever made.
In many ways, vidya is still living in Doom's "era". It was Doom who changed the major vidya genre into FPS (previously it was RPGs and platformers)
> it has to be droning, somewhat homogeneous, and not very melodic - Otherwise you get sick of it very quick.
...That makes the exact opposite of sense. A lack of melody, catchiness and everything that makes music musical while including droning repeatativeness is just going to get you sick of something quicker. Sorry, but that soulless crap, in both Q3 and UT is bland shite. It's not just a bit weaker. It's only saving grace is that it's so unremarkable that you can forget it's there and not have to bother turning it off.
New Doom player here. Just got into the game literally like 30 minutes. Is the auto aim supposed to be outrageous? I know there's no mouse look, but pointing in the general direction of a monster and clicking and it always hitting feels very odd. Also I was told Doom wasn't a scary game and I got ambushed by demons in darks hallways like twice and I'm only on level 4.
>Is the auto aim supposed to be outrageous?
Yes. It's part of the game. It can work against you too, get used to it or you'll blow yourself up.
>Also I was told Doom wasn't a scary game
In 1993. To kids. Look, lower your scariness expectations, it's an action game first and foremost.
You should just turn it off to be honest. It's in there because the game was made in 93, and back then there was no looking up or down, and most people still used keyboards for aiming. There's no point in having that on today when you are using mouse aiming.
The default setting is horizontal mouse movement with autoaim along the vertical axis (and a tiny amount along the horizontal)
If you really want to, you can toggle mouselook and disable autoaim, most sourceports support it. It'll play like a modern FPS and you'll make retrofags mad, but who cares
DOOM 2k16 is better
> It'll play like a modern FPS and you'll make retrofags mad, but who cares
Marathon was released only one year after Doom and plays exactly like that (mouse look + no auto aim)
>As, not 'af'. I want to make it clear that I'm not talking like a child.
Imagine being this insecure even during an anonymous post.
Best WADs guys?
It's always been in my top 2
pretty much
Unholy Realms
Going Down
Scythe 2
Pirate Doom
I am actually playing it multiplayer right now. Doomseeker is not dead
Ironically the default setting for Quake 1 is to have some auto aim on.
Probably because keyboarding at the time was still prevalent.
Name an instrument other than guitar or trumpet used in MMX's soundtrack.
You could tweak sv_aim along a large-ish range, too. You could make it strong
I'm pretty sure it was disabled for MP, though. IF it wasn't in Netquake, it fore sure was in Quakeworld
>You could tweak sv_aim along a large-ish range, too. You could make it strong
>I'm pretty sure it was disabled for MP, though. IF it wasn't in Netquake, it fore sure was in Quakeworld
Server side. Some servers that didn't know better would let you leave it on in multiplayer, yes, I'm serious. I remember this being a point of contention particularly in the days of QTF.
But we live in the age of open world 3rd person action games, the Assassin's Creed era.
Heretic is more fun.
I'd be fine with the default setting being usable even in MP. The default setting (0.93 I think? With 1 being off) is pretty much unnoticeable. I only ever noticed it slightly """"correcting"""" the trajectory of my GL and RL shots, more often than not making me miss or blow myself up. It also straight up ruins both the Nailguns (you almost never want to shoot them straight at a target, the fucking autoaim will preclude you from leading)
For the Shotgun and SSG it's pretty much unnoticeable because they're hitscan and fire a shitton of pellets (and there's RNG to their placement), so it will never really make you hit a shot you'd otherwise miss
FPS games still moves a lot more money than AC, I'd wager
Play QTF and you quickly notice the problem.
The object of such a post is to shame the idiots using 'af', you cretin.
dull as what?
this is bait but i'll bite. either look in your options or get a sourceport that unlocks the mouse. otherwise, go be young somewhere else
Which level? Where?
I'm not saying you're wrong But it took a while to think of it didn't it?
You can fit whatever generic word you want in there. As fuck, as hell, as your mum's bum. But you don't need to say it. It is implied. Simple as.
Simple as what?
Boomer Kuwanger. It didn't take that long to think of, I just thought it was a trick question lol
I dunno I think that most music tracks in the game are mostly guitar and trumpet, one, the other, or both.
This is the greatest game ever made
What is the best DOOM wad?