"I am sorry that there is no 'nice' way to put it

> "I am sorry that there is no 'nice' way to put it.
> Japanese games are just bad. They really are.
> I don't believe it's a lack of tools or training, the entire culture is just bad.
> The rising sun has set. They should stop making video games.
> Not sure why they continiue to produce titles. Maybe muh bushido honour. I don't know.
> Let China annex them.
> However they do it, they just need to stop."

What the FUCK did JB mean by this?

>Game designer of Braid and The Witness

like he's to talk

funny because Kero Blaster is better than any game he's made

So said the creator of a glorified flash game and an iOS tier walking sim on a level of pretentiousness that would make Phil Fish feel embarrassed.

he is so out-touch with modern gamers; a lot of payed streamers on twitch that played THE WITNESS literally bored to the point they have to watch the answers on internet to keep going on the game and stip wasting time.

i'm actually enjoyed the game and finished without help but you can't stop feeling is a waste of time trying to figure it out the puzzles.

Playing Rabi-Ribi and its one if the best metrioidvanias I've played. Does the west make any besides shadow complex?

braid was ok, the witness was bad

I enjoy the game as well except for the environmental puzzles which are "find the right pixel to stand on" more than anything about thinking critically. I did not like Braid, however, nor do I get the dicksuck of that game. The solutions were easy but the execution was tedious and finicky

> "Post YOUR Steam sales if you think you're so hot shit.
> Go on, I'll wait.
> That's what I though.
> But yeah. Organized religion is bullshit, man.
> Basically child abuse.
> Mankind needs to wake the fuck up."

I mean, he's not wrong.

source of those quotes?

you won't reply...

Hollow Knight is great but it's the only good western Metroidvania

if kids aren't raised into an organized religion, they're raised into some other ideology like liberalism or scientific materialism. it's not like it's possible to raise a kid as a blank slate until adulthood

Environmental Station Alpha is better

that's a pretty motivating picture, thanks senpai

I was talking about the picture.

my bad. I agree with the picture as well

> sauce
Jonathan Blow screaming to peace officer as they arrested him for publicaly urinating on those permanent shadow things left behind by the victims of the Horoshima bombings.

Dude was overdosing on his own ego. Kept making Godzilla impressions while screaming "Yoko Taroooo. Yoko Taaarooo. Fuck you, you depressed moon guy."

Kinda sad, really. Love should trump hate.

that is not sauce you fecking moron

that is you making up more shit

Is this a joke? That guy is a fucking nothing.

Sounds like an ass blasted Korean or Chinaman. Sad

I can see why he'd think that. Japanese games these days aren't well known outside of Japan, so being a typical westerner it wiuld seem like there's a drought to him.