PS Plus: Free Games for August 2017

Just Cause 3, PS4
Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry, PS4
Super Motherload, PS3
Snakeball, PS3
Downwell, PS Vita (crossbuy with PS4)
Level 22, PS Vita

absolutely insane, Sony does it again.


meanwhile Xboners get slime rancher, trials fusion, Bayonetta and Red Faction
sony's pathetic.

seriously though, what was Sony thinking with this month's game choice
just give us some ps2 classics free or something I really don't want this shovelware

>modnation racers (PS3) will never ever be a free Plus game

it hurts every month.

Just Cause 3 alone is better than every single one of those, holy shit.

sold my ps4 yesterday

>The Vita game is some F-list indie game that doesn't even have an aggregate review on Steam

I hope you're not talking about Downwell because that game's amazing and probably the best roguelike.

Well that is just sad.
I didn't wanna to renew my subscription, but i need it ot play bf1.
Guess i'll wait another month.

Not him but Downwell got solid reviews, it's that level 22 game he's talking about...and it looks like complete shit

>just cause 3 is better than bayonetta

such a crock of shit, lmao

>Buy a month of PS+
>Download my FREE games
>My month of PS+ runs out
>Can't play my FREE games anymore


finally something decent to play

Easily and by a lot. Bayonetta and all Platinum games are dogshit.

>just cause 3
holy shit did they actually put a fucking $60 at launch retail game for free with PS+
the last time i remember that happening it was with injustice back in 2014

>stop paying for internet
>can't shitpost on Sup Forums anymore
What the FUCK gives?!

>A game that constantly goes on sale on Steam for $9.99
happy for you ponies

Last summer they did NBA 2K16.

ill miss you bro

not the case when we are talking about nier though, because that game and the shekels sony is giving me to shill it are great!

i play pretty much only on pcanon

oh yeah thats right iforgot about that one

Got the Platinum Transformers game with ps+ and what the fuck it was boring and repetitive. The High Moon games are a thousand times better


Does the Assassin's Creed include IV, or is just the DLC and you're fucked if you don't have the base game?

I'd just like to say both Xbox Live Gold and PS+ August suck fucking dick, and it's my goddamn birthday month.

I fucking loved War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. So good.

fall of cybertron was GOAT!

Just the DLC and it's a standalone download

>malicious fallen still isn't on sale

fucking hell
I just want the vita game without shitty touch controls

It's a standalone DLC I believe. Nowhere near as good as base Black Flag though.

Hello fellow Leobro.

Wow Just Cause 3 looks like a great game, I hope its not
>single player
into the trash it goes

Little Big Planet 3 and Lords of the Fallen?

Fuck off you underaged multiplayer kiddie.

whats the problem?

Did they ever fix JC3 running like garbage on PS4, to the point of needing to restart the game to restore performance?

JC3 has a few great components but overall it's pretty shitty. I 100%'d it so my opinion is a fact. The wing suit races and base destruction are great but the rest is awful.

Is malicious a series or are they all just updated ports?

>le multiplayer meme

have fun until the day that devs ban you forever because you talked on you mic

There hasn't been a good vita game on ps+ for a long time now

Worst part about JC3 is having to clear an then do a time-trial in it, and they're all the same.

You could get Malicious Rebirth for 3 bucks last month, I believe.
Ports. Malicious has 6 bosses and an awful camera. Rebirth has 12 bosses and an awful camera and Fallen has 18 bosses and a camera that's finally fucking fixed.
It's a boss rush game, so expect nothing but bosses.

>Just Cause 3, PS4
>Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry, PS4
>Super Motherload, PS3
>Snakeball, PS3
>Downwell, PS Vita (crossbuy with PS4)

these seem to be interesting so it is another resonable month for me.

>Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry
Wtf is this game?
Googling gives me Black Flag, is it like a goty edition or something?

It's a stand-alone follow-up to Black Flag. Short.


Had to look it up since it sounded intriguing. It's from 2008, wow. Thanks Sony

Wait. Slime Rancher is already on Xbone? I thought it was still in EA on Steam.

>tfw Mexican PS+ gets Strike Vector EX instead of Just Cause 3
Fuck you too, SONY

Wrong. It's actually better than Black Flag, despite being way shorter.

just cause 3 fucking sucks. it's so much worse than 2. smaller map, less content, feels shittier to play, bugs up the ass, and i hate rico's new voice

xbox one has early access too. it's called game preview

Last month was Until Dawn though?

>Just Cause 3, PS4
>Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry, PS4

this makes up for this months which were basically "Choose your own adventure" and "Choose your own adventure: now with jumpscares"


>wew didn't pay $20 for bayonetta on steam

Gonna play trials, jc3, and red faction

Snakeball's main menu theme is so fucking great, I miss it so.

Two games I was tempted to buy are free with plus. Don't give one fuck about all the dumbasses here. Just Cause 3 and Downwell look fucking great. How are the Nintendo roms that expire after one month?

You should be banned from videogames.


Just buy it, that game was fucking dope

Shame it wasn't Black Flag instead of the short recycled 'expansion'. Xbone got BF months ago.