Wife Thread

Claim your Sup Forumsife before anyone else

Other urls found in this thread:





I love Kasumi!


I love raisin!



Claiming your waifu



Nice picture of Reimu



Ruby is my late Christmas present!

She's mine and mine alone.

Wife? What the fuck is wrong with you guys, fantasizing about marriage. Don't you know that shit ain't fun?

done and done

Take Quinn instead. JarJar needs his dragon puss

Why do you faggots always post fanart instead of official art i dont get it



>"Geez, why don't people post generic shit that a quick google search will fetch them?"

I love Kat!

All mine.

Because her art isn't very flattering compared to her sprite


How did you celebrate her birthday?

Isn't it her birthday today


and you pick that ugly pic to backup your statement? look at those fucking arms dude

You honestly have some legitimate shit taste, my dude.

I don't even recall the last time I called someone out for having shit taste, but yours is just that bad. Trash.


More than 1 waifu will ruin your laifu


>t. calls every girl "waifu"

I want to get Rowdy with Reiko

I posted Kat first, fuck off.


>Filename clearly says "favorite video game girls"
>Accuse me of being a waifu spouter

My actual waifu isn't even vidya related.

joanna dark is best waifu.

>thread says Sup Forumsife aka vidya wife

Ah, so you were merely pretending to be retarded

Actually the subject just says "Wife thread" and wife =! waifu.

Not to mention my point still stands, filename clearly says "favorite girls" and not "waifus"

Just admit you jumped the gun and were wrong, it's okay user. Seriously you'll feel better, admitting when you're wrong is actually a really therapeutic thing to do.

my wife


wow you have legitimately bad tasteminus kat

>wife =! waifu


>mfw she is never posted

thank god for obscure waifus

>i'm not wrong! You're wrong!

Practice what you preach. Next, you're going to result to insulting me or just farm for (you)s or attempt to deflect your idiocy onto me.




This is the one.


The term "Waifu" is for someone who is inherently fictional, wife can just be used for any woman you're married to.
Anyone who uses waifu for 3D are just buzzword spouting secondaries
Just because you didn't play their game doesn't make them bad. I would highly suggest you check them out though, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Nier and VtM are incredible must-play games.
Regardless of what you say we both know you're going to be more careful for now on before replying to a post.


>Just because you didn't play their game doesn't make them bad.
i played all of those games what the fuck user

Doubt it, cause that would mean you have some inhumanly bad taste.

I licked your wife's butt

so youre actually shittalking girls like heather and Therese? lol


yeah they're shit and kaine is a boy

How do these claims work? I claimed mine years ago, but people keep claiming her in new threads. Do you lost your claim when new threads get made? How does this work? Why do you faggots keep trying to confuse my marriage?

Boys can;t have vaginas and wombs despite what tumblr will tell you user, sorry.

I want to spend the rest of my life with Fuuka!

Everytime someone claims your waifu you get cucked.


It's just an excuse to post girls

>has a penis
>not a boy
user cmon

You have to regularly reclaim your waifu or your license expires.

The only thing I claim is my love for my beautiful Fuuka!

Shoot for the head

She has XX genome

that's what you think

Don't take these seriously, they're basically just /c/ threads in disguise
Just post her.


+Renka, Kat

-Junko (fucking crazy bitch, Chiaki a best)

Don't know/care about the rest

So I've got you in a box, huh? What a shitposter. Let me guess, now you're either going to not reply to me at all or come up with some limp-dicked reasoning about how this is a "wife" thread, not a "waifu" thread, despite the fact that waifu autosages a thread if it's in the OP.


marriage is fine. kids on the other hand....

>Is capable of giving birth
>Is a boy

come on

Claimed fuckers.

If you want (you)s user, just ask.

Mine! Reimu is mine! You can take Marisa if you'd like.

Kids. Blech.



Taokaka is mai waifu

Jesus fucking christ, I've never seen a shitposter so utterly shut down.

Kurisu's was yesterday hard to forget when you share it with her.
Anyway, I love Ikaruga.

I want to impregnate that shrine maiden!


Woop woop


I've got your number, faggot.

Your next line, should you choose to accept it will be



Lol, predicted


these twin tails are mine back off bitches