2 and a half years later, they're still pushing out DLC for this single player game

2 and a half years later, they're still pushing out DLC for this single player game.
I don't get it. Is this how they justify keeping the game full priced? Anyone who hasn't played the game yet, hasn't because its still full priced. Is it a good strategy to keep it full priced for so long?

On the other hand, I appreciate them still pumping out updates 2 and a half years later.

Other urls found in this thread:


Website for the new DLCs

What? What country are you in? Its been half price here in Aus for ages now. I picked it up for like $20.

Full priced?
You can buy the game and season pass for like a few bucks now

OP is a buttblasted multiplayer kiddie.

>Try out Dying Light
>have to smack a downed zombie in the head no less than 802 times before it dies.
>90% of the game is spent running from point A to point B
>The parkour meme is pushed so hard that they actually have characters in the game who are full timer Parkourers.
>99% of the game is you dealing with shit skins
>Literally spent a full hour just running around picking up quests from NPCs and this was after the point in which I began skipping cutscenes.

Wait, what? They're releasing MORE DLC? They already released a complete edition of the game with all the DLC, though.

i got the following enhanced whatever blah blah edition with everything for 20 bucks, this game is far from full priced now. the new shit is also free.

10 more free DLCs throughout the year. The playerbase is still active as fuck.

Oh, okay. I was about to be pissed if I bought the complete edition just to have to buy more DLC.

>tfw the first Dead Island will never ever happen again

>its free updates
>full priced
>the following edition is on sale almost every week
>still bitching and crying about how you can't afford it

Thank god, that game was like the crap alpha version of Dying Light.

>friend keeps saying we need to play more co op stuff
>summer sale, Dying Light has great cut at half off
>says hes gonna get it, and agree to it even though I wasn't a fan of Dead Island
>he forgets to buy it before the sale is over
>I end up refunding mine

Must your country's currency or something like that. This game is piss cheap right now.

But Dying Light is Dead Island if Dead Island was good.

>>Try out Dying Light
>>have to smack a downed zombie in the head no less than 802 times before it dies.

Level up maybe?

Dying Light is a mere cash grab ripping off Mirror's Edge and Left 4 Dead / Last of Us,
Dead Island was original and ambitious.

Original, sure, but that's pretty much all it had going for it.

>Mirrors edge
They didn't event platforming or parkour
>left 4 dead
In no way shape or form is this game anything like left 4 dead even in the slightest beyond having zombies in it. Something L4D did not invent
>Last of us
I missed the part of the story that is a cinematic over the shoulder movie experience featuring the worlds most unlikable loli

You sound pretty uneducated on the subject matter here champ

>fucking lying

Zombies scale with your level and the only difficulty that is like that is the unlockable nightmare difficulty.

Dying light is one of the best games ever made you faggot, the zombie genre should have ended with it.

if anything Dying Light is polish Dead Rising 2 with no time limit

Nice comparison there. You must be the expert on Sup Forums affairs I bet.

You don't HAVE to buy the DLC you WANT to buy the DLC because you have no control over yourself like every other fat Ameritard and their rampant consumerism. Kys.

I pre-ordered dead island and even took a day off of work to play it and I can confidently say that dead island is utter garbage compared to eve. The first half of dying light.

If you seriously think dying light is a bad game because it improved on the open world zombie formula, you're a contrarian faggot who doesn't actually like fun.

>Bets zombie game ever
>literally just a jogging simulator where you get to fight a handfull of zombies then start jogging across the map again

Probably could have been a cool game if it didn't fall for the open world meme

It rips of L4D and TLoU in that the specials are gimmicky and retarded. The specials in Dead Island are tried and true.
Music, Environment design, Sidequests aren't fetch quests and actually have depth, The feeling of finding a better weapon or mod parts, There's also a lot of charm to the various bugs in the game.
I have never claimed to be that nor do I intend to.

>99% of the game is you dealing with shit skins
Well, Harran is a fictional city state put in present day Turkey


your fault for getting hyped over a pre-rendered teaser.

How could it have even kept its original design if it wasn't open world?

>Dead Island are tried and true.

Dead Island got bland 3 hours into the game and once your fully leveled you can cruise through the game. Dying Light has actual challenge even after you power up. You can still get fucked up for being out at night. Being chased at night is fun and stressful as fuck.

No you're just a faggot with shit tastes that lets non-issues affect your opinions, you're literally just as bad as some whiny faggot vegan telling everyone about how you don't eat animal products because you're better than them.

Spoiler alert: Cum is an animal product and you clearly drink that stuff for days.

What would the loss be? Just create linear well designed pathways instead of the open world meme.

>Shit weapon repair system
Okay, I get that you pay someone to repair your weapon, but why do I need money to use a repair table in the middle of nowhere?

>Bad character classes
Why is one of the characters a firearm expert when you don't even get a gun until halfway through the game?

>Weak story
Pretty self-explanatory.

>Co-op clone characters
Not a huge issue, I just found it a bit annoying that you could have four Sam B's in the same game. Borderlands was able to do one character class per lobby, why can't Dead Island?

I prefer video games that are more frustrating than stressful. I didn't play Dead Island to get scared, I played it because it was fun.
I snoozed at the 15 minute mark of Dying Light and there's nothing you can do about it.
>Weak Story
compared to what? Were you expecting the Last of Us? It's meant to be a campy zombie movie inside of a game.
>Character classes
Wow, it's like different classes should have different pros and cons so that they aren't all the same, hmmm... Also, you keep your stuff when the save rolls around.

I don't remember it having the repair system you are describing.

Why do you keep comparing it to The Last Of Us when that game wasn't even fucking out yet

>I have shit taste and will use this as my entire argument

Do you just not realize how obnoxious you are?

>it's like different classes should have different pros and cons

>Make a character class useless for the first half of the game
>Good game design

That's how I feel when I hear people talking about Dying Light. Can't you see how wrong you are?
Dying Light sure as hell was. So was the Dead Island remaster.

>doesn't remember the god-awful repair system that made the entire game a chore to play

There is just so much wrong with your stupid fucking arguments that you're literally just feigning ignorance.

Dying Light never was and never claimed to be anything like The Last Of Us. The only thing the two have in common is the zombies, and even then they're pretty different.

And what does the remaster have to do with anything? They're not going to rewrite the story.

You're serious, aren't you? You used BUGS as a defense of Dead Island?

I would ask if you were mentally stable, but I feel at this point that's rhetorical.


Maybe you should drop shitty weapons and pickup newer weapons, better yet get a gun
I use the bugs as a defense because of the sandbox style of gameplay. There's a lot of fun going to strange places under the map or duplicating your dev weapon knives and trading them, or firing guns in the back of the truck making it do this weird wheelie thing that may or may not crash the game every once in a while.
>I don't like thing

That's for like the first 4 hours of gameplay, and you eventually get a gun/ weapons/ recipes that all give you plenty more damage. The campaigns story is pretty lame, but I hear The Following has a story worth mentioning.

>get a gun

Same to you, faggot.

Nah, I'd rather get a million dollars so I can purchase Deep Silver and recall Dying Light.

Maybe cawaduty is more your sped kid?

Dead Island sucks but the place was really comfy especially the resort and the forest area.

Why is it called 10-in-12? Is there a blog post detailing everything they're planning or an introduction?

Literally second post.

They scale up with story progression, not your level.

It's 10-in-12 because it can be picked up for $20?

It's ten free DLCs released over the course of twelve months.

The game is just painfully boring
Bad gameplay (fps melee combat really?)
Also you either kill enemies too slowly or too quickly, there's no middle ground where it's fun and balanced
The parkour element is alright but since it takes no skill it also gets boring
Game is too brown
Awful quests and story
Feature bloat

That's about it, I tried to get into the game like 5 times and every time I dropped it after 10 hours