What does Sup Forums think of Diablo III?

What does Sup Forums think of Diablo III?

It's dead
It's been dead for years and a shitty paid new class won't change that

Shit from day 1.



Fun on consoles cause of couch co-op

Shit on PC


I actually got bored as hell on the game on console. And I even played couch coop.

Playing with mouse and keyboard was just way more fun for me, also with online friends.

Couch co-op only worthwhile way to play. Gf liked it. Gl trying to match on pc

it's a good game
just not a good diablo game

Style 0 substance

ROS fixed everything

I regret rolling a Necromancer because the build you use to push greater rifts is fucking aids to play.

Fun for 2 Days every Season

Waiting for Quinn to start playing again so I can follow his superior builds.

the core of the game ain't bad but I really hate how they turned it into an MMO-lite

Blizz could've just made it like D2 like everybody wanted and everything would've been just fine but nooooo


Sucked at launch and got alright overtime.

The Necromancer is aids to play. Forcing you to depend on corpses is fucking retarded.

I enjoy the pet build that doesn't use Land of the Dead at least. I haven't tried the poison or bone sets but they must be shitty since nobody uses them.

>plays a necro
>doesnt want to use summons
are you fucking retarded? it's literally the core concept of the class
also in D3 summons are fucking trash and bugged to hell
the top build (and only viable one) doesn't even use summons at all

At this point I want them to make a Diablo 2 remaster with an updated online.

Too many women in it, pass.

Good game in terms of game feel, but otherwise complete shit.

>poisonmancer > everything else

Too bad it doesn't really exist in D3.

witch doctor

>The item you need for your set to be viable didnt drop
>Better grind the same content repeatedly for 200+ hours and maybe youll get it
>All so you can run the same content even more, but with bigger numbers

bone set is one of the top builds u stupid piece of shit

I guaruntee you not one fucking person in the top 1000 Necromancers is using anything except Rathma's and Tra'Goul

Well desu that's what D2 was as well but you mostly ran bosses. At least there was build diversity I guess.

If it launched in its current state, it would've been acceptable (i.e. 5 acts, Crusader and Necromancer included at launch).

Unfortunately, it was pretty much a fucking dumpster fire at launch and the devs just doubled down on their arrogance instead of attempting to fix the problems that the community brought to their attention

Blizzard has also been fucking horrendous at balancing this game. They enjoy absolutely destroying certain specs or simply removing items that certain builds rely on entirely. The end game armor sets also largely restrict each class to 3-4 cookie-cutter builds. End game in general needed A LOT more attention.

I'm trying to get back into s11 right now but it is just so fucking dull to play.

Played it on release, hated it
>But its good now
Dont care, blizzard poisoned the well

Really enjoyed playing crusader and never got to try the set dungeons which was kinda disappointing. Gave up on playing the game due to weird connection issues I have with Blizzard's servers. Kinda hard to do any endgame when you're constantly disconnecting and disconnects reset bounty and rift progress.

Blizzard games having horrendous balance issues shouldn't even be brought up any more, it should just be assumed.

They need to make the mages permanent. Spamming pets is fucking retarded

Diablo IIII fucking when?

Summons have nothing to do with corpses you idiot.

pretty fun mindless killing

>Blizzard has also been fucking horrendous at balancing this game
The only game Blizzard has ever made, in the history of the company, that has had decent balance, is StarCraft.

I have no idea why people go into a Blizzard game and assume that it's going to be balanced.

It will be announced in November.

Eat my balls Blizztards

It was the last time i pre-ordered a game.

Have to postphone my suicide till then

>tfw Diablo IV, Warcraft IV, StarCraft remastered and Warcraft 3 remastered

Oh yeah

Is there a torrent out for the Eternal Collection yet? Not asking for a link, just a yes or no.

Not even Diablo 3 on it's own has a working torrent, it's always online.

I've tried giving it an honest try a handful of times now. Solo, multiplayer, drunk, sober, different characters, none of it stuck. It was brainless, none of my decisions felt meaningful in any way, there was a stupid talking head yammering at me from the corner constantly.

The closest I came to having genuine fun was one evening playing drunk multiplayer, specifically in a lan setting so we were all just yelling at each other across the room instead of using voicechat, but the second we woke up the next morning no one out of the three of us had any desire to play it again.

I hear it's better on the playstation, couch co-op, but fuck it, I gave the game like 8 chances, too late now.

Necro is fun. But has usability problems.

Found these Magefists today.

The choice of casuals too stupid to play PoE

Garbage. A literal financial experiment to test the real money auction house for future blizz games. Demon hunter and witch doctor ripped right out of warcraft for no fucking reason. Shitty gear grind simulator. A FUCKING DEMON HUNTER IN A GAME ABOUT HUNTING DEMONS.

Just play PoE

Nice find.

>Fire Golem was the most fun Golem in D2.
>No Fire Golem in D3.
>No fire skills at all.
>Only 3 elements.

It's fun.
I'd rather grind for hours for my own shit than try and trade for hours like in PoE to get gear.

>p-please play my dead game where you need to buy pants for 40€ instead!

> financial experiment to test the real money auction house
I am so happy it failed, what anoys me is how it takes 4 years for blizzard to make a new game, so when an "experiment" fails i have to wait another 4 years to play a blizzard game. So if you think about it its been 8 years since i played sc2 and 16 years since wc3

Its a great fun game in which you can esaily pout 200 hours beofore getting burnt out and dropping it
I think its better and more fun than poe but it certainly is not what everybody was expecting to be

>we won't give necro a mandatory super form like epiphany, vengeance and wrath
>so here's mandatory 120 second cooldown ultimates instead

Gj blizz


>"I-its a dead game"
>He says to defend d3

How many layers of irony / delusion are you even on at this point?

>mandatory super form

This is the most cancerous thing about the game

What makes d3 better then poe?

>to defend d3
but I never mentioned D3 in my post once

Hope Diablo doesn't job in the next game

it's fun but i'd rather play grim dawn or titan quest

I personally enjoy playing it. I've had a lot of fun with the Necromancer personally.

Although It's definitely not a game to be played all the time, its been more of a game to play every once and a while. I'll usually play once a new Season starts up for about 2-3 weeks and then go play something else.

Then there is no point of you being in this thread, not sure why you bothered posting since my comment obviously had nothing to do with you.

The sheer brokeness of release D3 Inferno made it at least a little fun, but now its just trash.

No, there is no point to YOU being in this thread. You're literally just shilling PoE, another terrible game. Why the fuck are you here?

>still trolling on Sup Forums

>where you need to buy pants for 40€ instead!

You are retard if you think you need to buy cosmetics. PoE is completely f2p. Just let the whales fund the game.

1) you do need to spend money if you dont want your character to look like a homeless hobo and like shit
2) it's not f2p at all, unless you only want to play the campaign once and uninstall. Otherwise, you NEED to buy AT LEAST a currency tab otherwise you simply do not have enough stash space to store shit. stop this meme