You're able to use one ability from World of Warcraft for the rest of your life, at any time no matter what, which do you pick?
I choose Purify. Never have to worry about Poison or Disease again.
You're able to use one ability from World of Warcraft for the rest of your life, at any time no matter what, which do you pick?
I choose Purify. Never have to worry about Poison or Disease again.
Reincarnation is the only real answer. Unless you can break self-targetting rules, then Soulstone, or some heal spell assuming it heals aging-related cellular damage.
But reincarnation has a cool down. What if you can only use it once in a thirty-year span?
Mind Control
Well the cooldown is 30 minutes so unless 1 wow minute = one real year..
You could also earn a fuckton of money doing stage performances by basically suiciding in ridiculously dangerous stunts but still living and calling it all illusion or sleight of hand.
Flight Form
Fucking Furry, unless you still retain a human shape. Then that'd be sweet.
Well I suppose not, I was just ball-parking it. I can see this being handy for a politician likely to get assassinated over and over.
anal rupture
Revive pet
Aw. :,(
fuck the furry implications, i just wanna fly high my man
No Drain Soul means no soul shards.
Reincarnation wouldn't be as good as you think, you'd revive at your same age. So if you die at 80, reincarnate you're still 80 and die again soon, pretty much trapped.
summon succubus
Summon incubus (female)
Aren't revive spells considered necromancy in lore and only in game due to gameplay reasons? Not sure I'd want that.
let's pretend you never release, you could wait at your corpse for the cooldown to run out every time if you somehow never lived for 30 minutes or more after each reincarnate, which I assume you would anyways because it rezzes you with 20% max life, you'd be able to watch tv/movies endlessly at least, and live until modern medicine can de-age you.
Yeah, pretty much. Purify on the other hand could be useful.
Can't unless you have a soul shards. You get those from Drain Soul, which you need to make Soul Shards
Bitch ass NERD!
Im thinking of portal: Dalaran
shut the fuck up you retarded autist
>Can't unless you have a soul shards.
OP precisely said that you're able to use one ability. That means you are able to use it. It's like saying that you can't use any spell because those need mana or any rogue ability because a normal human wouldn't have enough energy.
Whiny butt baby.
I think Fireball could be useful, but I'd need some fire-proof gloves.
Americans have freedom
Teleport: Moonglade
dont worry buddy, OP states that you are able to use it no matter what
He's right, I didn't.
Eyes of the Beast
And frost bolt would require mittens....what about frost fire bolt?
;) Thx
Swirly ball
>playing vanilla WoW
>Ret paladin in group
>ask for dispel on some super annoying debuff
>I didn't train cleanse
Didn't train one of the single best skills in the game. I'm still fucking mad.
Need more pally rangers
>that one kid in the raid with level 1 resurrection
This is the only real answer
>gorilla slaps your gf's ass
>slap him back
>grab gf
>spam /lol
Why would you want that?
Blink Or Divine Shield or Mind Control or Travel Form. (One spell, includes breathing underwater and turning into an orca thing, a stag and a big as bird)
Mind control, easily
So that I could be an hero
>not using level 1 rez to save mana and rez more people after a raid wipe
pleb detected
oh fuck, that's supposed to be a clock!
Bear Form :3
Not him, but I saw it as an egg.
I was thinking of wotlk where they removed previous ranks costing less mana.. Because we had that kid in our guild
>Astral Recall
If you lived somewhere with public transportation this could cut your commute in half.
>Ice Block
Prevents you from dying in a car accident as long as you can react. Can cure diseases as well.
I find a reason to use it every 15s in WoW so I see no reason I couldn't find a use for it out of WoW.
OP here. How do you think the public at large would react to you using your chosen abilities?
divine shield is just a better ice block though. Lower cooldown even
This is me Nobody in the public would ever now, I would become the Jew controlling the world and live out all my sexual fantasies.
Conjure Refreshment
Never go hungry again and save a lot of money in the process. Plus it fully revitalizes me? I'll just eat one on my deathbed and be perfectly healthy.
Some form of heal of course.
>heal my mother's really bad back
>heal my cats if they get injured
>work at a hospital saving lives
>>Ice Block
>willingly giving yourself hypothermia
Take Divine Shield instead.
>live out all my sexual fantasies.
Is your sexual fantasy your body just being completely motionless as you project into someone elses body? You wouldn't even be able to feel what your body was feeling or if anything accidentally hurt you a bit you'd be kicked out.
auto attack
Astral Recall.
So that maybe I can go back to a place I can call home.
It's understood that you become able to properly use the ability. If not it wouldn't be being able to use it. Stop being a nerd.
I wouldn't be mind controlling the girls silly, I would be mind controlling the elite to gain enough influence to get away with anything.
We can already do that.
If we try hard enough, I think we can Bladestorm.
Yeah I guess you're right. Paladin is like the one class I've never really played and my main is a mage so I guess Ice Block came to mind first.
It will just send you to the starting area since you didn't set your hearth anywhere, basically to the room where you were born.
>I wouldn't be mind controlling the girls silly,
>I would be mind controlling the elite to gain enough influence to get away with anything.
Fair enough, but it'd almost certainly be a better idea to gain that influence through wealth by using a life-extending or death-preventing ability instead. MC would get you a lot of shit but you'd still be vulnerable in any situation, and still be a victim of health and death problems.
army of the dead
Shamans aren't necromancers
>You use Astral Recall for the first time
>You end up in the delivery room of some ancient ass hospital
>There's a woman there, having trouble going into labor
>You just poofed right in front of her
>You scare so much out of her the baby pops out
>Congratulations, it's a boy
Then how come characters die in lore?
summon feast
My nigga.
It's not like heal or even shields would do much against a surprise bullet to the head.
>the baby is actually you from the past
that's why Reincarnation is the best choice, you could just not accept the rez til the threat is gone and then you're rezzed with 20% hp, easy eternal life.
However, the OP only states ability, you could take on a raid bosses ability that'd be suited too, I just can't think of any great ones right now.
>You traumatize yourself at birth, leading to you being able to live as an adult in the time you were born
>You can finally experience the decade you were born in
It sends you back to your hearth location not to the past, guys.
what would 20% of being shot in the head be?
>Gotta get back
>Back to the past
well it's 20% of your max HP, so you'd feel like shit but you'd be alive and could get to a hospital or whatever.
Tame Beast. Perfectly loyal pet that never hurts me? Yes please.
Does this work on Gorillas?
Yes, gorillas are eligible pets in WoW, so they should be eligible in real life. Fuck gorillas though, give me a bear.
Not THOSE gorillas.
I think this phone poster autocorrects NIGGERS to gorillas.
Is there a difference?
probably mind control or divine shield but a lot of anons have already said this.
A more unique choice would probably be stormblast, its my favourite spell from wow and looks so cool
Soulstone so you can self-res yourself if pre-casted and also res others every 10 minutes.
If the whole world just suddenly found out despite me trying to hide it, I'd probably panic and go off-grid asap. Because I'd be the most wanted person in the world and some super power organization will try to either permanently kill me, use me in human experiments, and/or try to find out how to replicate the ability. Regular people will just beg me constantly to save someone. Religious fanatical cults would actively try to hunt me down.
How has no one said stealth?
Be invisible to everyone that's not directly on you
Can watch bitches undress and jack off to them having sex
Can steal shit from people's house for dosh
Army of the dead
Because my life already has Stealth activated.
Whats your ability?
I pick Gate Travel from Ultima Online. Now I can teleport people I don't like onto remote desert islands
Probably take a revive spell then charge people to revive their loved ones.
I think there's a lot of room for fucked up mechanics
like why do I have to conjure a fireball in my hands? why can't I just conjure it inside the enemy or inside his eyes and completly cripple him? what if I just conjure food in his trachea and he chokes to death?
Portal to Dalaran or something. I will then connect the two worlds and see what happens.
>Never have to worry about Poison or Disease again.
dont live in a shithole country
meanwhile I'm gonna start a travel buisness
>You're fucking a bitch you hate
>you absolutely hate her
>she took all your money, all your shit
>but she pities you, so one last fuck before she runs off with Black Chad or Blad
>You get idea
>You decide to finish inside her
>But she feels something
>Its your dick
>its hot, too hot
>Your cum is fire
>You ejaculate fire
>You melt her from the inside with Fire-jizz