Would Bowser kill Mario if he had a change? Also why does he kidnap Princess Peach?
Would Bowser kill Mario if he had a change? Also why does he kidnap Princess Peach?
Bowser "kidnaps" Peach.
Mario "defeats" Bowser.
Peach "rewards" Mario.
The best interpretation of the Mario series is that the whole thing is an elaborate, completely consensual BDSM game played between the three of them.
>but hey thats just a theory
A gaym theyryyy
>Would Bowser kill Mario if he had a change?
>Also why does he kidnap Princess Peach?
he probably doesn't even know himself
Thanks for watching!
According to Super Mario Bros.
Peach is magic and can reverse bowser's evil so he kidnaps her so she can't save the mushroom kingdom
Mario kills people to save peach
Mario can't die because he makes too much money
he killed mario a lot of times already
mario also throwed him on the lave several times
nintendo is the devil, a pastor once told me
heroes don't "charge" for their services tho
name one that does from fictional universes, not police or fuhrers
Star Fox
Change? Bowser is poor? Thats why cant contract some murderers?
are you saying bowser enjoys denial?
The real question is what's his plan with peach anyways? He's like 12 feet tall his dong must be at least 3 sizes too big for her
they dress each other of course!
he wants to rule the mushroom kingdom
it's not sexual
would you want to have sex with germany's prime minister if you wanted to rule the german kingdom? no
Shifting between the two roles of masculine aggressor and humiliated weakling, in an ongoing cycle.
The real answer is Mario is stuck in Status Quo, in an episodic series that tries to absolve itself from continuity. Yet it is impossible to completely freeze status quo or have no continuity.
So status quo moves at a glacier pace, and the mounting questions of "Why doesn't Peach/Mario/Bowser do THIS" keep rising, unintentionally warping a "no canon" approach into a bizarre meta situation. And the longer it goes on the worse it's going to get.
>He's like 12 feet tall his dong must be at least 3 sizes too big for her
Yes, and?
All it means is that they become more self-aware of the roles they are playing, which has been the case ever since SMB3 was a stage play.
>was a stage play
Explain the water levels then sweetie.
And I think you mean SMB2
It's like Batman and the joker or sideshow Bob and bart. It's just a game between bowser and mario and peach is trapped in the middle
The negative results of stagnant status quo can be held off for awhile but befall any series the longer they go on.
I would make a Simpsons comparison, about how they've become so meta its impossible to view their kabuki outside of this meta light, compromising their ability to deliver entertainment - but I don't have to since NSMB already exists, and the negatives of that series are readily apparent.
Luckily Odyssey is trying some fresh ideas, though only some and mostly through gameplay, so it's really a bandaid solution.
Miyamoto confirmed it
don't have any fucking idea what you're on about here, most people aren't autistic enough to care about the story in fucking Mario games
bowser thread?
I wish bowser was my dad!
Of course you don't sweetie
Any kind of mercenary. They still need money
SMB2 was a dream, SMB3 was a play. That's why the beginning is the curtain opening and the stages end with the back drops cutting off.
Every thread is a bowser thread if you try hard enough
Bowser is great and all but his kids are better.
and I thought the guys arguing over Zelda timelines were annoying
>his kids
But he only have one kid…
junior is better
Adopted kids sweetie.
Book for SMB3 said they were his kids. And Miyamoto cant change this.
Heroes For Hire
NES or Famicom because NoA loves switching around lore
Gintoki Sakata
Both had it actually.
I can't get enough of the male koopalings and jr.
"Why are you smiling? Aren't you scared of getting slammed by my body?"
>he isn't a lore DJ
He tries killing Mario all the time. Like in Galaxy 2. Don't you tell me his planet-sized fists deliver non-lethal KOs.
This guy gets it.
Wendy and Leston can eat a Railroad spike tho.
Jr. has another chance at art since he plays a big role in M+R and deviaintart and tumblr and friends love their crossovers games.
he always tries to kill mario. he breathes flaming fire balls aimed at mario, but mario is super mario in the mushroom kingdom. so mario is more durable and adamant then if he were in the real world.
Guess it helps M+R looks like a really fun game to play. Mostly likely will happen but I hope the final boss is Bowser and the kids.
Somehow I feel this might be an exception.
Still, some of the Smash art was fun
Did Bowser fucked the Road Runner or something?
It's a roleplaying game instigated by princess Peaches fetish. After she gets "kidnapped" she waits for Mario to defeat Bowser who then fucks him while Peach watches.
>Would Bowser kill Mario
Otherway around actually. Mario just doesn't do it because it's fun seeing Bowser try so hard to uncuck himself.
Tumblr and Deviantart are known to jump on very unlikely ships.
Epic Mickey is a great example of this.
Jr. is pretty much confirmed as the main villain judging by the gameplay footage from E3. Would be nice to see Larry Lemmy Roy Ludwig and Iggy coem along too.
delete this
At the same time, the internet hates Rabbids (though Spawny may end up cute enough to get a pass)
As for the Koopalings, if they are in the game, I expect them to be the world 4 miniboss or something. Worst-case scenario, they at least have Superstar Saga DX + Bowser's Minions
No Larry just has great taste in hair.
That's where you're wrong, my dude
Really depends on how much screen time they get. It will either be alright or just really damn annoying.
It's already confirmed that Mario's team must have Mario himself, one Mario character and one Rabbid counterpart.
On the other hand, we haven't seen too many cutscenes and these Rabbids look more toned down compared to the earlier "BWAAA" Rabbids from the first Rayman Raving Rabbids game (which is pretty much my point of reference since I haven't bothered keeping up much with the Rabbids after Rabbids Go Home).
He's tried it multiple times and Mario barely survives due to pure luck
>yfw Mario dies in Odyssey
>It's already confirmed that Mario's team must have Mario himself, one Mario character and one Rabbid counterpart.
It's Mario and one Rabbid. The third can be anyone else (Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, their Rabbid counterparts)
Because it's all a show for us the audience, after they get done kidnapping each other and throwing each other into fire pits, they get off work, have a few beers and drive go karts or play tennis and shit
Oh, okay then.
Funny that's really the only game I've played too. Got it and actually had fun with my friends but we were pretty drunk so I don't really remember how they acted.
I miss the good old days.
Yes. In fact, he kills hundreds before a single Mario can even get to the castle.
This place has gotten even worse over time, and even most husbando threads are the same 5~7 people with maybe 1 or 2 others popping in.
Yet nobody wants to admit /trash/ would be better since the threads are just constant edging sessions.
>tfw haven't fapped in three days and now I'm leaking
I'm convinced Sup Forums is full of underage homosexual/bisexual retards
It's always been like that, user.
Welcome to 2007.
Sup Forums is filled with trapfags
gays are very rare here since traps are not gay apparently gay (wrong)
About time you realized it
You just realized this now? It was even gayer a long time ago.
The mods being dicks made a lot of people leave.
hey its you again.
have another roy.
tits or gtfo
boys can leak too
Thanks again, my dude
here have one with jr. too
You know him too well.
If we're posting Roy and Junior, then I found this on the booru.
Looks pretty gud.
Where are these coming form?
So you're here too, huh
I'm sorry, but Bowser Jr's proportions here look off.
I find mine here tumblr and on deviantart.
Haven't even checked booru or pixiv yet and im sure there is a ton there.
Koopa sexualizers OUT
This is a WARIO TIME thread now!
(Waluigi is welcome but fully optional)
>Would Bowser kill Mario if he had a change?
Doesn't seem to have much problems killing his enemies
>Also why does he kidnap Princess Peach?
According to the game's manual - Bowser wants to take over the Mushroom Kingdom by turning the Toads into "?" blocks and Peach happens to be the only one who can turn them back with magic.
Nevermind his forces could easily overwhelm the toads and he doesn't need to do that shit every single game at all
I assure you that none of us sexualize the koopas.
Speak for yourself. Morton Jr. is a complete cute but he has maybe 4 good pieces of nsfw.
I do tho. Fat jews and tennis meme characters can suck on my cartoon turtle balls.
The wait for the next page of the family bonding comic or hollonuts next upload is killing me.
>Mecha game never
>Kirby Robobot already used the Gurren Lagann references
What your ideas for a Bowser & Bowser Jr.? (The Koopalings are unlockable in Minion Quest, but you can think of something for them too if you want). I remember one user had an idea of a Rocket Slime-esque game for Junior & the Koopalings.
>you will never get to touch bowser jr cute young body
I'm pretty sure Bowser would kill you if you did.
Boy milk is best milk
Why does False Bowser intrigue me so much? I want them to confirm that Bowser creates them with black magic but hackamoto will probably say it was Kamek.