Skyrim Character Hate Thread

>thane of every hold
>own property in nearly every hold
>most powerful wizard in all of Skyrim, Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold
>strongest fighter in all of Skyrim, Harbinger for the Companions
>a Vampire Lord
>Listener and deadliest assassin in the Dark Brotherhood
>Guildmaster of the Thieve's Guild
>Dragonborn and savior of the world
>Champion of all 16 Daedric Lords
>pretty much single handedly won the civil war and unified Skyrim, facing entire armies
>kill dragons by sneezing on them
>possess a bow that allows me to blot out the fucking son
>this stupid bitch still answers with "I presume your bothering me for a reason?"

Seriously, it's like essential characters know they can't be killed.

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's like Skyrim is poorly written

>entire thieves guild questline is about doing the dirtywork for Marwen Black-Briar
>possess various pieces of evidence all linked to her shady business practises
>no option to snitch her out to the Empire
>no option to kill her or any of her family members or to take over her meadery

Skyrim is a shit game made by retards and enjoyed by retards.

We already know this.

>no option to snitch her out to the Jarl either

This irritated me more than anything.


I don't know if anyone from Sup Forums remembers, but in really early releases of the game, Brynjolf was killable, and killing him initiated a quest called "destroy the thieve's guild" where you would go down into the sewers and kill everyone there. Special items would even spawn during the quest, like a pair of Shrouded Hand Wraps on a table. Bethesda later patched the game and removed this quest for some reason.

The Jarl of Riften is a useful idiot and Marwen has already influenced her beyond saving. And if you sided with the Imperials Marwen even gets to be Jarl.

Literally untrue. You're over the age of 18 and you're still acting like "that kid"

fucking kill yourself

What I'm saying is true. The quest was buggy, and instead of fixing it they just removed it.

Source or fuck off.
Spoiler alert: this ends with you fucking off

I've played in on release. He wasn't killable. Every faction had at least two essential NPCs and the only option to wipe out a guild was killing Astrid while in the shack or snitching on them to some special Imperials right after being in the shack.

>oblivion, fallout 3, skyrim, fallout 4
literally the same piece of shit game with the same faults

Prove it you fucktard.

It's almost like people can look at the game files while giving (You) pity (You)s

Yeah we know dude, your dad worked for bethesda and all that

Prove it or fuck off.

that quest line would be interesting, and would give some introductory quests with Mioll

Welcome to the realization that Skyrim is not in fact an RPG.

>tfw I found a mod to kill her and the theives guild in a satisfying way and then I make the better jarl take her place via console
I've got CHIM, you fucking cunt, I don't give a fuck about your civil war

I replied to the wrong faggot, sorry.

you have to impose restrictions on yourself to actually come close to roleplaying

>what is the burden of proof
Show us yourself then or prepare to get BTFO.

>prepare to get BTFO.
he already has been BTFO, multiple people have called bullshit, nobody believed him, and now he's in damage control mode

>there's no option to become flippant when someone tries to impress upon you how important this one thing is and how you're the only one that can do something about it
this bothered me a bit

>replying to a different guy as if he's the same guy as before
You're retarded.

It was removed same day patch. There was mention of it on the wiki, but articles were changed or removed as time went on.

No, don't worry, we TOTALLY believe you

This has to be the poorest baiting effort I've seen in years. At least fuck off you little poser.

Let me ask you a question: Why do you care so much, and why are you so triggered?

Is there a reason people even care about Skyrim ?
Is it the minerals ? Or people go around digging dragon bones ?
There's literally nothing but undead and bad smell there.

nords voted for drumpf


Why even fight over skyrim? Why not just let the Nords have it and direct all their frustration towards the elves on the elves.

The Imperials should have pulled out of skyrim instead of wasting already dwindling resources on recapturing a province that did nothing for them.

>why are you so triggered?
why are you so lying?

t. mad as hell nobody fell for it

>not reading the lore
the Thalmor want to wipe out reality so that they can ascend to godhood, Talos is one of the pillars holding up the world and the only way to "kill" him is by wiping out Talos worship. They're using the Imperials to accomplish it

So why the imperials go along with it so easily? Obviously if they let Skyrim go, Nords would continue to worship Talos.

I remember reading that from an early time in development they wanted to update the way random guards/civilians/wanderers greeted you so it didn't feel so generic. Most people would be condescending and snide at first, but once you got a little renown people would mention things you'd done, even to one another like some sort of fantasy Three-Dog network. The initial phase of that building up of your level and power was all that eventually made it into the game because they didn't want the voice actors to record even more lines, so all you got was people being assholes to your character because that's all they were allowed to be in the end.

Manpower. Many Nords serve in the Imperial Army. Which makes Imperials much more retarded, Nords all hate the Thalmor and the Imperials just kill off half their own Nord armies. How hard would it have been to form a truce to purge all those elves? The Imperials knew that the Nords would fight for Skyrim but they themselves had nothing to gain from Skyrim in the short term and was fucked in the long term regardless.

They don't have the knowledge
They can't afford to fight a civil war when they just lost a war

dude nobody is falling for it, fuck off

They did this in Fable, yet they couldn't do it in Skyrim. They spent ACTUAL money on a voice actor to say "dickballs" and a million other stupid fucking names for fallout 4 to appease the 13 year olds, yet they couldn't do this.

No, really, we agree with you! We promise! Thanks for telling us at Sup Forums about this hot bit of trivia!

Bethesda was too lazy to account for low level noob players vs high level accomplished players. Same reason why in one breath a guard will suck your dragoncock for saving the entire world, and in the next patronise you about a sweet role.

They don't, Cyrodiil didn't even send a single legion to fight the civil war, they only use the local skyrim troops.

Banning Talos worship was part of the peace treaty that kept the Empire from getting completely wiped out, if the Legion backed out of Skyrim they'd probably get double-fucked by the Thalmor

Fable had a much smaller scale than Skyrim, less NPCs and even smaller cities. Also the story/quests were much more linear.

Literal fanfiction, Talos has chim, he doesn't need worship. And the people of skyrim don't matter, they didn't even worship Talos until recently.

Nords make up a sizeable chunk of the Imperial army's might and without their support the Empire might be considered weak enough for the Thalmor to do away with the truce and resume their invasion/extermination.
With that said the Thalmor are still constantly stoking the civil war in Skyrim because it serves to weaken two factions that would oppose them if they stopped fighting amongst themselves.
The Thalmor have large garrisons at the edges of agreed non-military stretches of land to put constant pressure on the Empire as much to say, "show weakness and we're coming for more of that sweet Imperial booty, bitch." Which means that the Empire can't afford to look weak and just have one of its oldest provinces secede just because some retard unknowing Thalmor stooge shouted a king to death and declared "SKRIM FUR DA NORDZ!"

Why dont they just go hitler on then?

They did it in a much more simplified way in fucking morrowind too. Characters would comment on what you were wearing, vague level-based shit and whether or not you had a lot of gold. That was providing they liked you enough not to just brush you off by calling you outlander.

You mean like the Bretons and Redguards? The problem the Nords had were that they were one of the last ones being in alliance with the Empire who chickened out of getting defeated by banning Talos worship.

Stormcucks BTFO

a game is really not an RPG if you have to do that yourself.

astrid was the killable one, from the dark brotherhood, you fucking mongoloid
kill yourself retard, how can you not remember something as simple as this

The imperials didn't ban Talos worship, they said that they would, but they didn't do it. When stormnigs chimped out and had to force the hand of the Empire, that's when they had to crack down on it because the thalmor were watching.

So the only logic next step was losing half your manpower of Skyrim and then fighting against the other half? That will surely help their public image in Skyrim. They could've offered the Nords to seceed if they helped gas the knife ears one last time.

The bretons are still with the empire and they have the least issues out of every province in tamriel. People like to say that hammerfell successfully fought out the thalmor but what they did was no different to what the empire did, they ended it with a treaty. The redguard quest in skyrim implies that the thalmor still have a presence in hammerfell as well.

It wasn't that simplified. Characters also commented when you were wounded and the comments were different based on their disposition towards you.

This stupid fucking limpdicked cunt. Not even a hint of leadership quality in this milkdrinker.

Worst of all, he allows the college to be actively spied on by Thalmor agents - Who technically have no authority in Stormcloak lands (Winterhold) to fucking begin with. Savos Aren is just that much of a cuck. He's the reason they couldn't even keep the Eye of Magnus.

Deserved nothing less but death.

>tfw i imagine myself being the new todd howard and designing ES6

shrouded hand wraps are dark brotherhood armor

kirkbride shit is already canon and you can't do anything about it lmao

throat of the world is the skyrim Tower right?

Some of its canon, most of it isn't.

that was easy since it was just text
though I still remember voices of "you're wounded" and shit like that

The main reason why the Empire is weak and lost to the Thalmor is because their leaders are weak and their vassals are weak. Titus Mede II confirmed that. Of course some nords saw the oppoetunity to leave the empire. Imagine you gave to watch petty politics and a weak political infrastructure wither away what the slave rebellion under Alessia and Tiber Septim did for humankind built. The Thalmor showed the Imperials that the Empire isn't everlasting with its weak inhabitants. The Empire had the chance to overthink their politics, to appeal to at least their human provinces. Instead they chose their usual role of the sneering imperialist.

user,i think you played modded skyrim.

Hi guys my name is Savos Aren. I got all of my friends killed exploring some old ass ruin full of dead bodies and spooksters, but it's okay because I sealed that bitch up tighter than the last virgin in Markarth haha! Then I became the archmage. I do things my way, and that means letting Thalmor agents in for absolutely no reason. That won't backfire huh? Also, that Psyjic monk, you know those guys who no one has seen in hundreds of years? One just teleports in and starts asking for a random student, moments after we find some giant spinning glowy orb in the oldest human city Skyrim, and leaves moments after that very student walks in without asking him a single question. Oh well, nothing weird about that! Better not question that student or anything. Nope, let's just let him go on his way. What do you mean that Thalmor turned out to be a spy and shit, and he royally fucked us and took control of the ancient dangerous artifact? Better put my entire college in danger. I'm the archmage bitches, and i do things my way!

The problem is the Empire just doesn't have the manpower anymore to keep a large enough army on standby to stop the Thalmor swooping in and flattening the White Gold Tower while dealing with the Skyrim Insurrection at the same time.
You gotta remember, the Thalmor handed the Empire its ass, battered them so bad the Emperor basically had to go out and suck a pointy yellow elf dick just to make them fuck off the Imperial Lawn for long enough that all the legions could come home to give those cheeky knife ears a proper fucking battering, the only problem the legions are a fucking mess.
There's fuck all left of morrowind since the eruption and the argonians rolled through, so no real help from dunmer.
The Thalmor are out in force in Hammerfell (redguard land)because while the Emperor was signing his peace treaty Thalmor armies were already smashing in towns looking for fried chicken and athleticism potions (though the redguards do actually fend them off and keep them at bay). This also conveniently puts large Thalmor armies between High Rock and Cyrodiil so the bretons can't sail in as back-up like they're some sort of magic resistant Riders of Rohan.
All in all it's a big shit sandwich and, because of the stormcloak rebellion, instead of marching all the boyz down from high rock and skyrim to murder some gold-faced fucks everyone now has to take a big hearty bite.
Including Ulfric eventually.

The reason that they lost is because the dominion were planning it for hundreds of years while the empire hadn't prepared at all, this isn't the case now when they have bred an entirely new generation of soldiers, unfortunately the only way to appeal to the human provinces is a guaranteed way to start the next great war.

How did the Thalmors even get to Winterhold? Its so far up north and deep in Stormcloak territory.

you couldn't have the the eye of magnus because in the lore it was one of the tools magnus used to create mundus, so imagine a lorkhan's heart type artifact just there and the only tools you need to do shit with it is basic wizard skills like ancano had.

also, the psijic order would just teleport in and kill all of you anyway death squad style if you didnt let them take it, they are the legit cream of the crop when it comes to magic users, so they would just annihilate you with old ehlnofey magic that they have been keeping alive on artaeum

WHy dont they just try to kill the thalmor leaders using assasins or idk, the fucking dragonborn.

I am still mad that you dont get to fuck the elves much in skyrim.

it's funny cuz I remember a friend telling me he did that in his save way back then, I didn't even know until now this wasn't supposed to happen as I always do thieve's guild quest because I just want to do everything in the game

I forget details but the main stormcloak dude was in cahoots with them dirty elves the whole time.

Nah man, check this shit.
it's just for the ordinators' voice work, and you can notice how their tone changes from brusque and dismissive to friendly depending on disposition. Keep in mind that these are the smallest sect of guards in the game, only found in Vivec and a few other outposts.

No he wasn't, he was just manipulated by them and unwittingly doing everything they would want him to do.

What game studio could do Skyrim correctly in your opinion Sup Forums? What would it have to fix to make it a good game?

Morrowind era bethesda

The Empire lets Thalmor Justicars waltz around Skyrim enforcing the Talos ban. Why would they stop them from spying?

Part of the Thalmor-Empire Peace treaty is that Thalmor Agents are given free right to roam Tamriel wherever they fucking please "to root out Talos Worship and destroy it" which is a nice way of getting as many skilled spies/combatants/mercenaries as you can into all the right places to help with an uprising or give advance warning of an impending counter-offensive

It's already good.


1) nordic pantheon
2) kirkbride is an actual employee but controlled to not include c0da levels of autism
3) rpg mechanics muh attributes back
4) full daggerfall era magic back
5) for the love of god return the nords and skyrim as a whole to morrowind and daggerfall era writing and design. skyrim should be a frozen wasteland instead of the habitable autism we got. and they made nords a bunch of pussies, instead of literal vikangz and barbarians who take what they need we got taller imperials with terrible accents.

Would be amazing having a bunch of viking style barbarians running around ruling with might alone, but then i ask you user

how would bethesda justify having bandits occupy every cave and fort?

Dragonborn is a neutral party that has recently appeared after all that tomfoolery and the Thalmor let the empire know they were the new hot shit on the block by dumping the heads of around 100 Blades (imperial spy/secret agents answerable only to higher up Blades and the emperor) who were in Thalmor lands at the time.
It is interesting to see what will happen next with all this shit bubbling over now though.

banditos are fine because there's not much in the way of food and wealth if you can't go raid other provinces or be a sell sword. later in the game though, they should replace bandits in forts and caves with dragon cultists or miraak cultists if they want to go that route to reinforce the fact that the dragons are returning and its an actual fucking problem instead of random spawn dragons that don't fly right

How does anyone take the threat of dragons seriously in skyrim?

A band of guards can defeat a dragon with hunting bows and steel arrows, yet they need a dragonborn to stop the dragons for good?

Why not just have each hold donate like 2-3 guards, then send them to kill any dragon they see?

Gameplay doesn't equate to lore, you should know that.

>Skyrim Character Hate Thread
that's 90% of the characters in the game for me then

Look at the Daedra in Oblivion. Pit a Dremora or a Daedroth against a city guard and see who wins. Now consider the fact that an Oblivion gate can open anywhere really, and Daedra can pour out of it, not to mention the great gates and the siege engines blasting down walls. That felt like a threat.

Dragons come around sometimes and you never really see the effect they have on cities. You might see a burned wagon or a couple farmers moving to a different city because of dragon attacks, but then the dragons are weak as hell.

nice meme frog d00d xD

Thats not because the daedra are powerful, its because the enemies scale but npcs don't so they get outclassed due to the system, Skyrim is smarter than that. The game doesn't have destruction physics or the capability to destroy houses or anything like that so most of the destruction is implied.

This is everything that is wrong with Bethesda though, and Warcraft, and every other shitty fucking RPG where the big bad boss is basically just a fucking damage sponge.

You can make this huge, fucking amazing world and populate it with myths and stories but if you play through it and everything folds over like wet tissue paper it kind of feels a bit thin.

Would love to know how those historic legends and myths would have worked out if they actually had the bethesda programmers working behind the scenes.

> can't melt snow with fire.

So fucking basic holy fuck.

>modded Morrowind and skyrim
>have a blast with Morrowind, not that much with skyrim
>have yet to mod oblivion

where should i start?

It's to stop random dragon spawns from wiping out killable quest dependant NPCs while you're 20m away and oblivious

how salty are ya?

That's why you gotta be careful of dragons. They are suppose to be dangerous.

They don't even spawn in enclosed towns anymore, as far as I know.

I mean, why in the main quest if you side with whatver there wasnt a extermination side quest, like kill 999 thalmor or where u get send to assasinate some high rank thalmor fucker.

it would be fun as fuck.