>game doesn't allow you to dual wield
Game doesn't allow you to dual wield
>game allows you to dual-wield
>no accuracy penalty
>game has dedicated dual wielding weapon
>its shit
>game allows you to triple-wield
>game allows you to dual wield
>the triggers are swapped
>game doesn't allow you to dual wield
>game allows you to dual shield
Are there any games that let you dual weld.
I didn't miss the i there, I want to be able to weld two things at once.
>retarded weeb dipshit thinks dual-wielding was ever a real thing except really historically specific circumstances where it was used nothing like video games
your opinions are garbage and you should keep them to yourself
Reminder that SAO is the greatest anime of the decade.
>game expects you to dual wield
>takes no time at all to reload
>game expects you to kick niggas in the air
>game expects you to jump, go ham with your dual wield, and kick a nigga in the face
TWO SCOOPS??!?!?!!??!?
>game doesn't let you dual wield
>there are enemies opening doors
>game lets you have two terms
Good dual-wielding is shit except when it goes full absurd/creative like
>retarded weeb thinks magic was ever a real thing except really historically specific circumstances where it was used nothing like video games
your opinions are garbage and you should keep them to yourself
arguably space station 13 but it doesnt quite all happen at once I guess
>game tells you something the bad guy did
>you cheer and clap for it because you like it
>game tells you that you must be a support for the bad guy then
>you no longer like or support it because the game will call you a bad guy supporter other wise
>>game doesn't allow you to dual wield
The replacing of the magic casting system in Oblivion where you don't need to unequip your weapon was a mistake. Dual wielding is a dumb meme.
>2nd game has a very fun dual wield mechanic
>3rd game removes this
>game allows you to dual wield
>it only works well once in the game, twice if you're autistic
God I wish I was a dual weilding knight back in the medieval age, I would've wrecked so much faggots that I would go down in history as the dual weilding sir anonalot
Why is dual weilding so cool bros?
fucking Halo
dual needlers aren't OP
>Game talks about how it's hates this group of people
>The opposing side of the game starts to do stuff to this group
>Game starts liking this group of people because the opposing side starts to mess with it
>game allows you to dual wield two handers
I didn't know why I thought this would be anything other than a /vpol/ thread
>game down allow you to use massive two handed mauls
>Game makes fun of a group of people for not supporting it's side of the matter
>when it comes time for a big battle in the game acts like it likes that group of people even though they made fun of them before
>The side the game is on loses
>The game goes back to making fun of that group of people again and wonders why that group wont agree with them
shutup pussy
>game keeps showing that the enemy is losing
>the enemy wins and it it reveled that the game was lying the whole time
>The game blames an outside source for cheating in-favor of the enemy
Am I a SJW if I enjoy Colbert's humor?
why the fuck did they let you dual-wield in Halo 2 and Halo 3 but took it away for every single entry since
I liked Dual-Wielding the Spikers
usually I'm the first person to shitpost against /vpol/ but I just don't see it here
no, it makes you a retard though
>game allows you to dual scoops
I really haven't watched late night TV since Craig Ferguson left.
>using magic at all
get out milk drinker
>game allows me to use a shield+halberd
>game needs a Victim Class inorder to stay powered
>Enemy offers the Victim the means to stop being Victims and become there own thing
>Game calls the enemy super evil and clames any of the Victims that clam it Enemy washed or Uncle Toms and that it is Victim culture to act like victims
I think Colbert is pretty funny personally, does he do an excessive amount of political humor? Maybe, but that is kind of "what's in" right now.
Ratings are the name of the game and Colbert has figured the game out. I don't blame him for making most of monologues about the elephant in the room.
I love that Sup Forums tried to turn him into a meme though, because it just shows how little they actually have seen of the man. The "angry colbert" meme comes from a monologue in which he gets jokingly angry/frustrated, but they act like Colbert was genuinely livid/furious at Trump or something.
The most serious Colbert ever got was when he called Trump "Vladimir Putin's Cockholster". Yet Sup Forums likes to convince themselves that Colbert is just BEYOND himself with fury.
What can I say? Sup Forums is fuckin' weird.
>game allows you to dual wield
>won't let you hit the camera man
Space engineers let's you mount welders to your ships enabling an infinite number of welders to be wielded simultaneously to suit your perverted desires
Sup Forums can't actually defend Trump or refute any of these critics so they just cling to nonsensical memes and try to force them for months and months. This "two scoops" shit wasn't even funny when it was fresh and now it's fucking rancid.
>Its a "its been almost a year and people are still butthurt as fuck" episode
Im so god damn tired of politics. I cant go a single day without hearing one person say trump this or trump that. If you hate the guy so much then shut the fuck up and stop talking about him already god fucking dammit
pol doesn't understand humour, they think obnoxious=funny and honestly that's my biggest problem with all the pol threads on Sup Forums. if they were actually funny instead of ham-fisted references to whatever shit is flavour of the month there, it'd be ok
Eh, not especially so.
Colbert was much funnier back on his original Colbert Report show imo, ever since he switched shows he's gotten much more serious.
You aint wrong.
There's a shitload of media damage control and social media propaganda going on, real people don't have the energy to be angry for this long.
The joke is supposed to be colbert has run out of material and relies on basically narrating everything trump does with almost no punchline. Same logic behind the two scoops meme.
>game gives you T W O S C O O P S
ah yes here we have 2 people who know everything about Sup Forums see how one just calls it pol and not Sup Forums, clearly these two people know all about what and how Sup Forums is, just like me I'm a master at know what Sup Forums is.
it's filled with under aged thin skinned children who can't tell the diffrence between when someone is PRETENDING to be someone else or a full scale invasion by anther board, but hey it's obvouse that an entire board sends 24/7 just spamming Sup Forums because you know only Sup Forums and Sup Forums exist on Sup Forums and only people who agree with ether side goes to theses places.can post on ether
>only two
stop and take a breath lad. pol threads aren't funny, that's all
Painfully accurate. And then they get actually triggered over stupid stuff like killing nazis in Wolfenstein.
What do you consider funny?
>dual shield in FF3 as knight
>game becomes easy as fuck because physical attacks to 0 damage
>spin-off gets a sequel
that's a pretty broad question that I don't think I could answer right now, but I did explain earlier why pol threads aren't