Have a friend

>Have a friend
>Been best friends with the guy for nearly 10 years
>We hang out play vidya all the time
>Basically let this guy live at my house one summer
>Haven't seen him in nearly a year
>Still text him while we're away to keep up and shoot the shit
>Talked this guy out of killing himself once
>Suddenly stops talking to me
>Finally messages me today and tells me that he doesn't like me anymore, and doesn't want to talk or hang out again
Feels fucking horrible guys. I know I sound like a massive faggot, but what are some feel good games to make me feel better?

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Nice blog. Play Drakengard.

Sorry about the blog post friend. But thank you for the contribution.

Friends come and go. Play Siege.


It sucks man, similar shit has happened to me too. I say find a game that you can really get lost into but is also not too stressful.

>Basically let this guy live at my house one summer
>Finally messages me today and tells me that he doesn't like me anymore, and doesn't want to talk or hang out again
Sounds like someone didn't appreciate the anal exploration during the night, user.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

Maybe I'll boot up Superstar again. It's been a long time.

Make your friend kill himself this time, that'll cheer you up.

You know, something very similar happened to me. I'm male, my friend is a steven universe loving homosexual male. He said because I support Trump that him and I cannot be friends.

Grew up with this guy, we saved each other from niggers back in middle school and high school and he doesn't want to talk anymore because I support our president. Feels pretty bad man.

Was it because you stopped playing nightcrawlers with him?

That's fucking retarded. Anyone who would stop talking to you because of some bullshit like that isn't a real friend.

Just get better at letting people go. Maybe it's because my mom split when I was three, and my dad remarried a psycho, and we eventually stopped talking for almost a decade because of her, but I've gotten pretty comfortable with cutting people out of my life.

Just move on with your life. Maybe he'll eventually come back around once he grows up a bit, and maybe he never will, but don't try to contact this dude until he contacts you. Have some self-respect, and never beg anyone to validate your existence.

tl;dr Stop being a pussy.

>got rid of a literal faggot that was never a real friend to begin with

Should feel good man

That is what I keep telling myself but that won't get me my friend back. I tried opening a dialogue with him but he blocked me on everything.

desu I blame shit like Steven Universe and trannies for this, I noticed he is associating with alot of fat tumblr tier women for the passed year or so. I should have seen this coming.

The only thing I can do is continue to self improve.

Try to make better friends, your "ex-friend" sounds like he needs to grow up.

Fair enough. It's difficult to be mad at someone who you've been friends with for so long. Get better friend.

You can have controversial views and still earn respect and even support if you can explain yourself clearly with facts to back you up. This isn't the case with a Trump supporter.

You can have mainstream views and be dumb and irritating as shit but still earn respect, because that's what people like. If you can't keep your controversial dumb shit to yourself you often become That Guy, the one everyone shittalks about both in his company and in all those parties he doesn't get invited to.

It's a better fate to be cut out entirely. You can try your luck in a different group instead of suffering in the one you already goofed.

Crap I worry about this shit everday and now you put in the possibility of this happening to me.


I, too, lost a friend of nearly 10 years the other week because I kept neglecting him. Granted he was very needy and annoyed me a lot, but I feel it was ultimately my fault.

Play Paper Mario.

It's alright user, it happens to everybody at some point. Part of growing up is learning that your only real friend in life is found in a bottle.

I've been drinking all night and feel no better. Alcohol and nicotine only help so much.

You aren't drinking strong enough, get that fucking whiskey bottle open.

>randomly delete steam friend of 5 years

>known a dude for 10 years, met playing wow
>talk every single day for 10 years straight barring when we were doing other shit away from the computer of course
>both autistic losers
>meet up once
>recently friend has learned he is actually incredibly attractive, to the point where girls will literally come up to him in public and talk to him
>turned into a hardcore indie/hipster dude, went to thailand by himself to find himself tier
>constantly goes to festivals or any social gathering and meets chicks
>any time i try to discuss any aspect of my life with him it's the same "dude just do what you want who cares about consequences the only you is the you right now, have you tried meditating?" which he always seems to write in a way i infer to be incredibly condescending and arrogant
>have to listen to all this shit about how great and and free he feels
>im still an ugly autistic manlet

Sure things are fucking easy when you're attractive and desirable. It's easy to be confident and open to new situations when you have no assets and nothing to be insecure about. Piece of shit.

Anyway, play F.E.A.R.

One day you'll find a nice girl, get married and maybe even pump a few pups into her and you'll quickly realize how little "friends" matter once you have an actual family to worry about. At our core, we only give a fuck about ourselves, and people are constantly changing. You will rarely, if ever, find a person that will truly be a life-long friend, that's just a sad reality of life. Drink past it, accept it and move on.

>hurr i need a crutch.

shit sucks, weve all been through it. dont be the typical 'drown my sorrows' in bullshit

Don't worry user. Sooner or later he's realize his mistake. And when he does, and he tries to re-connect with you, tell him to fuck off. As you just said, improve yourself, so when this happens he can see how you've continued to grow while he kept "fighting" for the sake of crazy tumblrinas or whatever LGBTQASLDAHDLS letter they added to it and realizes how he wasted his life for nothing when he compares his with yours. Godspeed user.

>being bitter
>not lowering your hand to help him after he has realized and reconciled the error of his past

cmon user

>shit sucks, weve all been through it. dont be the typical 'drown my sorrows' in bullshit
Nah, fuck that. If I have a problem, I drink until I forget about it and then get back to normal. Alcohol is the divine elixir, embrace it.

was his name Travis

>ignore all my friends for years
>even the most high-maintenance cunts slowly cease pestering me
>feel bad but i just can't be bothered keeping in contact
>slowly gain confidence and start enjoying socialising more
>plan on talking to everyone and telling them why i used to be so asocial
>everything's going to change, i'm going to actually like my friends

>they're overjoyed to have me back
>understanding about my situation and thrilled to spend time with me
>three days pass
>realise i still hate this shit
>start ignoring them again

I guess it just isn't for me. I absolutely crave and enjoy social interaction but only with one person at a time. A best friend or a gf fulfills that need and anyone extra just drains me. I wish I had casual friends who are fine with radio silence most of the time.

I don't have any friends anymore aside from you faggots

Zombie Army Trilogy is my cooldown game of choice

Or Space Marine

You seem like you at least tried to be a good friend. Don't think about it too much -- if you really don't understand why he's acting that way, then the dude has something going on on his end. Losing a friend feels bad, but it's not your fault, and there's nothing you can do.

You should play Final Fantasy Tactics, it's a good game.

>Have some self-respect, and never beg anyone to validate your existence.
This is also good. I didn't read OP as particularly needing this advice, but he should take it anyway.

If he dumped his "friend" once what makes you say he won't do it again in the future? He already proved himself to be easily influenced by modern trends and fads and to push someone away just for disagreeing with his views. It's like when you girlfriend cheats on you, one strike and you are out, because someone who cheats even once is willing to do it again.

read bottle as battle first.

He's obviously and insecure and immature baby. It can hardly be compared to a cheating bitch.

>Feel lonely
>Desperately crave companionship
>Get some
>Want to go back to being alone again
Every fucking time.

It's like when you want to go out and are bored at home and when you finally are outside you wonder why the fuck you did it and how much you want to go home.

C-can friendship bloom in the battlefield?

Do you know what kind of people are attractive and desirable to both men and women? Not those with pretty faces but those with confidence.

I'm an ugly manlet with shit personality yet I managed to gain a girlfriend by just treating her like I do my few male friends. Living with another person, showing them everything and having them accept or even love you really does something to your confidence.

I used to be shy, bitter and insecure for a good reason. Looking at my face out of context anyone would agree. But with some confidence and openness I've found everyone actually likes me. I've had to turn girls down because I'm already dating.

IDK op if you want to have an advice on how to avoid such situations or just a pat. Heres an anecdote instead. i have that bud, we know each other for like 6+ years now. We played a bunch of games but nowdays hes studying and never plays anything so we rarely talk about games anymore and just som real life shit. Maybe, you have limited your topics to videogames exclusively and a dissonance occured since he doesnt want to talk about them.


Doing this shit was the biggest mistake I've ever made. I used to have an online friend who respected me, but I've since turned him away when I found him clingy.
Now I'm just alone again, for years now, and he's probably having fun with his own friends.

>Living with another person, showing them everything and having them accept or even love you really does something to your confidence.
You say it like if you can pick those at the store.
What you are saying is akin to just be urself in terms of how helpful you are. People like confident people? No shit. But when someone has spent nearly their whole life with negative reinforcement it gets a bit tad hard to even attempt to become confident because of how deeply entrenched in your psyche rejection is, which makes you simply not want to even try because "why bother if it's gonna fail anyway? Might as well save myself from the pain".

You just have to have confidence my friend. I think of myself as being a 6/10 (which probably means im like a 4/10), I'm half black, messy hair, and not the nicest person in the world. But I still manage to make friends and get girls. Just find a way to present yourself to others that works.

Fuck you, Snake.

>just be yourself

Dark Cloud is the game for this situation, you'll understand when you play it.

Why did you stop seeing him for a year?

lol I recently told a friend of mine of 10 years to fuck off. Hope he is as sad as you.

>having a friend
I don't understand this feel.

I don't think I'll get a girlfriend by being an autistic meme-spewing mongoloid. I'm trying a lot of things to try to boost my confidence and get out and do new things, but I pretty much consider myself too far gone, to be honest. It also doesn't help that my overly confident and attractive friend constantly serves to belittle my mindset and make me feel insecure. He doesn't realize he's doing it, of course, but it still feels like shit. He constantly wants me to just dive off the deep end into entirely new and unknown situations, but I'm literally not built like that.

I've dated before, but it was 4 years ago. It doesn't even seem real anymore. Like it was a fluke.

>TFW I'm the one who severed ties with friends
If they didn't turn in to fucking weebs and MMO players things might've been different. I guess it might be because we were a bit older than when anime went hog wild because when we were teenagers everything was fine, but it was when we were in our late 20s they fell off the deep end. Last time I saw one of them was when I went over to his house for some gaming and instead he slowly and laboriously showed me him, his wife, and his son cosplaying at some anime convention.

>Know my best and mostly only friend since middle school
>Moves downtown for his new job while I'm still in the same town we grew up in
>Rarely goes online and plays anything anymore, offline anywhere from a week to a month
>Most of the time when I text him it takes him a full day or two to respond
>Spends most of his time busy with work and drinking with his roommates or other old friends from high school I knew but weren't friends with

I feel like i'm being outgrown even though he's still largely the same guy I know when we actually do talk and do stuff

College. We normally meet up in the summer and winter.

It'll be okay, user. Friends come and go, and some are just fickle shitters. It's not your fault.

I suggest giving Harvest Moon a go.

If that actually happened your friend is planning to kill himself. He's deliberately pushing you away to try to save you the pain of seeing him die.

how do you build confidence as an ugly unattractive manlet

like you can have all the confidence in the god damn fucking working but at the end of the day you still have to realize from a purely statistical point of view that the large majority of women wont even give you the time of day

how are you supposed to remain strong and confident in yourself amidst years upon years of constant rejection

Been hearing good things about this game.
>it's exclusive to PS2/4

Retard alert. Political views should be the least important in terms of friendship.

A Wonderful Life is in my top 10. Maybe I'll give it a play again.

What hurts more? Being betrayed suddenly, without reason, with all contact cut?
Or to know he killed himself, leaving you behind?

>Best friend became a tranny
>He's the biggest right-wing person I've known my whole life
Mistakes into miracles

Seconded. Holy shit, that game will make you forget your woes for a while.

Why not call him or videochat instead?

I know normies love to make up the bullshit "I'm busy" excuse all the time, but there is always time for a small 10-15 minute call.

It's so fucking stupid and immature to do that to someone you've known for so long.

I've almost seen it happen between two friends of mine, but some others and I intervened before it was too late for them.

Fuck that guy. Tell him you shouldn't have talked him out of killing himself. It's not on you that he's a piece of shit.

This. Holy fuck. If your so called friend cuts you off because he cannot stand you having different political views then you were better off without such an immature person in your life.

>tfw all your friends became sjw extremists

>tfw prefers to see people face to face in real life
>also is a boring ass mother fucker
>online i just play vidya and do my own shit
>play games with people
>get bored eventually because i like playing alone and were running out of games to play
>can't bring myself to remove any of my buddies
>some of my steam buddies shits on some of my other buddies
>two steam buddies drop my ass because they didn't get enough attention from me and berates me for it

go play cave story, user

>this is a person who would sever all contact with family for political views when all sides are still shit and elitest

PS2 emulators exist, Dark Cloud works perfectly with them. Don't let the oblivious fools tell you otherwise.


Protip: he was probably gay for you and preferred to go ahead and cut all ties with you himself rather than open up about his feelings and risk being turned down, ridiculed, or have you being the one to cut all ties.
With that in mind, you should play a gay VN. I recommend Morenatsu and Extracurricular Activities

Sunless sea is pretty gud a bit melancholy but overall pretty comfy and enjoyable.
VA-11 Hall-A cybermeme bartender action is pretty great too I really like the atmosphere and characters Id say its worth checking out.
Stardew valley its like harvest moon on cocaine
SS13 if you're looking for a more social thing a bit of a learning curve

you know hes right you fucking faggot

you never even tried all you do is cry and say WOE IS ME SOMEBODY HANDSOME SAVE ME!

what are you a girl waiting for prince charming?

your a man

Lift, eat right, get your career in order (start school or a non-dead end job), read Nicomachean Ethics and ascend to Chadhood.

>tfw i had a group of online friends for 3 years that i felt happy to be around
>gradually they start inviting people they know
>those people say can you not post "4 chan videos" of people running into a truck on a motorcycle head on among other things
>huge bernie supporters, and dude weed people
>they corrupt the young teenagers to influence to do drugs
>they gradually drift away from us, and one of them starts doing hardcore drugs and getting addicted
>the new people keep adding more people and the old people keep becoming less and less active
>the group gets into a huge arguement
>all of the old fags go there seperate ways
>my offline friends are shit and i'm fucking broken down to the core as a human filled with only misery and rage
>mfw i used to be a good person believing in equal rights and stuff
>mfw they turned me into a monster who wants to revenge on those who wronged me and turned me off on the reasonable non extreme left values

>decade old offline friends group is shit because people i really enjoy talking to start to leave
>i let my disdain for most of the group slip up to one guy i thought i trusted and he back stabs me by forwarding what i said to him to every single person in that group and their parents

I'l never be the fucking same


It's so sad to me that some people don't have life-long friends. I have a friend who is basically my brother. We're both in our 30s and we've been best friends since like 1st grade. Hell, I moved away at the end of 7th grade, and despite being several hours away we still managed to stay friends throughout highschool. We were totally different people at the time, he was kind of a jock and I was a weird proto-emo goth kinda thing, I don't know what you'd call it but I shopped exclusively at Hot Topic and listened to tons of heavy metal, but I'd make the 2 hour drive to go visit every few weeks and we'd go to parties and shit, and the fact that we were so different didn't even matter.

I wish everyone knew what it's like to have a friend like that.

This kind of picture is incomplete without that pink dinosaur plushie.

not vidya

>being mad at someone only because they're mad at you
This is dumb
>being so mad at some for being mad at you that, when they try to make amends, you decide to stay mad at them forever because they were once mad at you
This is full-blown retarded child tier. This person reaching out would be tantamount to admitting they were being dumb in the first place, and that they value your friendship more than the moral stand they were making. Why would you want to punish them for finding that within themselves? The only possible answer is that you're a wounded brainlet.

That's not even equivalent. This guy just stopped being someone's friend, which is the friendship equivalent of a breakup.


whoever made this is a good meta memer

user the same thing happened to me and my friend and then 6 months later he killed him self in the woods after disappearing for a week and driving off into the mountains. we found a note saying he cut everyone off so we wouldn't miss him and he's sorry. go do something about it. don't look back and regret being afraid of him hating you. call the suicide crisis line or the police or something.

Thanks user, Now I feel like crap for now knowing that feel. At least you were kind enough to say you wished everyone would know such a feeling instead of just rubbing it on people's faces.

Felt like posting the Pepe since I hadn't before, though it's definitely one of the weaker princesses.

>fuck my friend for not being a miserable cunt unlike me, I'll go back playing shitty games now

What am I supposed to do? Just take a trip half way across the world like some hippie degenerate?

Protip: no I'm not the reason I was clinged online to you is because I literally have no one else IRL

you sound like you are going to shoot up a school

how about you take a deep breath and realize you are a faggot and work on improving yourself

You won't get to experience new things holed up at home shitposting at Sup Forums
Sometimes you just gotta do something, don't think so much, just do

>Invested 10 years into some faggot
>Drops me for flavor of the month moba

Fuck him.
Play The Sims 3 with mods.

this, OP.
They do it cause they think it make it easier on them and everyone else.

>and their parents
Are you guys 16 or something?

But in the end it'll be for the better since you already hated most of those persons so much.

that's not even what he was trying to say

which is quiet telling thats what you got out of it

you won't get chicks with a high paying job and by being a "good" disney prince like you paint yourself in your head

why not try some self improvement like lifting weights?

or read a good book?

everyone should heed this next piece of advice :


Don't focus on getting a gf man I know it sounds great and all but once your in it its pretty lackluster. Sex is pretty much a meme because most people who are virgins into their later life build it up to be so amazing from all the porn then you do it and its just good. Not amazing. Not life changing. Just good. Pretty groundshaking. Instead focus on understand and getting control of yourself. Read up on philosophy shit understand existence and thinking and all that jazz. Know who you are and pursue your hobbies become self sufficient (in the way that you dont NEED something to make you happy you can do it by yourself) I hope you can find something usefull in my rant man.

>all of a sudden realize through virtue of existing that girls just flock to you and you literally don't need to do shit other than go outside and sit on a bench by yourself to find yourself fucking a girl 4 hours later

Wow, gee, he did something to achieve that. Really tried hard there.

Do you actually think that hippies are the only people who travel?

Fucking this. LoL destroyed my one and only friendship.