What game allows me to exterminate filthy ningens?

What game allows me to exterminate filthy ningens?

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Here's a classic.


Half-life 1
Theres nothing more satisfying than hitting people with a crowbar then making them explode into meat chunks with that exploding meat sound

>'mortals are all too violent!'
>"I'll destroy them all!"
The literal case of 'its ok when he does it'.

Really makes you think.

what modern dbz game allows me to enjoy the fact that Super shouldn't exist by intentionally disregarding any and all DB content after GT?

>can't have violent mortals if there are no mortals to begin with

It makes sense.

Loved that game

>Humans were a mistake
>Humans must all die
>Takes his time killing them all
>Takes so much time that the protagonists are able to stop him before it's over

GTA, turn on God-Mode

Well there's FighterZ if you ignore SSB and Golden Freeza

OP said niggers though

What the fuck is a ningen?

He had to travel the multiverses and avoid drawing Zen-Oh's and the Grand Priest's attention at the same time.

He also had to make Gowasu some tea.

Japanese for "a human"

Technically "humans" or sometimes, rarely used for "mortals."


And how the heck did he pull it off? Zeno's iPad thingy must have some sort of detector or alarm that goes off whenever something goes wrong with a universe, like the death of a GoD.


zamasu was made for cock


Any DBZ game that came out prior to 2013.

>avoid drawing Zen-Oh's and the Grand Priest's attention at the same time.
The fucker killed every other Supreme Kai. How does that not draw attention?

Zeno is one of the dumbest and weakest 'omnipotents' in fiction, don't think too hard about it.


Zeno doesn't give a fuck

>Implying Zeno gives a shit

What do you think he is doing right now in super? he is planning to kill them....

>after GT
GT is even worse

we have to go back

2spooky4me creatures that live in the deep sea.

It's funny because it sounds like niggers XDDD


Does Budokai 3 count as "modern"?


If only we could do this to politicians.........

Zamusu was the only good thing about Super.

You only use three periods when you make an ellipsis