is there any game that will make me feel like persona 4 did? It has to be on PC or be emulatorable.
Is there any game that will make me feel like persona 4 did? It has to be on PC or be emulatorable
Persona 3
Doesn't have that same domestic, simple life charm.
I'd take you seriously if you didn't post second worst girl (Yukari is worst)
Then how about Harvest moon?
Maybe Life is Strange
Did you play the game with that aspect ratio? If you did you are stupid and blind.
How do I get into persona?
I downloaded an emulator for Persona 3 but there's like 3 different versions and I don't know where to begin
It's way over your IQ. Play something else. 5
Persona 3 FES is the best first experience, you can emulate it using PSCX2
You can either download it undubbed or dubbed.
Get Persona 3 FES undub.
FES is the way to go
Teaching Feeling
do you take me for a faggot?
yeah I do
it pissed me off that you had to play as a manlet in P3
thats why i liked p4 better, you played as alpha.
You sound really insecure
we are all on an anime beard duscussing a pass time for children.
So? there's nothing bad about enjoying videogames past your teenage years, only someone who needs constant validation would care about what others think about your hobbies.
you can cheat yourself, but you wont cheat us.