
Doomfist soon

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What time?

and almost no one cares


Wait he still isnt out?

Overwatch devs are a joke

He's been on the PTR for a few weeks now. He'll be on the live servers later today.

it fucking took like 18 months for them to release the Necromancer for D3


Thats a fucking joke.

>thursday release

Would you prefer Tuesday release?

oh boy, jax, how original

this is fucking pathetic at this point

PTR doesnt nothing but hurt the game.

Nigga what

blizzard has always released games and major updates on wednesdays

>lets make another african hero.
How about some diversity please, overwatch more like overbrown. Numbani is a shitty map, we don't need to base 90% of the cast around it.

Doomfist is an amazing character. He really feels like something else than a copy of three character like Orisa.
I can't believe we had to wait 6 month for a good character to come. It's hit or miss. I love playing Orisa, don't get me wrong, but honestly she was nothing special. She's the hero that just "exist", her abilitie are not very original like Ana/Sombra/Doomfist kit.

And the wait for a hero is so long.. Why aren't they doing it like Paladins, 2 heroe a month then slow down to 1 a month? I'm sure this game could use a MOBA-tier roster of character.

you receive a friend invite with the following message attached. How do you respond?

Release date. 7/27/17

Jeff is a bad director

Because Blizzard is obsessed with everything being perfect and balanced. They're scared of adding too much too quick because they don't want to risk destroying what they created.

cant wait senpai

Look it up
There are only two African heroes and one of them is a robot.

>anything that is even slightly stronger than the others gets nerfed to the fucking trash
I mean, I like the polish of their games, but they can't balance worth a shit

Shhhh. No logic with Sup Forumstards. Everyone that's not white is black. That's how their world works.

Quick anons, someone or some site to trade steam games for an overwatch key/account

That's nothing new. I can't recall the last Blizzard game with decent balance.

>Because Blizzard is obsessed with everything being perfect and balanced.
>same charaters and meta every game or get reported


Released in a row.

And Orisa is a fucking non character.

There's four, Pharah & Ana are Egyptian

At least the meta gets shaken up regularly.

Remember when picking Winston got you reported?

Ah, right, I forgot about them. I know Egypt is in Africa but I always think of them as being Middle Eastern. Still, I'm pretty sure more characters are European than anything else.

No, picking Winston never got you reported. He was always a great pick if your team was good. If it was bad however.. Winston can't do shit without a good healer and a good dps.

Getting annoyed by diversity is as retarded as getting excited by diversity.

The appearance of a character makes no difference in this game. Their kit and playstyle does.

Is he shit now? I stopped playing game after I heard they were gonna nerf him.

I hear they buffed him again.

Do you play blizzard games

Alright, remember when picking Dva got you reported then?

heal slut meme is so cringe

It's been an entire month since they even dropped an update, it's frustrating. I want that new lootbox algorithm already and whatever other shit that's been held up on the PTR.



thats a blacked meme

She will protect us from that monkey turbo nigger right Sup Forums?

Sanity has no place here, begone

shut up you forced-nigger apologist

>If they're not with us they're against us!

Yeah, totally not a SJW in different wrapping, you are.

I cant wait for the new report system!
Pc overwatch truly is the best!

I don't have an agenda. I'm just calling it how it is.

You're just a boring "everybody who isn't neutral is the same and all forms of opposition are fundamentally the same at it's core" psuedo intellectual child.

stfu nigger

Her only use it blocking projectiles and hitscan. Neither of which giga-nigga needs.

Hopefully Doomfist completely knocks her out of the meta because fuck me is D.Va is epitome of no fun allowed. "Time to raise my APM" by holding down Right Click and jumping constantly because theres no other interaction available.

I haven't been in /y/ for months. Does Doomfist have much art?

Time to compare to HOTS!

So in the time between the last released Hero for OW, Orisa, and the upcoming Doomfist, HOTS has released five heroes, with a sixth just announced.

>Cassia from Diablo
>Genji from Overwatch
>D.va from Overwatch
>Malthael from Diablo
>Stukov from Starcraft
>And Garrosh Hellscream from Warcraft is coming out early August.

Meanwhile the last OW Hero was released Last March, and Doomfist isn't official yet (I think as of posting this).

Why is the Heroes team so good right now?

Probably around 12pm Pacific.

One of the best Tracer skins is HotS exclusive. Its actually quite funny how slow the OW team is but seeing as they completely failed to make Titan in 5 years its not all that surprising.

I haven't had any trouble in Heroes of the Storm, even tho people sometimes "report" me for calling out their bad plays.

Aye, I mean I don't even vehemently hate OW like most here seem to do, I enjoyed it initially, but around Christmas I kinda just stopped and realized that OW was just getting boring, and doing nothing but limited time crate events.

After seeing the One Year anniversary it perplexes me, you'd think something with as much time and marketing as Overwatch got, that Blizzard would put more care into their product. Seems moreso they still care more about their big cash crop Warcraft than anything else.

That said, I still like pointing out the difference between the OW and HOTS teams and how one manages to put out more Heroes than the big name multiplayer game that should be second most important in Blizzard's agenda behind WoW. 2.0 was the best thing to ever happen to HOTS.

Genji is cute. Post Genji

>he gets released
>he is shit just like the last 2 heros
why even bother being hyped for somthing that will be worse then Reinhardt or Genji

Heroes Genji? He looks the same as OW Genji tho?

Or are you referring to his recent nerfs he got in yesterday's patch?

>At least the meta gets shaken up regularly.
>Reinhardt, always Lucio, always hit scans(these change but they are always hitscan), always barriers, never defensive heroes

Orisa is very solid and also very boring but she can do more alone than a Reinhardt so I put her above him at least

He got nerfed?

Pretty sure OW has more heroes ready, they just like to slowly release them and dangle them out for the community like a carrot on a stick to keep people interested and to give the illusion of "Look at all this free content over our entire lifespan." If it was losing to Paladins and Battleborn like HotS does to League and DotA, you'd see more overwatch heroes released quicker to try to reel people back in.




That shit happens when your game is forced to play nothing but 6's.

At least TF2's Quickplay of 12vs12 allows for more varied teams. inb4 >12 Snipers.

Oh on Hots. Thought you meant on OW.

>If it was losing to Paladins and Battleborn like HotS does to League and DotA
But Heroes is legit more fun than League or Dota.

That said I don't believe it. The game is only one year old, and you only release 4 sub-par Heroes in that timespan? What next, a Torbjorn/Symettra Hero that acts like a Gunslinger Engie?

In hots people report you for abusive chat only, because the rest options don't work.
In overwatch you are reported by premades who blame every thing to you and you will be banned for it, make no mistake.

I wouldn't say 4 subpar heroes. Ana and Doomfist are at least fun and good at what they do. Orisa and Sombra are a bit underwhelming though, I'll agree.

>In hots people report you for abusive chat
Apparantly for some calling them a "faggot" Nova for not staying and stealth and playing like she's a slow Raynor is "abusive"? Even if I only just call them a faggot or fag and not the 12 yards of toxic shit spewing.

That said I've never gotten banned for that yet.

As for Overwatch, that sucks, but I don't really plan on getting back into it ever so it's not really my problem.

Well ok, Ana was the only good one, and I haven't played OW in a while, and I don't really plan on getting back in to play Doomfist, so I don't know alot of how he REALLY fares in meta, so I guess you got me there.

Still doesn't really excise the slow as molasses Hero release, and awful crate events. I can go grab a 2013 TF2 Summer Cooler crate off the Steam Market, and buy a key for that crate on the Mann Co. Store itself because it still sells keys for that crate series and get the hats from those crates, 4 years later.

Hes exaggerating bout the ban thing. People have done worst crap and at most they got a day suspension. The reporting system is currently a joke which is why they're retooling it.

You mean it took them a year to release a good character. Before this we had someone only good for shoving a rifle up a tank's ass, an impotent stealth hero, and a tank who was still boring to play at her most useful.

>I don't have an agenda. I'm just calling it how it is.
thats fucking nonsense and you know it. You are bitching about the skin color of game chracters. You can call it whatever you want, but theres an agenda at play there

I'd recommend at least hopping on the PTR sometime and trying him. He is ridiculously fun to play.

As for how he fairs in the current meta? Exceptionally well. Honestly fits well in all Metas, since hes a great Anti-Dive and anti-Tank hero.

However I do agree with you about the slow releases/painfully slow patches. The crate events aren't too terrible though, especially since most also add some kind of seasonal event which tends to be at least somewhat neat.

Also, all of the events will open up again with their previous stuff when the event rolls around, so its not like you're locked out of it entirely. Which, if I can remember right, some TF2 event crate drops were only available in that event.

What I don't understand is why they are not just pumping out loads of the most easy content to produce, by this point the people playing since launch have more or less unlocked the vast majority of content available outside of events. It would be so easy to just add in a load of new skins that are not tied to an event, voice lines, sprays all of those things that you can unlock through normal play.

No though even the really cool new emotes like the dances are locked into the timed events. Its fucking stupid, crossed with fucking genius because people are so desperate for new skins that they go crazy when the events drop.

>I'd recommend at least hopping on the PTR sometime and trying him.
Overwatch is uninstalled right now, and I'm dealing with end of the month bandwith issues, Is it even worth coming back to Overwatch at all just to try out Doomfist in general?

Yes, because it's a good game

no one cares about this shit character. shit design. jeff has lost his touch ever since he obsessively tried to make every character, even a fucking quadriped ROBOT, be "diverse people of color"

that kike is off his rocker

Personally, I'd say yes, but it really depends on if you wanna stick around I suppose. If you just wanna try him out and uninstall, it might not be worth your time if you're having bandwith issues.

That said, maybe look up a video of his kit or something and see if its somethin you'd enjoy. Hes very combo heavy with his moves and can play stupidly aggressive so he can be pretty fun.

Has some of the highest mobility in the game coupled with raw damage.

>Has some of the highest mobility in the game
No wonder he's gonna be top tier

>sell his shirt before the character is out.

I don't see a problem with that. People who want would just buy it after he's out anyway.

>get the urge to play some OW again
>decide why the fuck not
>join a QP match
>game in progress

Some things never change.

Wait, people still play this game?

Play competitive if you care about trying to win.

>Released in a row.
Wow it's almost as if they released two characters with direct story correlations one after another on purpose!

>Plays comp
>Gets banned
>Now can't even play qp.

>Shit that never happened.post

Don't be an absolute cunt if you don't want to get banned.

Not him but competitive is a complete shitshow
I reached master and never touched comp ever again

>Doomfist soon
>Summer games next month

How much gold do you have saved up?

Reasons for bans can be not answering to extroverts who say hello, picking Torb and generally not being the clown of a premade because their reports will always overwhelm yours, because you are alone.
Comp should be solo only but they are too cucked to implement this.

>a robot centaur looks like a mixture of a robot and a centaur
nice observation friend haha

gonna be down 1000 after I get Bluefist

Why have PTR in the first place?
Just add shit into live and lock everything from the oh so precious "competitive" mode. They're gonna lock the new content for a week anyways when they finally put it into the live servers.

I'm sorry you don't see the advantages of a private testing area.

>add big black guy to the game
>he's evil
wow, racist much?

Unless it removes the dive meta, the game is still shit and not worth playing.