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Video Games #3853
Video Games
There is absolutely nothing wrong with using C to crouch instead of CTRL
Ugliest persona and costume in the game
What does Sup Forums think of Widowmaker?
Battle royale game
Why do people still shop at GameStop when the internet exists?
Splatoon 2 Thread
Tell Otako the last game you beat or else she'll tell you useless and disgusting facts about the female human body
Graphics thread? Post actual graphics
How does this game win an award in anything?
How do you feel about ホムラ's body in ゼノブレイド2?
ITT: Games only you played
He's right
He has a point you know
What went wrong?
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Gravity Rush thread
How go we end this meme?
What is it?
ITT: vidya tropes you like
Best Overwatch character
Why are modern RPGs designed to be played on autopilot?
Driving around GTAV as a law abiding citizen
H-h-hey guys, i-i'm on the eshop now
Why dont you turn on your mic
Old trailers
Games that should bang
Horror General
Is it true that the only reason why this was exclusive to the xbox is because the creator hated the playstation?
What did they mean by this?
NA when
How do you name yourself in video games?
Oh hey Sup Forums
Crash team racing is the best racing game ever prove me wrong
Best Villain Motivations
Japan thinks this is the greatest game ever made
Find a flaw
So I just finished reading a fantasy book series that I really like...
GW2/MMOs in general
So I was playing TTYD for the first time since it came out and having since learned that Vivian was actually a guy...
Are you having fun?
To few of us over 30:
This is a Japanese girl(male)
July 28
Want a new videocard because my old one died
What are some games that make no sense?
What the fuck
Persona Q 2
>The cast for DR2 were foreshadowed in Chapter 6What did they mean by this?
What are your 5 most overrated games?
Your favorite memory on Runescape?
Dad walks in
Why do people hate this game so much, ive been playing the campaign and its been fun
Tfw BOTW will be GOTY instead of Nier Automata just because normies and gamergurls recognize the name "Zelda"
Am I literally the only one who played this game?
Went to go back and play a good game
So Peachy!
Should stream-sniping be a bannable offense?
Can we all agree hime cut is best for vidya girls?
We got four niggas in low riders and ski masks screamin THUG LIFE every time we pass
PS4 Suggestions
He mains the thumb tack
How bad is Kingdom Hearts II.5 on PS4? 1.5 worked fine for the most part aside from some dumb wonky parts but I hear II...
Why is this allowed?
Arms sold 1 Million copies and I have no idea why
So next month I am going to buy a macbook air, what emulators can it run?
What is the appeal of amiibos? Is it really just collectorfag mentality?
It's already the 28th so when the fuck is amazon going to let people buy this thing?
What do you want to see in the third one? We're getting a third one, right?
Explain this
Do you own any video game vinyls?
Battlestation thread
What video games did you play today?
What gender is Sheik?
Are there any other games where the devs didn't give a shit about lore or story...
Figuring out the controls
Mimic thread
Last thing I told my Steam friend was "gay" in a response to "I love you. Goodbye"
Why is it still losing players?
Look up "[your name] the Hedgehog" in Google images and post the first result. Cringiest is the winner
Japanese game has christian themes
Cool but unnecessary features in games
Multiplayer game
Miitopia in one hour!
Wow, the graphics in Persona 5 look like absolute fucking garbage. Is it really a PS4 game? Look...
Well, how did he make it home in one piece?
Describe a game using only colors
Splatoon 2 Thread
"Only through conflict do we evolve"
Is Caim the edgiest protagonist of all time?
Doesn't it bother anyone else how simple Sonic the Hedgehog is...
Why does nobody on this board seem to like the sega consoles?
You've been put in charge of capcom. How do you salvage this trash heap?
What bosses don't follow the rules of their own game?
Why aren't you playing PC's next big hit?
How do we fix souls pvp?
This was alright
Anybody pick this up? Pretty decent. Shame its not the "ultimate version of SF2" they claimed it would be
So where do you get your games from, Sup Forums?
ESA 2017
What would it have to do to be your GOTY?
What I remember about the rise of the Empire is… is how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the Clone Wars...
What are some good games about transhumanism?
King of the Hill Online
What games let me play as a dragon?
Outsold Wii U+Switch combined
All these retards saying assassins creed 3 is absolute shit
King's honor, friend
This is gonna be assassins creed/watch dogs style "parkour" isn't it
Describe the ending to a video game using only an image
Bad ending is canon
The PS3, 360 and Wii had roughly 3 billion game sales combined
Why didn't you protect Seikos smile?
So, 2kat is still the best and most fun, right?
What games have the best cooking mechanics?
Fat salty feminist mod is angry, stop deleting threads about /ourguy/
Click on trial roulette
So now when the dust has settled
Post stressful video games you've played
Would you play fan made remakes of them?
Dynamic beard growth
Wow. This is really fun to play. Combat is extremely fun. There are mountains of content. Best Mercs
Human eyes can't see more than 240 fps
FEH stream starting in 25~ minutes
Fighting games are back
New Fotosketcher thread
Why does this E-celeb get a pass here? Either all are okay or none are okay, Sup Forums
E3 2018
The music suddenly stops
The Initial
Have you ever bought a game because an actor you liked was in it?
Why are the french so good at making my dick hard?
Why is video game development so expensive?
Which of Ruby's friends are you most looking forward to playing as in Ruby's game...
Horizon Zero Dawn concept art
Say a nice thing about this game
Destiny 2 Story Summary
Are you going to buy their game, Sup Forums? It's coming out on steam and gog this Wednesday
What's the video game equivalent of this?
You're the final boss of a video game
ITT: 10/10 games
Game lets you kill NPCs essential to advancing the plot
Hate Assassin's Creed, 3 being one of the worst games I've ever played
Why you dont have a girlfriend?
You have been banned
Defend this!
Hey Sup Forums
Open world
ITT: Worst Castlemania
Miitopia in 3 hours!
Is this guy playing a character?
Its my third day now with splatoon 2 and I am already not enjoyong this anymore
ITT: Things that should happen, but won't
Heh, greetings
ITT: We write a letter to Gaben one word at a time. I'll start
Post a picture. Other anons recommend games based off said picture
Is the 3ds edition of Metal Gear Solid 3 any good? I saw it in a local shop and was thinking of picking it up
What cases this level of autism?
He's got a point
Why are there so many women in the speedrunning community compared to "hardcore" gamers in general?
Reminder that "colorful" does not mean "good artstyle"
ITT: Real life animals that look like video game enemies
ITT: it's 1911
ESA 2017
That one fucking retard that bought a SNES/NES mini instead of pic related
Were ranged attacks a mistake in FIGHTING games?
"Hey user! We would like to play a video game! What do you recommend ?"
Posted this image a while ago and y'all seemed to like it, will be posting more like it
What is it about this fucking console that is so goddamn magical?
What was their last truly great game?
What is the """"appeal"""""" of this character?
Give me some MS-DOS game to play
Worst Girl
Can women ever fully appreciate what it means to be a gamer or is it just a another hobby they slide into like a pair...
A Kingdom For Keflings thread
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition
*whip sound*
There's nothing wrong with playing "kiddy" games user...
Video game idea thread
Any mods for the original half-life that rival's its campaign?
I play single player games
Sup Forums name a game that would improve bigly with cuter girls
Can your phone play gamecube games? cause mine can
This ruins the game
Knytt Stories
The game has fake glitches
JonTron changed his profile pic
Let's all unironically say something nice about our least favorite game in a series we like. I'll start:
ITT: post your 3 (three) favorite pieces of vidya music
Beat OOT for the first time on a mac emulator with a sub 30 fps limit when I was 14
Is Estelle the most well-written female main character of all JRPGs?
Breeding Season
ITT: Post an image and others will recommend you a video game based on it
Thanks for beta testing, PC users
What gaming PC should I get? 2000 Euro budget
Steam profile pic/rate
Why haven't you bought your 8K monitor yet?
What's the best James Bond game?
Got my switch today, and have been playing around with it all day. It's my first nintendo console (and zelda game)
What is the videogame equivalent?
ITT: Real life animals that look like video game enemies
What Steam games have you gotten refunded lately?
What are some good games to play when high or drunk?
That's it. It's over. The Switch won
The will never be a good MMORPG again
Brb smoke break
The Nintendo Switch Is An Expensive Commodity in Argentina
All right, let's settle this once and for all
How does a single tiny Island country manage to make games better than the rest of the world?
Another one that Sup Forums has made insane
WHEN the FUCK did it become okay to make games that are LITERALLY movies? they're not even video games...
Strip Poker Night At The Inventory!
Dark Souls 2 was a mistake. Looking past the wonky, stupid...
ESA 2017
Sold 80 million units
Sup Forums says game is shit
On one hand I kinda wish somebody would remake/remaster this game...
Everyone thinks the game looks like shit now
Angry Joe
What went wrong?
Dunkey Shit on Splatoon 2
Two shields
Is he a hack?
Code Vein thread
Baby games
Plagiarism thread
What do you think Spoony is thinking right now?
I'm at this shop that sells a ton of import games. I guess I'll start an obscure games thread...
Thinking of getting this, should I?
3x3 thread, rate, suggest etc
OP is tired of thinking
How do you personally play FE with permadeath?
Is Sup Forums getting WWE 2K18 Cena Nuff edition?
How does no one die from getting shot in this game?
We could have had this in SFV instead of Abigail
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy
Why did this get so much hate?
Why do you hate the only good sonic game?
Do you agree?
Xenoblade 2
What are some games with outstanding monster designs?
Competitive ARMS discussion
Bravely Default thread
Mash buttons through dialouge
Splatoon 2
Do you still play Don't Starve?
Would you play this game if you played as Amanda and hooked up with dads?
Are the Slim models of this made in 2010 and later as prone to yellow lighting as the launch models from 2006...
What are the most metal video games of all time?
Try to out-damage soldier
Where would you place these 3 in the street fighter lore tier list?
Dragon Ball FighterZ Roster
Almost finished with RE5, my first RE game. It's pretty solid all around...
Which games let me be a villain?
Female character hitbox is smaller
What are they doing to him, exactly?
What does Sup Forums think of the Covenant Banshee?
Sup Forums is playing /f/ tomorrow, are you going to watch?
ESA 2017
Games Sup Forums tricked you into playing
Comfy DS/3DS thread
Dream daddy thread
The ""staff"" on a video game server have a huge circlejerk and take their internet ""responsibilities"" very seriously
Mega Maker
Choose one and ONLY ONE for marriage
Why is the JRPG genre the only genre that gets attacked and bashed?
Daily reminder that one of these two games will be GOTY
Just sold my console/game collection to finance the rest of my computer build
Why haven't you made the Switch™ yet?
Post your desktops. No cleaning allowed
What did she mean by this?
Under Night In Birth
Push up to walk forward
PUB reaches 6 millions
Remember when consoles were more powerful gaming systems than PC?
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Thread (PC)
What's your favorite "This is how you DON'T play x"?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What are the greatest boss battles in vidya history?
Your opinion on Shin Megami Tensei 1
Monthly reminder if San Andreas was released this year, Sup Forums would be uninhabitable for months
What's the fastest you ever dropped an MMO?
"Hey man, we're totally taking down Kamoshida today right?"
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
Voiced by Ashely Burch
Just finished their game, what did I think of it Sup Forums?
Post weird vidya tracks
Unpopular opinions thread
What is the best From game?
What are some video games centered around surrealism?
Silent Hill Thread
Sonic Mania Comfy Thread
Let's have a comfy Wadanohara Thread
Filename Thread
I keep seeing everyone praise this for being so goddamn good...
How “open“ is this game really?
Dad walks in
So my friend gifted me Call of Pripyat and I have never played a STALKER game before anyone have any tips
Nintendo Switch Hardware Is Already “Couple Of Years Old” Compared To iOS Devices
Post your idle animation
Why can't we get a high-budget, highly artistic game from the West?
Do you like Yumi yet?
So who was he really?
Ocarina of Time was full of creepy and generally disturbing bosses
What game made your life so comfy?
You're in Paris and this guy slaps you medic's ass
Does anyone play the mobile game anymore? Or is it as dead as the game...
Just want to have a FE Heroes thread to discuss build suggestion and how off what characters I have...
ESA 2017
Name ONE (1) video game you actually like
Make a videogame with romance options
Do not purchase this game
Battlestation Thread
I want to ______ Baiken
Should P6's protag be fully voiced?
Why is she so shitty?
What's your favorite game about ninjas?
How do I get into Persona?
What are some video games that appeal to autistic people?
2 copies sold
Silent hill thread
Crash Bandicoot
Huh really makes me enchant some neurons
Slim or Pro?
Hot or not?
1k players
Is it gay to prefer making a female character over a male one when given the choice?
Did you stick with the Dawnguard or did you go for the vampire questline?
Have youtube channel
ITT: Videogame characters only you are attracted to
Ocelot or Kaz
Who the fuck thought garrisons would be a good idea
Daily Witcher 3 argument thread
How do we fix Sup Forums?
Fuck you, I liked it
It's up
Egypt... home
NieR: Automata
Will western video games ever be sexy again, Sup Forums?
Fucking really, Nintendo?
Daily reminder Demon Souls is the most fun souls game and has the best locations/levels
Risky Rain
I never touched the Metal Gear series before, where should i start?
Alright Sup Forums say one good thing about Japanese games and say one good thing about Western games
Filename thread
Video Game Main Menu OSTs
Admit it, this game is fucking trash
Complete game
What type of character should I play as in Oblivion?
Mirrored thread
ESA 2017
This is your traveling companion, she'll accompany you through thicc and thin!
Which one is better the PS3 version or the Wii version...
It still fucking hurts, Sup Forums
It's a Sup Forums won't play a game because of "muh forced diversity" or "sjw shit" episode
Post A SINGLE memorable track from this game
What video games do fujoshi gamers play?
Who is your favorite koopaling, Sup Forums? I would have to go with iggy...
How are your legs, Sup Forums?
Essentials only
What did they mean by this?
What are some games with small town girls?
Wait, this guy was supposed to be the villain?
DLC costs more than the main game
You know the drill, fags. Get ready to rock
What a bunch of fucking jews
You will never jam with lammy
Is pic related any good Sup Forums?
ITT: Characters you could smite out of this plane of existence no problem
When will porn games (as in games with sex as a primary, but not necessarily only,, gameplay feature...
Why did Sup Forums suddenly stop obsessing over gabe newell?
What did she mean by this?
Gamecube/Wii emulation so good to the point where they make the hardware obsolete
Can someone help me with this goddamn boss?
If I absolutely had to pick a game and call it the best of all time I'd have to go for this one
Which is better?
It's over. They turned Wolfenstein into a SJW pandering shitfest
You wake up and see this
Is this true?
So where do I get my nintendo roms for all the consoles now? Especially GC?
FFXII - Zodiac Age
Post characters who are autism magnets. I'll start
Pitch a game idea about north korea
ESA 2017
Enemy won't lose aggro
Video games ruined boogie's hea-
Game lets you choose between good and evil path
What's the video game equivalent of this?
Persona 5
How do you deal with people who have different opinions on video games than you?
Little things you like in games
This is my wife, Awilix, say something nice about her!
Places from video games you wouldn't mind living
Try to make new content
Endings songs that really make you think and feel about the game you just played
Old maplestory will never come back
What would Sup Forums like to see in the next GTA game?
Why's this shit so fucking addicting
Is this game better than the originals or not?
Why does nobody on Sup Forums ever talk about the xbox one?
Nonsensical mechanics in old western RPGs
Let's have a stalker thread...
You fell for the gaming laptop meme
Original is actually funny
Top pc games are PUBG and Dream Daddy: Dating simulator
Is FFXI/V/ worth it?
Why do entitled fucking manchildren get furious when companies have to make money?
Is this the most promising game of 2018?
Are you good enough to do it on the first try?
IF Mario is Bing Bing Wahoo, what is sonic?
How did slavs with a potato budget beat Ass Effect with its 500 million dollar budget?
When you have a long buss ride
PS3 and Vita games are ported to PS4
There's no hope for this game left is there?
Shit in rpgs that piss you off
Think of a game, now post that game's best song
Grand Theft Auto VI is in development
What do you think about STEALTH?
Is Neptunia series good?
Die pig!!!!!!
What game did Flashbang right?
What're some video games with actually good stories?
Any game with impregnation mechanics?
Post lore
Let's see how knowledgeable you are. Identify these
ITT: 10/10 vidya songs ONLY
East vs west thread
Is this goty worthy?
Post your favorite game that ALSO isn't someone elses favorite game
Recommend me some recent games, where i have to use my brain
Predictable Twists
What should we expect in the remake
Stream Fails
Wolfenstein 2 is looking very good!
ESA 2017
What GPU do I need to run emulators?
Playstation's Mascot?
Don't listen to the haters. I've worked hard for 9 years, I deserve a vacation...
ITS UP Sup Forums
DBZ Dokkan Battle
Playing super mario on a poorly coded n64 emulator
How do you genuinely feel about the current state of the industry?
God of War available on PC
What breasts does Sup Forums like?
Monster Hunter World has released short videos on all the weapons!
What's the last game you played and is it fun?
Created in a dictatorial manner by an artistic "auteur" who was heavily invested in the project
Would you work for UNATCO?
3x3 Thread
When will we get another game on par with the masterpiece that was Bloodborne?
Orcs or Orks, which do you like more?
Nintendo switch
Monster Hunter World light weapons vid
So one of the WoW content creators who visited BlizzHQ 2 weeks ago just leaked the feature list for the next expansion...
What went so wrong?
Alright, Sup Forums this is it. Dawn of the final day, do I buy a Switch or don't I...
Would you play it and who would you pick
Am I the only one who thought about bringing a 80s or 90s kid in the future to show him the most graphically impressive...
Slayde appreciation thread
Why does Sup Forums get so absolutely assblasted over the PS4's incredible success?
Are Nintendo fans younger, more naive and more gullible?
What is the best videogame discussion forum and why is it GameFAQs?
Become an orphan with nobody but your reckless older brother to take care of you
ITT: Post vidya girls that smell good
China overlords competing with steam
The state of pc gaming
Fuck this game. At first I was really enjoying it, but seriously...
This motherfucker slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?
What games have the theme of hard work paying off?
New Fotosketch thread. Shit is fun
Hopefully the funeral will have a bigger turnout
USB N64 Controller
Sony is patenting amiibos
Open world
Why hasn't Capcom announced any Switch games?
Overwatch villain team
It's over Steam, we have won
Will there ever be a good Pokemon game again?
How do we fix early access?
Has AMD redeemed themselves?
FUCK YOU! I'll continue to make "CONTENT VIDEOS" whether you like it or not
Creepy Parts of Old Games
Tfw no SCP game where you ticklefight the happy jello monster
Filename Thread
Working on the game = playing with literally toys
Let Sup Forums recommend me a game
What is your opinion on Goddess Lady Palutena?
That one series that gets you fuckin' giddy like a girl every time they announce a new game
Is there a gooder girl than Max? I think Max is the goodest
Is there enough advantages for gaming in Windows 10 that it's worth upgrading to and selling my soul to Bill Gates?
ITT post little bits of vidya history that show nothing ever really changes
Was the Metroid saga created for Speed Runners?
Have you ever regretted spending a lot time on a videogame?
Did Sonic finally beat Mario?
Am I the only one that thinks this game is trash
Is this the best looking handheld ever made?
Uh... bros...?
Season pass for a singleplayer game
What are you playing right now, Sup Forums?
He's the autistic, degenerate, 40-year-old!
Overwatch is a joke to other vidiya
Hey, Sup Forums, enlighten me. Why do people play this empty simulator when other racing games exist?
How is it even possible to make a game with robot dinosaurs and not have it be the tightest shit ever...
Well Sup Forums?
Kasumi lost her sex appeal
Steam removing Greenlight because they don't trust their users anymore
What is the best Civilization game?
Could a game possibly have a shittier healing system?
Why do JRPGs always end in a battle between teenagers and a deity?
Really makes my back tingle
It's been a few months. Are game carts a viable option compared to discs? Are loading times noticeably different...
Was it kino?
Better than P5
Sup Forums why is there a Fate game on steam?
Who's FUCKING IDEA was it to put Caterkillers everywhere in Marble Zone...
Are there any games that capture the atmosphere in The Thing?
Man right now Emulated Zelda BOTW looks so much better than the switch version
What am i in for?
Hit me up with some obscure PC games that I can play right now. I want to play something fucking weird and obtuse
What do you call this console?
How hard is it to make a character in Dark Souls/Bloodborne?
Is Vita hacking PSP tier yet? Like can I just pirate any game I want? If so I'm tempted to sell my vita and buy a 3...
Why does people like this series?
HOW the FUCK is this thing still selling?
What's the most pretentious game you've ever played?
What is your favorite Star Wars game?
Tfw you've been trying to find a new mmo
Seriously who the fuck likes these guys?
Persona 5 has a trans party member
Why does Sup Forums think ecelebs help sell copies of games?
So did anyone here choose Hjalmar over Cerys?
Those people that thought the second tier would go below $4 because of Mighty Number 9
Okay Sup Forums, we haven't had a good Hunger Games thread in a while
OPM Videogame
Tfw you started a Twitch channel but you're to scared to use a mic and cam
Was she canonically ZACKED?
Wich one and why Sup Forums?
ESA 2017
Subnautica thread: new HUD edition
What are some games where the developers don't fall for the THICC/high test meme pushed by fat women and their...
Gamer Culturue
You DID study today, right user? Don't tell me you're actually waiting for someone else to translate games for you
Meanwhile, aboard the HMS Sup Forums
My cat Is 18 and has dementia. What are some games that can take my mind off his soon to be passing
*intimately leans in close*
So do we know this guy's name or is he just generic warrior of light?
So I finished Splatoon 2's single player
How many hours of video games do you play a day?
First souls game. How do I fuck the doll? The guy in the wheelchair made it pretty obvious I can have my way with her
Post the first thing that comes to mind when you see this image
I know it's popular to dislike this game, but damn if I just can't hate this game...
Samus thread
Persona 5 has a trans party member
ITT: Best Games in the series
Let's play some Quiplash Sup Forums
Enemies can open doors
Why can't wizards wear heavy armor?
What's all the fuss about this game?
Vidya Weaponfus
How are you enjoying your Switch?
Was this a real life reference?
What's the last game you bought?
What are some games where you can play as a yakuza?
I finished it. It took me months of saving minimum wage pay at the fish shop...
What moment in vidya made you really hate a character
Tfw boss has same name as your wife
This is billy. He's been stuck in a fridge for 200 years. Say something nice about him
PUBG will sell 20 milllion
ITT: Greatest moments in vidya
How can one handheld have so many quality titles?
If you could live the rest of your life in a video game, which one would it be? What would you do there?
Sup Forums, please talk to me. Say something to keep my mind off the pain
If you're Killerqueen on steam and just invaded me on DS and lost Im sorry i cheated and maxxed out this character for...
Struggling getting into Morrowind
Games would be amazing to play on Nintendo Switch™
The Sims 4
Nancy Drew
Its less than fastfood bill
Jake paul
What are some multiplayer PS4 games that are either exclusive or better than their PC counter part
Who would win?
Why the FUCK aren't you playing Dragon's Dogma Online right now? There's an English patch, you have literally no excuse
Why aren't you playing Nero's game, Sup Forums?
Your move, user
What upcoming game is preventing you from commiting suicide?
GTAVI almost done. Mocap is usually done at late stages of development. Guesses on the location?
I recently bought a Switch Pro controller and had the dpad issue...
What am I in for?
What does Sup Forums drink when playing videogames?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...