Let's discuss why Slayde is the best villain in Fire Emblem history next to Desaix and Gheb. Please say only nice things about him he's sensitive.
Slayde appreciation thread
Did literally nothing wrong
That's not Rudolf.
Was willing to force down the pig feed and horse piss, but was roughly shown the door. Tragic character done right.
Better than Berkut
Why is Gheb a FE meme?
I just replayed 8 and he was completely unmemorable.
Is it because he was going to rape Tana?
Fuck this guy, he was so unlikeable. If tgat waa what they were aiming for, they did a good job.
He is a good evil guy but goddamm his map is fucking ass
I liked it. Teleported a few dudes into the left halls and then just ran up the middle with Lukas and Forsythe. Never once. And close to a death because Sniper Python and Tobias neutralize the mages every time.
What I did not like is how off the rails crazy the game goes Act 4. What the utter fuck.
Is eqsy, just bait everyone into coming to your range
The first map you fight him in was okay but that act 4 map is trash
More like GAYde
Eeks Dee
Keep in mind salyde can join you at the end of the game if you fulfill his battles correctly
>villain with all the complexity of a mustache-twirling saturday cartoon
if I wanted to see a grown man beat up kids, I'd visit your basement
step asides echoescucks, REAL motherfucking villain coming through
Alf or Celica? Who had the better path
Better army.
Less shitty maps
More coherent story.
Celica has better and more waifus though.
What had she hoped to accomplish?
Yes, plus he's ugly.
This was mid 2000s gamefaqs, that was the kind of thing we were into.
That's not Manfroy.